Hey it's me! Well, I really liked Rebecca's Love It/Hate It idea
so I co-opted it (that's a nice way to say I stole it-OK?) This time I
want to do a Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down like observation of my favorite
federation. Feel free to agree, disagree or just shake your head in
disgust. Let's start with the positive, shall we?
Thumbs Up!
- The Rock on the mic- damn, I love everything about this man
(well..except for the way he treats women)! He's been truly
inspirational lately, and all you roody-poos who think he's
repetitive-shut up! So's Road Dogg-it's called having a
catchphrase-get with the program! I really like this new turn
with him and Mankind as a tag team-they have great chemistry!
- Chyna-This woman has it all, it's too bad so many of you are so
blinded by your insecurities that you don't give her the props
she so richly deserves! She gave HHH one of the best matches he's
had in a long time, she was great at King of the Ring and she was
in the Royal Rumble! I am so glad she's getting a shot at that IC
belt! I hope she gets it! She is my hero!
- The arrival of Chris Jericho- Being a novice, I've never seen him
wrestle and after seeing that double powerbomb he gave Road Dogg,
I'm very impressed. I can't wait to see him up against X-Pac,
Edge or Christian!
- Edge & Christian- Although I'm a big Edge fan, I was disappointed
they chose to split up the Brood.They were one of the coolest
groups out there! But I'm glad Christian chose to stay with
his*brother*, they make a good tag team! I also think the Hardys
and Gangrel make a good trio!
- The Acolytes- I love these guys! They're brutal and they
have great moves! OK, so the illusion is shattered when they
speak on the mic but they let their in ring skills speak for
them! I cannot wait to see them face up to the Dudleyz!
- Kane- The Big Red Machine is outstanding! In the ring, this guy
is awesome! I said it before, who'd a thunk a guy with basically
no voice would be so over! His partnership with X-Pac is sweet
but it's time for him to go for his own title belt! I still wish
they'd developed a story for him & Chyna!
Now on to my Thumbs Down...
- No lightweight matches- Where is Gillburg? You've got some great
potential contenders with Edge, Christian, Jericho, Test, X-Pac,
etc.-where is this belt? I hear that Terry Taylor is working on
bringing this title belt-I hope he succeeds. As it stands, there
are only 4 belts to work for, come on!
- Chyna really needs her own entrance music. It was very weird to
hear HHH's theme twice when they faced off against each other.
And why isn't her name in that entrance video?
- Vince McMahon's absence- For once, a stipulation they enforced!
But hey, I kinda miss the big lug.Shane's almost as bad as Vince
but I just think he's a cutie.
- Edge getting married-OK this has nothing to do with the WWF
angles but I'm heartbroken. Honey, how can you think you've found
your soulmate when you haven't even met ME yet?! *Sob!*
- The role of women in the WWF- Every week I'm subjected to
puppies, Terri's revealing outfits (and body parts)and now
kittens, while real female wrestlers languish in the back. I
truly hope Smackdown will feature more women WRESTLING and not
standing around posing.
- Speaking of that, what's up with Jacky & Luna running in for the
save? Girls, it's time to go after that belt! Forget those two
and their strange fued. I really wish Vince would work on a
better angle for Tori & Ivory-if we had seen Tori go after
someone Ivory was involved with, I could understand her calling
her a slut but Tori's been in hiding for a few weeks. Then she
comes out to be called such names! I like Ivory but are they
trying to make her Sable Jr.? I'm glad to hear a Luna/Ivory title
match has been added to Unforgiven-go Luna!
On that note, I'm going! Until next time, dear readers...
Sharon Austin
The World's Most Dangerous Abs
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