CRZ is Christopher Robin Zimmerman

this page generated 20.9.24 20:07 CDT
(@088 .beats)

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30.11.15 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 19.58 ▲0.08 (Range: 19.54 - 19.74)
30.11.15 14:43 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
30.11.15 12:56 Turns out I am not immune to reposting the occasional trending photo when I can link you to the original source instead of some TV station's repost whoring for Likes or openly tweeting a request for free reign to "license" it without paying her...shoot, I'm ruining this awesome photo. I'll shut up now. HEY LOOK AT THIS NEAT PHOTO
30.11.15 12:28 
30.11.15 11:46 
Listened to NERO - Between II Worlds
30.11.15 11:31 @Markysparkly I never watched that show!
30.11.15 11:20 
RT @NeroUK: The video to our next singe Into The Night is up on youtube. We're very proud of this one.
30.11.15 11:13 
30.11.15 10:30 
Commute update for Matthew Hansen (and YOU!) 280 was fantastic, although this is probably the only time you'll catch me under the speed limit on it. One car didn't negotiate their exit very well as, instead of turning, they apparently slid halfway down the berm. 35W wasn't a sheet of ice - at least the mile I was on wasn't. I only (anti-)locked the brakes once and that was during early goings on Franklin Ave. Now, having said all that...I'm STILL planning on doing half of today and probably all of tomorrow working from home if possible.
30.11.15 10:25 
You know...not nearly as bad as I worried. I think the plows made it out ahead of me.
(Still planning on leaving early to work from home)
30.11.15 10:22 
 Veritas (Roseville, MN)
30.11.15 09:57 
OK, time for my 7 mile drive to Roseville. How long will a usually 10-15 minute drive take me today? Stay tuned to this social network!
30.11.15 09:38 
Gas meter inspector finally arrived, telling me it took him 90 minutes to get here from Blaine. I am NOT looking forward to my drive to Roseville and back. On the plus side, I made a good cup of tea this morning.
30.11.15 09:04 English Breakfast
30.11.15 08:53 
RT @ComoZoo: Days like this are tough... #ComoZoo ❄️
30.11.15 08:43 
Starting the week off right, here's an "Ophanage" worker from the now familiar city of Tamale, Ghana - it's "Chiag David" and if you're like me, you're not sure what kind of name "Chiag" is...unless it's made up, like these folks are!
30.11.15 08:42 
(Obligatory "it's snowing earlier than I was ready for even though it's practically December" status follows) Whyyyyyy didn't I go into the office and get my laptop LAST night? At least any concerns I had about suddenly losing my cardio have been alleviated by the 20 minutes of shoveling I hadn't planned on doing just now. (Also, why did I tell CenterPoint last week that this morning between 8 and 10 would be a good time for the gas meter inspection?)
30.11.15 08:07 
Heeeeey snow. Now I wish I'd gone by the office yesterday to pick up the laptop so I wouldn't have to work there today
29.11.15 22:30 RT @crz_ebooks: Every day I completed my unreleased Sneaker Pimps MP3 collection
29.11.15 19:48 
Last walk of the year? From atop the pedestrian bridge (not bad for a phone)
29.11.15 19:42 
 Did I even know this place existed? - Chergosky Park (Minneapolis, MN)
29.11.15 19:11 Long (long, long) lap - "2.69 miles"
29.11.15 16:58 
GORGUI DIENG: 2 (12 & 10, 0:33.3 4th)
29.11.15 16:42 
@HaveTilFive @HeelWillMahoney Looks like he beat Jannetty 12/27/93 by cheating (cradle + Pierre), lost a rematch 1/31/94 by Rocker Dropper
29.11.15 16:28 
@HeelWillMahoney It was just for 1 taping around Survivor Series coinciding w/ Lawler suspension/girl trouble (so Michaels suspension ended)
29.11.15 16:09 
@HeelWillMahoney "Reo Rodgers" did, like one Michaels vignette, 1-2 weeks of Superstars commentary & the one Michaels interview segment IIRC
29.11.15 15:28 @kwatt If I can ask, are you paying some service for plane Wi-Fi (how much) or does the airline include it?
29.11.15 02:38 Ooh, "They Live" is on right after "Videodrome!" THANKS ENCORE CHANNEL
29.11.15 01:51 1:50 shouldn't FEEL early... but here we are.
29.11.15 00:47 From Grumpy's - "2.28 miles"
29.11.15 00:08 
It is The Tim Kennedy Blues Implosion (sorry @trailerdiva!)
(Grumpy's Bar & Grill)
28.11.15 23:32 
It is Black Rockstar
(Grumpy's Bar & Grill)
28.11.15 22:35 
It is 4th St Shakers
(Grumpy's Bar & Grill)
28.11.15 21:54 
I just dethroned @carlazetina as the Mayor of @grumpysne (but really DT) on @Swarmapp!
28.11.15 21:53 
 Grumpy's Bar & Grill (Minneapolis, MN)
28.11.15 21:19 To Grumpy's - "2.26 miles"
28.11.15 21:16 On my way to Grumpy's DT - PROBABLY the last walkin' round trip of the year for me. If you have no plans, come see this FREE show!
28.11.15 17:15  Well...I was sorta in the neighborhood - Hy-Vee (New Hope, MN)
28.11.15 16:45  I've never been! - Down in the Valley - Crystal (Crystal, MN)
28.11.15 16:41 .@DublDownDrew They didn't even ask for my Battery Club card!
28.11.15 16:39 I just bought 73 batteries and a 1' audio cable at a RadioShack - what year is it
28.11.15 16:28  Could this be the last Shack open in the Twin Cities metro? Let's find out - RadioShack (Crystal, MN)
28.11.15 15:00  Wow! - Blue Sun Soda Shop (Spring Lake Park, MN)
28.11.15 14:27 RT @luchablog: Headed to AAW in a while. You can find me by looking for the antisocial loner at the wrestling show. I'll be wearing an ironic black shirt.
28.11.15 14:08 French Roast
28.11.15 13:05 RT @crz_ebooks: I wish Twitter had a second crust hidden underneath it
28.11.15 04:00 Cinnamon Apple Chamomile
28.11.15 01:14 From Triple Rock (brrrrr!) - "1.98 miles"
28.11.15 00:32 
It is Birthday Suits (
(Triple Rock Social Club)
27.11.15 23:38 
From Milwaukee, it is Kill-A-Watts (
(Triple Rock Social Club)
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