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Sharon Austin




Greetings, sports entertainment fans! Well, I'm tired but I had to stay up for RAW! Damn dog show! Anyway, last week's RAW completely rocked and while this week's didn't quite equal last week's-hey, it was still better than the <*laughing*> competition. You know I've been thinking about this latest lawsuit to hit WCW-the racial discrimination one. Why aren't the luchadores involved in this suit? I mean, aside from Russo's stupid racist remarks, that pinata on a pole match was enough for a lawsuit! Although to be fair to VR, I remember there being a wallet stolen and them making the Mexicans line up and take their masks off to pick out a suspect. Hmmm..and John Rocker works for this organization...Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think?

I would love to participate in something like the movie 'Being John Malkovich' but instead it would be 'Being Vince McMahon'. (No I didn't see the movie but the premise intrigues me) He has quite a few questions to answer like-

  • Why did you put D'Lo with the Godfather? Is it punishment for the rumors of going to WCW? Or for the crippling of Droz?
  • Why are Mae & Mark together? And why would you try to sell an 80 yr.old being pregnant?
  • Why did you hire BB? And just when did she cross the line to Superstar? Was it the bikini match or the first time Ivory ripped off her shirt? The woman always looks like a deer caught in the headlights. And please oh please, don't let this rumor of her joining Edge & Christian be true! They didn't need Terri, they certainly don't need her!
  • Why don't you put the Dudleys against aPa (on RAW) and the NAO (On Smackdown) and give 2Blondes & Hardys a vacation? They deserve a Maui vacation more than Paul Wight!
  • Why is BBM still around??
  • What's up with Luna? They're 'reevaluating' her role? I mean how else are they going to package her? She's Luna Toons! I'm sorry but that's her! She must've jumped Pat Patterson or something. Well, I hope her 'vacation' isn't too long!
  • How cool was it to see Papi Chulo or Esse Rios back in action? And damn, Amy or Lita looked great! It's so cool to see this Hardy protegee strut her stuff! Wow, I never realized she was so pretty! They had her looking rather skanky in ECW.
  • I really hope WWF signs up Midnight-seeing her face Chyna in the ring would be awesome!
  • Speaking of Chyna, she looked great on the Tonight show! And she handled Jay very well, but I don't remember him being quite so condescending to the WCW wrestlers-think he's hoping for an invite to Wrestlemania?
  • Back to RAW-was that Joey Styles as the hotel clerk? No Joey, stay with ECW! I don't think I could take a Styles-Ross announce team! OH MY GOD!!!! (That's frightening - I thought THE EXACT SAME THING!! - CRZ)

    Until next time,
    [slash] wrestling

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