CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

this page generated 20.9.24 17:15 CDT
(@968 .beats)

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7.4.10 21:23 
So long from the Target Center! FINAL: Warriors 116 #Twolves 107 - you suck, Nellie - good night, fanchatter
7.4.10 21:13 
During runs like this, I find myself asking "How come they always go down by 20?" #Twolves (108-104, :43.6)
7.4.10 21:11 
#Twolves just went ahead of the Warriors(' 3Q score) (108-100, 1:45)
7.4.10 21:01 
I think tonight Jack has filled his "organ noodling" quota for the week...and then some. #Twolves
7.4.10 20:57 
Guys, keep this on the down low but I'm starting to think that the #Twolves "Howl-O-Meter" is just a non-interactive piece of video!
7.4.10 20:44 
The Warriors could score NOTHIN' in Q4 and I'm not sure the #Twolves could take back the lead tonight... (99-78, 12:00 4th)
7.4.10 20:28 
Who is.Anthony Tolliver an how did he get 30 on the #Twolves in 2.5 quarters?!
7.4.10 18:30 
The Mayor is WAY EARLY! Go #twolves and GO DARKO! (@ Target Center)
7.4.10 18:28 
#Twolves announced inactive tonight: Jawai, Jefferson
7.4.10 17:39 @itvr Thanks for the follow, but seriously. Let. It. Go.
7.4.10 11:43 You've only blogged for, like, A WEEK RT @KevinMarshall: Vote in's Best of the Capital Region. Put me in for best blog...
7.4.10 11:42 
@mcpherrw Thanks for the follow! Your "following" list is a fine group of celebrities (and @The_W) to be in.
7.4.10 10:58 
7.4.10 00:25 It's no fun when you're ANTICIPATING it RT @albertxii now all of my Twitter followers can prank call me!
6.4.10 17:18 @CoolMojo I'll bruise you.
6.4.10 13:25 When your every tweet is an expression of utter awe, your "Wow." becomes worthless. Just sayin'.
6.4.10 11:58 - Oh but yes - my Best of @SoulTrain box set arrived in the mail today!
6.4.10 11:48 I read this as "Feel the bum" and got excited - then realised it was just my dirty mind RT @kylieminogue Feel the burn...
6.4.10 11:39 
6.4.10 01:03 
.@CraigyFerg ...or @GeoffPeterson_ or @Assmodeous - man, this cat's got more Twitter usernames...
6.4.10 00:57 
.@CraigyFerg Should I follow @skeldiddy or @GeoffPetersen? Ah hell, I'll follow both. I'm such an early adopter! (Except for iPads)
5.4.10 23:25 RT @EricStangel: NCAA Championship: I guess no one at Buffalo Wild Wings wanted this game to go to overtime...
5.4.10 20:32 
Roughly translated to English, "LAOCH" means "will wait through commercial break for man walking backstage to finally get to ring"
5.4.10 20:19 
I feel like @DavidOtunga may even have a worse lisp than @JackSwaggerRAW
5.4.10 17:37 
@HackmanRSPW Hey, I think that tweet contains a spoiler! Good thing I watched the show already. ;-)
5.4.10 13:05 Tiger Woods: goatee = heel?
5.4.10 10:58 
YOUGRT OF THE DAY: BOYSENBERRY (fruit on the bottom)
4.4.10 23:44 
RT @PerkatPlay: Twins have a better record than the Yankees
4.4.10 22:28 Naaaaaaaah. Perhaps it is Twitter who doesn't understand ME! RT @CurtisJtaylor @CRZ It's possible you just don't understand twitter.
4.4.10 21:28 Don't worry, the douchés I'm talking about will never know I'm talking about them. RT @hansen9j @CRZ I refuse to change who I am.
4.4.10 21:09 You know...I'm following some real jerks. And yet, how could I unfollow them when doing so means losing their "perspective?"
4.4.10 01:36 Just watched the Overeem/Poturak fight - ah, yes.... *that's* why I DVR'd this show...
4.4.10 01:06 I have no idea why I DVR'd the K-1 World GP. I further have no idea why I can't stop watching it now. THANKS @HDNetFights
3.4.10 20:48 
Call me Captain Obvious, but the #Twolves are so much more fun to watch when Darko is in and/or they're not down by 20
3.4.10 19:58 
For NBA Green Week, I drove to the #Twolves game instead of taking the bus-- oh wait.
3.4.10 19:10 
The Mayor is IN! Let's go for 2 #Twolves! (@ Target Center w/ 8 others)
3.4.10 01:35 
Can't believe a web search for "can i go up stairs and in the basement on my home confinement bracelet" led to @The_W - but...I can
3.4.10 00:18 
Get this - the @KFC_Colonel Double Down has LESS calories, fat AND sodium than MANY "fast food" sandwiches!
2.4.10 16:06 O + ♥
2.4.10 13:25 
Maaaaaaan @rubytrax is going to go bonkers over this Prins Thomas album when she listens to it
2.4.10 13:25 
Sure sounds more and more like Darko WILL be playing for the #twolves next year - I hope he does! I need to justify season tickets!
2.4.10 12:00 â™« Before you, my whole life was acapella ♫ (Hey, *I* don't spell it that way but I won't argue with @iamkelis and her vision)
2.4.10 11:50 RT @jonahballow: Yikes! Ron Ron in a new reality show (via Ball Don't Lie):
2.4.10 11:48 @thankUelfano Some links are dead, but there may be other ways...will poke around this weekend...stay tuned to this station...#FF :)
2.4.10 11:36 
1.4.10 19:32 
Just another incredible Minnesota April
1.4.10 17:32 
Awesome. Finally, CONFIRMATION: I'll be first in line ( the restroom, shortly after ingestion)
1.4.10 17:04 
RT @svensundgaard: First 80 officially reached in the Twin Cities! Normal is May 5th!
1.4.10 15:12 I was asked if I'd ever noticed how attacks on the Pope seem to reach a crescendo between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Huh.
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