CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

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(@423 .beats)

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10.12.09 09:23 
RT @bringMN: Northern Minnesota hunters believe they've caught Bigfoot on trail-cam
10.12.09 09:14 
9.12.09 19:22 
Ahhhhh! I'm the new mayor of the Target Center, bitches! #foursquare @foursquare
9.12.09 19:20 
On the skyway level, things are never as close as they seem...
9.12.09 15:37 
PREDICT! @jameskalyn: "Probably some woman will beat some other woman to win or retain one of the women's titles."
8.12.09 14:23 
Somehow, when I scheduled the dentist appt 6 months ago, it should have occurred to me it would fall just after our first blizzard
8.12.09 12:56 @CurtisJtaylor Oooh, political! :)
8.12.09 12:12 RT @applenag: So everybody read the 22,982 character, 3,833 word, 108 line Google Chrome Terms of Service before downloading, right?
8.12.09 12:08 There's nothing so entertaining as a woman Twittering against her will ;-) RT @janashortal At a mtg learning how to talk to you more
8.12.09 12:06 
8.12.09 00:44 @thankUelfano I got it! I got it!
7.12.09 23:23 
HTML ENTITY OF THE DAY: ♚ BLACK CHESS KING (#9818 / x265A) #htmlentityoftheday
7.12.09 15:09 RT @albertxii: one of the most egregious journalism fails since Dewey Defeats Truman:
7.12.09 09:47 â™« I only want to be your one life stand (keep on feeling) Tell me do you stand by your man (keep on feeling) ♫
7.12.09 09:26 
RT @bringMN: Confirmed cougar sighting in Champlin - a big cat was caught on squad car's dash cam.
7.12.09 09:24 RT @wayoutwestuk: Future Perfect & Henry Saiz remix now at our website for $0.99 each, with the added option of FLAC for no extra cost :
7.12.09 08:59 
YOGURT OF THE DAY: PEAR #yogurtoftheday
6.12.09 21:51 Chex Mix I made tastes about a million times better than that stuff from a bag. #obviousobservation
6.12.09 21:04 @hansen9j He spells his name "Cris" by the way
6.12.09 15:11 Â¡LOS RAIDERS!
5.12.09 16:44 
Oh! TUF TONIGHT? We're @ another T-Wolves game - we'll see if that's a mistake (I'll DVR it - broadcast UFC is better with FFwd)
5.12.09 14:04 
Fantastically great - why your news dept's Twitter feed shouldn't go on your billboard: (via Fox News Watch)
4.12.09 22:35 Gramercy + Fearless + @thankUelfano + Nitzer Ebb to come = a night that I envy :)
4.12.09 17:22 
RT @The_W: RIP "Umaga" Edward Fatu: March 28, 1973 - December 4, 2009
4.12.09 13:20 Everybody loves COP VIDEO! Here's AP's stop. He thought he was "only" going 85 - riiiight. (strib)
4.12.09 13:17 SOUL TRAIN MUSIC AWARDS ENCORE: Saturday 8E/7C, two hours, BET. Watch it BEFORE SNL, then compare/contrast Chaka Khan vs. Rhianna!
4.12.09 13:07 
Hard to believe in 2009 I still hand-code HTML monstrosities like World Cup schedule tables:
4.12.09 12:30 RT @thecubsfan: US is due for an illogical upset of England once every 234 years.
4.12.09 11:59 RT @theleroy: World Cup Draw - talk about dragging it out. If it took me this long to get my balls out I'd not have time to do anythin else!
4.12.09 11:45 @thankUelfano I have some other digital goodies for you, though - details will be directly messaged for your eyes only
4.12.09 11:44 Thank u @thankUelfano el fano! I failed to find your remix last night - I didn't know it hadn't been released yet; I may need some weeks :)
3.12.09 23:44 RIP Eric Woolfson :( Thanks for the music. Hard to believe you were almost exactly as old as my parents.
3.12.09 22:48 @upsidedowntext ¡ɹǝʇʇıʍ┴ uo ɐʎ ǝǝs oʇ pooפ ¡ʎǝH
3.12.09 18:32 
OMG FLURRIES! Let the season of shitty Midwestern drivers BEGIN!
3.12.09 18:23 â™« There's a fragile tension / That's keeping us going / It may not last forever / But always is flowing ♫
3.12.09 18:07 
TWITTER SECRET: Since I learned my office was getting recarpeted next month, I've been flicking boogers on it like nobody's business
3.12.09 18:01 
THANKS, SVEN - just what we needed to hear RT @svensundgaard: Coldest night of the season (so far) tonight!
3.12.09 17:49 Hmm @HackmanRSPW, if bio@ correct, GG was 25 - what law did she break? (Also: me@17 would def think she's hot)
3.12.09 14:18 I also haven't seen a "retweet by others" for weeks on that particular tab. Last one was 11/19. @twitter needs to sort it out!
3.12.09 14:04 125 days held in Iran and no resolution in sight - it ain't right, people. #ssj SIGN THE PETITION!
3.12.09 13:43 @thankUelfano I'll check my hard drive when I get home - it may already be there! :)
3.12.09 12:38 Find this @thankUelfano: Depeche Mode - Fragile Tension (Kris Menace's Love On Laserdisc Remix) I wish YOU "Love On Laserdisc!"
3.12.09 11:51 
2.12.09 12:26 @HackmanRSPW Pay cable needs no dotted line to softcore when they can just air "MAX after dark" may be in a puroresu bubble
2.12.09 12:12 Fonts in my head will always summon @thankUelfano :) FUN WITH UNICODE OF THE DAY:
2.12.09 11:51 CONFUSION ♫You just can't believe me / when I tell you what you mean to me♫ CONFUSION
2.12.09 10:29 @albertxii I think the target ages need as many characters as they can get. Me, I'd prefer "Squequel" (OR having never existed, actually)
2.12.09 10:26 
@JeffRSmall Since I try not to pay more than 50¢ for a #yogurtoftheday my answer would unfortunately have to be "no" :)
2.12.09 09:36 Since I changed my Office Communicator font to 18 point olive Mistral, my IM chats at work seem to go much more quickly
2.12.09 09:29 
YOGURT OF THE DAY: BLACKBERRY HARVEST (thick & creamy) #yogurtoftheday
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