CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

this page generated 20.9.24 19:44 CDT
(@072 .beats)

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11.4.10 16:56 Tried waching @comcast's 3D CBS on our (obviously) non-3D TV - interestingly, we could kind of "magic eye" cross to get...SOMETHING
11.4.10 16:51 
On the plus side, my loyalties are no longer divided for the @NHL Playoffs - #sharks #sharks #letsgosharks #commencebeardthursday
11.4.10 16:50 Aw, nuts. #rangers
11.4.10 16:46 Did I hear that right that an @NHL shootout has never determined a playoff in-or-out before?
11.4.10 16:44 Oh man #2 - it'll go to the shootout #rangers #flyers - if you get NHL Network, now is the time to watch it
11.4.10 16:34 Oh man....not overtime #flyers #rangers
11.4.10 16:08 Goal Flyers - 1-1, 13:06 3rd
11.4.10 04:01 ...or tweeting? RT @Lagana: Is it worse to be asleep and dreaming with your subconcious or awake with your thoughts?
10.4.10 22:38 
Didn't really make up for four hours of snooze RT @JayJayDean Holy crap this is gonna be awesome #greenwhitecheckered
10.4.10 21:43 RIP Dixie Carter (the "Designing Women" woman, not @tnadixie) (via @fffaw)
10.4.10 21:28 @Brunch101 Thanks for the unfollow!
10.4.10 19:30 
Oh my God, NASCAR on FOX, please stop this "brackets" crap. (I know that can't happen due to sponsorship but this is so so terrible)
10.4.10 19:28 RT @WFMU: A Malcolm McLaren Tribute Mix by DJ Premier -
10.4.10 16:58 ....and there we go.
10.4.10 16:52 
Hey wait WHAT RT @Mike_Zeidler: @CRZ Uh, you may want to drive by your local KFC, I picked up a double down today.
10.4.10 16:51 Maybe if I start watching this game that dude won't get his no-hitter!
10.4.10 16:44 
You don't say. RT @HowardKurtz: GfeGet
10.4.10 04:00 
So, like, everyone's done a Tiger Woods ad parody by now. So here's mine:
10.4.10 03:59 OMG! @grumpymartian has been on Twitter since at least November without telling me! And now she's provisional follower #135!
9.4.10 19:12 
I haven't seen so many jerseys for a dude not playing for the #Twolves since Garnett left - man I dislike Kobe
9.4.10 19:03 
The Mayor is IN! Go #Twolves! (@ Target Center w/ 9 others)
9.4.10 14:23 Hey, I have another idea. (Uh oh.)
9.4.10 13:14 
I see how it is...I tweet about the incredible (and carb friendly!) KFC Double Down...suddenly miracle weight loss fruit scammers follow me
9.4.10 13:13 Guys, keep this under your hats but I have a sneaky suspicion that Provisional Follower #134 @asamfruitfacts may be advertising something
9.4.10 13:12 @Brunch101 Thanks for the follow!
9.4.10 13:07 You figured out it only existed in my mind, right? RT @thecubsfan: @CRZ i've very disappointed you didn't post a link to a video of this
9.4.10 13:05 I would have no idea what Sarah Palin was saying today if (you don't even seem to like her!) weren't busy tweeting her every word
9.4.10 13:02 You mean Monday! More than one? No way RT @JayJayDean: @CRZ I may fast today just so I can have more room for several Double Downs tomorrow.
9.4.10 12:58 By the way, I retweeted myself A LOT MORE in my younger, more virile days.
9.4.10 12:58 
I know I just RT'd myself, but people... there's ONLY ONE BUSINESS DAY until we can have a KFC Double Down!!
9.4.10 12:57 
The KFC Double Down actually has LESS calories/fat/sodium than many other "fast food" sandwiches
9.4.10 12:19 Remember when @jeffrsmall used to follow me? Good times. #unfollowfriday
9.4.10 11:15 
8.4.10 16:22 Gentlemen, I have seen "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus," and I can tell you that "Mega Piranha" is no "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus."
8.4.10 15:53 
Why did I only learn this TODAY? Shoulda been @The_W banner RT @ geekosystem: Happy 20th Birthday, Twin Peaks
8.4.10 14:04 RIP :( RT @KevinMarshall: Malcolm McLaren, mgr of the Sex Pistols & highly controversial figure, has died.
8.4.10 12:37 I know I'm a day late on this, but the Tiger Woods commercial is a whole lot funnier with the audio replaced by the "Meow Mix" theme
8.4.10 09:04 @dhm Scott and Chris have blogs, so they probably don't need Twitter. I never got a blog, so I am fractured across multiple platforms
8.4.10 09:01 @drhogie Thanks for the follow! I can only disappoint you now.
8.4.10 08:21 I'm surprised/delighted that @DanniiMinogue and @SchiavelloVOICE know each other (maybe all Australians know all other Australians?)
8.4.10 08:17 @JaciWalker Thanks for the follow - and the retweet!
8.4.10 08:08 Fortunately, I made it in right on time at 8am! Unfortunately, our India con-call number isn't working, so we're all waiting...
8.4.10 08:05 
8.4.10 02:28 Remember, kids...when you absolutely *must* be on an 8am conference sure to stay up until 2:30am messin' around on Twitter
8.4.10 02:18 - This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about
8.4.10 02:15 @jameskalyn Oh man now I lost ANOTHER one. THIS ISN'T WORKING
8.4.10 00:59 @dhm Oh, I don't NEED them, but I saw similar begging on T earlier today and wanted to engage in some artful parody (and wrote that instead)
8.4.10 00:55 I'm not sure what's funnier - @itvr following me, @itvr UNfollowing me a scant few hours later... or the mere existence of @itvr
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