CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

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(@433 .beats)

14.12.14 14:39 You may have heard me tell my story about how back in 2004, XO outsourced everybody in my department and my Santa Clara apartment complex announced we'd need to relocate while they converted to condos, so we decided we'd relocate 2000 miles away in Minneapolis. It took almost the entire six months of unemployment cheques from Governor Schwarzenegger for me to finally score a temporary gig as a system adminstrator with a medical research company whose offices were in a nondescript complex in New Hope. Between them, me and Kelly Services, I think we spent more time before the contract started arguing about what my eventual hourly rate was going to be than I spent working there - they ended up cutting the contract length to a week (after I left on Friday, forcing the temp agency guy to pick up my box of UNIX manuals and coffee cup). At least it was the week of their Christmas party and I got to attend.

What turned out to be the highlight of my week came out of the random driving I would do around the area to kill time during my "lunches" where I would rely on my navigational skills and pure serendipity to discover the world around me and it was one of these trips that took me to the massive Unique Thrift Store. It's the kind of place where you can still buy an 8-track player if you need one and just walking around I still find myself audibly saying "Wow" way more times than I should. That day I picked up a few hideous ties (I still wore ugly ties back then) along with a Courvoisier glass I'd never seen before - or since - as a Christmas gift for Kim.

From then on, I'd always try to spend part of a December Saturday on a drive to New Hope and specifically that thrift store. There's usually something really cool for me to buy that I wouldn't be able to find anywhere else - even online - and it's almost always super cheap, although I did splurge on a vintage watch for Kim one year. I've also bought a lot of well used Pyrex bowls which somehow are still better than new ones would be. I've bought Kim a sweater vest covered with kittens which she has hidden away deep in some closet lest I find it again. And of course, I always seem to buy myself another shirt that I totally don't need but I like too much to not pick up for $5.99 or $2.99 or whatever.

Even after I learned there was a much more conveniently located Unique in St. Paul, not to mention a Savers in Columbia Heights - hell, there's a Savers on Lake - but it wasn't quite the same to hit those other places: I had to make that holiday pilgrimage. It's become, no pun intended, my one uniquely Minnesotan tradition that I didn't inherit as an honorary Stizel. And even when I end up empty handed on the gifts, I almost always find a new shirt I can sleep in. The added bonus of me never quite remembering the way there means I always get to explore New Hope, which would never happen any other time. Back when it was still (barely) in business, I'd add to the trip with a stop at the New Hope Kmart, which was always like travelling back in time. My highlight from Kmart was getting Joel & Aleah an "I Am T-Pain" mic which Aleah ended up liking WAY more than I ever imagined she would, much to my delight.

I went again to New Hope last night. I was extra absentminded while rolling up 169, listening to the Warp Records Essential Mix, so not only did I miss the exit, but I also missed the next one as well. So I ALSO got to see some of Brooklyn Park and Crystal this year. It was 50 outside and the snow was almost gone - so unusual for our part of America this time of year. Hell yeah, I went out in shorts! Everything was beautiful. Maybe it was the soundtrack.

Foursquare says I hadn't been here in three years, which I find hard to believe, but we did have that UK trip and maybe I did miss it last year. For the first time in a couple weeks, the sun made an appearance so I got this shot. I ended up spending about $32, buying five shirts... all for me. Oh well.

Anyway, the POINT of this status is.....hmmm. I guess I just wanted to distract you for a few minutes. And here's a photo of the sun!