CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

this page generated 20.9.24 19:53 CDT
(@079 .beats)

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11.3.14 15:09 
Listened to O'Bryan Burnette II - Soul Train's A Comin' (remix) on SoundCloud
11.3.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 20.46 ▼0.10 (Range: 20.33 - 20.59)
11.3.14 13:45 
11.3.14 12:13 
11.3.14 11:24 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
10.3.14 22:27 @tapemachines Okay NOW I regret watching My Local News™.
10.3.14 22:26 Can of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper
10.3.14 22:18 
To this day, I have no idea what this man wanted us to think as he licked his hand. (animated GIF)
10.3.14 21:54 
10.3.14 21:18 
So who was Damien Sandow facing? #RAW
10.3.14 21:04 
Hashtags kill kayfabe #RAW
10.3.14 21:02 
Triple H said "trolls," everybody! #RAW
10.3.14 21:01 
Hey, old guy leads the hour for the third time on this show! #RAW
10.3.14 21:00 
(Also, RIP Test) #smackdownondailymotion
10.3.14 20:59 
Highlight: Booker calls Rebecca Romijn-Stamos a "yak" (yes, I'm watching this instead of whatever hashtag crap #RAW wants me to watch)
10.3.14 20:58 
LL Cool J licks his hand, Chris Klein, Rebecca Romijn, @JCLayfield, @BookerT5x and a cast of thousands on Smackdown:
10.3.14 20:47 
So weird to see LL Cool J on #RAW and not constantly licking his palm
10.3.14 20:42 
Natalya uses Owen Hart's catchphrase; Martha Hart calls attorneys #RAW
10.3.14 20:41 
Cole: "Natalya, would you please read the next pre-scripted index card in front of you?" Natalya: "..." #RAW
10.3.14 20:28 
Photo: Cody Rhodes’ junk #RAW
10.3.14 20:04 
What's that guy's name again? #RAW
10.3.14 20:04 
Hogan leads hour one... the ghost of Take leads hour two - I'm sensing a pattern (baldness) of old dudes here #RAW
10.3.14 19:37 I am PRAYING for The Chrisley to pull a 0.0 rating.
10.3.14 19:06 
Remember when Hogan did that gorilla shooting star press on the 1200 pound Andre the Giant in front of 250,000 screaming Hulkamaniacs? #RAW
10.3.14 19:01 
And SPEAKING of "old man tweets," here's THE HULKSTER #RAW
10.3.14 19:01 Man, this episode of "NCIS: LA" is a little brutal for the family hour, isn't it? #oldmantweets @USA_Network
10.3.14 18:52 
Just "tuned in" to #WWEPreShow - has Jimmy Hart plugged @Wrestlicious1 yet?
10.3.14 18:15 
Rainbow Foods (Minneapolis, MN)
10.3.14 17:34 
[3/3] @AlFranken The question of anti-competitiveness in Minneapolis cable was settled long before anybody thought about this merger.
10.3.14 17:32 
[2/3] @AlFranken If the Comcast/TWC merger does not go through, I will have one choice of cable provider in Minneapolis: Comcast.
10.3.14 17:32 
[1/3] @AlFranken If the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger goes through, I will have one choice of cable provider in Minneapolis: Comcast.
10.3.14 16:28 
Listened to The Orb - DJ Set - The Orb live at Brixton Electric April 2013
10.3.14 16:18 
24 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
10.3.14 15:10 California Vegetable
10.3.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 20.56 ▼0.03 (Range: 20.45 - 20.71)
10.3.14 13:53 Aw, geez, Google stopped underlining links. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
10.3.14 13:50 Coffee!
10.3.14 12:49 
How many months has it been since the Snowden petition crossed the WH threshold... like six or seven?
10.3.14 12:19 
10.3.14 10:00 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
9.3.14 20:31 
Wolves...ugh (#raptors 111 - #twolves 104) @ Target Center
9.3.14 19:44 
#TWOLVES DOUBLE DOUBLE ALERT! KEVIN LOVE: 52 (21 & 10, 0:35.8 3rd) #WolvesAreHere @kevinlove #WolvesMadness
9.3.14 19:34 
#TWOLVES DOUBLE DOUBLE ALERT! NIKOLA PEKOVIC: 23 (15 & 10, 4:52 3rd) #WolvesAreHere (first since 1/25) #WolvesMadness
9.3.14 19:07 
HALFTIME: #raptors 53 - #twolves 52 @ Target Center
9.3.14 18:44 
Um, REAL #WolvesMadness is letting the subs give up a 13-0 #raptors run (46-33, 8:47 2nd)
9.3.14 18:22 
#WolvesKlondike 32
9.3.14 17:57 
LET'S GO #TWOLVES! BEAT THE #raptors! (at @TargetCenterMn w/ 18 others)
9.3.14 17:57 
LET'S GO #TWOLVES! BEAT THE #raptors! - Target Center (Minneapolis, MN)
9.3.14 15:05 
NASCAR's live leaderboard is down; FOX tweaked ticker still ain't doing it for me - maybe I'll just go outside and get a life or something
9.3.14 14:17 @webster You're not on Swatch Internet Time? RT @Internet_Time: IT is now @​
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