CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

this page generated 27.9.24 17:39 CDT
(@985 .beats)

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15.6.10 19:46 TONIGHT'S OFFICIALS: M. McCutchen, J. DeRosa, K. Mauer (thanks @NBA / (Sorry to bother you @marcel_mutoni, I got it)
15.6.10 19:38 Easiest call to make tonight: tonight's officials will do everything in their power to ensure a Game 7 in these NBA Finals #celtics #lakers
15.6.10 19:33 Ah, good catch RT @CurtisJtaylor: He's carefully using "BP" tonight instead of his previous "british petroleum"
15.6.10 19:22 Wow, and to think I was worried President Obama might let this crisis go to waste! Electric cars, here we come!
15.6.10 14:13 @thecubsfan You mean, in English?
15.6.10 10:50 I want you to know, I was HILARIOUS last night - so if you missed any recent tweets, better click on my username (I think THAT still works)
14.6.10 21:48 Oh, oh, Sheamus - his trunks say LAOCH, an ancient Gaelic word meaning "Giving Jerry Lawler great feeling using a lead pipe"
14.6.10 21:47 RT @theoriginaltime: Hometown thank you and we love you #Minneapolis - The Time
14.6.10 21:47 If you're still interested, my writeup of The Time at Epic in Minneapolis is right HERE: @theoriginaltime
14.6.10 21:46 RT @Lagana: Great finish in IC Title match in 1981 - Simple, effective and see how the people reacted. No swerves.
14.6.10 20:30 
When worlds collide - oh dear. #RAW @mikethemiz RT @TravisKvapil: Seriously the dude from Real World!! Lol
14.6.10 20:15 
Well, they DID decide to totally invalidate the entire @WWENXT first season in (checks watch) just under 15 minutes. KUDOS #WWE
14.6.10 19:10 OK, that list of @CorinoWrestling was pretty damn funny. "Phillip Brooks!" @ROHonHDNet
14.6.10 14:59 Why didn't I think of @the_vuvuzela? This is why I am only torturing 152 followers instead of gazillions!
14.6.10 14:06 Today I made my workplace a little bit better by switching the #worldcup broadcast on the TV from ESPN to Univision
14.6.10 13:12 Sorry, Twitter, I missed the memo. Here's my obligatory #vuvuzela tweet #worldcup #usa #svn #eng #alg #ilikeflags
14.6.10 01:59 I'll write it up tomorrow. IT WAS AWESOME. Thanks for asking! :)
13.6.10 23:50 ENCORE: Jungle Love
13.6.10 23:43 The Bird
13.6.10 23:39 The Walk
13.6.10 23:34 Gigolos Get Lonely Too
13.6.10 23:25 Ice Cream Castles
13.6.10 23:13 If The Kid Can't Make You Come
13.6.10 23:10 Crazay (I think)
13.6.10 23:09 Jesse Johnson Revue song (the O O O one - Be Your Man)
13.6.10 23:05 Jesse solo / blues number I should know
13.6.10 23:00 Skillet
13.6.10 22:57 Jerk Out
13.6.10 22:55 The Oak Tree
13.6.10 22:54 Fishnet
13.6.10 22:50 My Drawers
13.6.10 22:47 Blondie
13.6.10 22:45 The Stick
13.6.10 22:44 777-9311
13.6.10 22:42 FAKEOUT: Wild and Loose
13.6.10 22:41 Girl
13.6.10 22:27 Cool
13.6.10 22:25 Intro / Get It Up
13.6.10 22:21 IT'S TIME
13.6.10 21:49 Still no Time...maybe at 10? I'm also starting to doubt the "work-friendliness" promised...or this will be the shortest set ever
13.6.10 21:24 And now - what - a brief intermission...
13.6.10 21:19 Just because I'm not making any noise, New Congress front man, doesn't mean I'm "hatin'" #bringonthetimealready
13.6.10 20:55 I don't much care WHERE in Minneapolis this opening dude is from...he ain't The Time - appx. 0% of the building is jumping
13.6.10 20:05 I may tweet tonight's setlist in real (The) maybe unfollow me for a few hours :)
13.6.10 20:02 Here for @theoriginaltime - YAIS. (@ Epic Entertainment)
12.6.10 22:05 RT @Support: Is your Tweet count off? Don't worry, the Tweets are still there. We are working quickly to restore your counts back to normal.
12.6.10 21:47 
HTML ENTITY OF THE DAY: ☺ WHITE SMILING FACE (#9786 / x263A) #htmlentityoftheday
12.6.10 21:41 Hmm, I lost about 1000 tweets when I wasn't looking. Anybody else? #twitterbug #maybe
12.6.10 16:21 I just ousted @evakeiser as the mayor of Arby's - U of M on @foursquare!
12.6.10 01:24 @OMJason Yeah...uh...ask me in December ;-)
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