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Guest Columns | Don Thomas |
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The Bad, the Good, and the Indifferent
Some People just love there censorship. I see so much about the PTC and after reading some of your columns here I had to check out what they are all about. >From the way I understood there press conference release (http://pwbts.com/press.html ) according to Mr Bozell they seem mainly to be concerned with....well they think the US Military shouldn't be associated with something violent. (Gee Hope he doesn't start watching John Wayne Films, or Saving Private Ryan). He also refers to a Mockery of U.S. Presidents, which the Press Release later clarifies (Some people missed this point in there comments) as something that happened on the Fox Show The Family Guy. (They also complained about some other Fox show, Action...I never heard of it, but what do I know?) I personally did not see the Episode of Family guy where this terrible scene was shown, but knowing the show, I am sure it was both Funny and clearly NOT presented as an accurate histoical portrayal of Your President Lincoln, and General's Grant and Lee naked with Prostitutes.
Also if you read one point in that Press Conference, they throw in The Late
Owen Hart's Death as WIndow Dressing. Also I think the U.S Military showing Recruiting ads during a show that has young people watching violent confrontations might not be all that bad? I mean would the PTC be happier if the U.S. Armed Forces consisted of individuals recruited from ads run during "Winning at Chess Weekly"? Point is, I agree that these shows (WWF Raw etc, even the family guy) may not be appropriate for children, and if I had kids, I likely would NOT let them watch such shows unless I was sure they were ready for them.... But as I don't, (And even if I did) I don't see where they have the right to decide that a little harmless SIMULATED violence Is something I can't watch. I wonder what the PTC thinks of the fact that last Friday, a HOLIDAY WEEKEND, when kids across the country were home watching TV, TBS played 24 hours of Movies Starring Clint Eastwood, where he played quiet, mean characters that beat up, injured and Killed a whole Whack of guys? Or what of TBS' 15 days of 007? Here we have a secret agent who kills, sleeps with various women, as well as drinks, smokes, and is involved with many big explosions, and we get to see at least 2 movies a night and more on the weekends of this? How is the WWF so much worse than this? Heck I love Eastwood Western's. If I have the Time, I'll watch every Bond Film ever made. What next, Will they prevent us from watching Hockey games where Tie Domi (Known for fighting, famous for having a Head that feels like hitting a bowling ball) is present? Or will NFL games edit out QB Sacks? Let us all imagine the PTC's Perfect world one fine Sunday afternoon
Announcer: "Bottom of the Third, Here's the Pitch..OHHHH He hit the batter
who is coming to the mound and....at this point folks, I will start reading
chapters from the bible. Okay maybe I'm being a little extreme, but the whole Idea that people who might be watching violence on wrestling will have a lesser opinion of the Military for advertising on this show is ludicrous. In fact if anything, the content is perfect for the fact that Wrestling draws such high ratings (Implying people are watching it) that it is the perfect time to advertise anything.
All in all If one looks deeper, and reads Mr. Bozell's Columns you get the
sense, he is against Liberal Media, He considers Jesse Ventura a political
embarassment and "Knucklehead".
Well Like it or not, that's what I got to say.
Kwydjebo |
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