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(@795 .beats)

31.12.15 17:59 I certainly don't want to get all emo on you one more time, but maybe I can retire that gimmick in 2016, so allow me just one more status in 2015 (which can suck it, by the way. 2015 can suck it hard. Good riddance.)

Thanks to "On This Day," I am reminded that a year ago at 23:58, I tweetcasted to Twitter and here: "Trying to decide if I can re-invent myself in 2015. (Did I ever INVENT myself?)"

It was the end of a bewildering NYE marked by my then-estranged-and-eventually-to-be-ex-wife choosing that very day to ghost me from all the social media that mattered, which meant that when I eventually decided to hop on the free bus and go do Acadia karaoke with Joel, I had no clue that she was already there, because how would I have known? She ended up leaving pretty early and did a great job making sure not to even look in my general direction on her way out...which kind of set the tone for my first half of the year.

The reason I drag all this up is that, in stark contrast, since I went public in May (boy was that a status, right?), and actually even before that, so many of you have reached out and/or offered your eyes, ears, hands and shoulders to let me try to let out whatever I have felt compelled to let out and not keep inside me where it would undoubtedly kill me. I know it may have been a bit burdensome at times and I've tried really hard not to take advantage or get too comfortable but I can't begin to convey my gratitude for all of your help towards keeping my psyche in as few pieces as possible - and even helping glue some of the smaller pieces back together. Some of you probably won't even know, because for you it may have been just a moment like any other moment for you, but because you're awesome all the time, you wouldn't have noticed - but I did, and it meant everything. Not just those of you here in the Twin Cities, but old friends from around the world, some of whom I didn't really think even remembered me much, but you were great and you have my thanks.

I had a couple - I don't want to say "breakdowns" because they really weren't, but I definitely freaked out a few times and ended up far from my usual (near-comatose) mental space. When I was having those episodes and at my lowest, you were there when I asked. You would have done it for anybody, I believe, but even then I was never completely sure you'd do it for me, but I asked anyway and you did. And it's impossible to describe not only how badly I needed that, but how much better I felt almost immediately because you let me bitch and moan and maybe cry a little bit and you always understood - or, if it was impossible to understand, you still listened until I was done and told me it'd be OK and I believed you when you said it. The FUN part is you may never read this, so even now you won't know how much you've helped me. (That's a lie; I'm sure I'll get good and drunk some time and blurt it all out all over again to your faces. It prrrrrobably won't sound as eloquent, however. Not that this is fine know what, let me stop myself and continue)

The second half of this year I have tried to establish a new routine and a better life - I volunteered for Northern Spark, CONvergence, Surly Gives a Damn, Hour of Code, took a walk for Parkinson's, took a walk everywhere (MapMyWalk says I'm close to 290 miles since I started tracking in June with my "new" phone), cut my Fritos intake to almost nil, tried to have some kale or spinach more days than not, continued to lose weight until it finally started with a "1" again, and hid all the XXL T-shirts in the back of the closet. I had a lot of fun during a lot of nights out - and a few days - with old friends and also new ones. I met a lot of new "friends of friends," all of whom have been more welcoming to me and nicer than you could imagine, and who I like to think of more as just "friends" now. (I'm sure THEY think I'm bizarre... but let's face it, they wouldn't be wrong.)

I'm not a resolutions guy, but I hope to spend 2016 (and beyond) repaying the kindness so many of you have shown me during 2015. You all can make it look so easy sometimes, but I know things sometimes can be just as hard... or worse, and I hope that if/when YOU really need an eye or an ear or a hand or a shoulder, I can stand in line to help. I'll start the line if I can.

It goes without saying that I love you all, but I just said it again anyway. More importantly, I LIKE...well, MOST of you. Some of you will know that's even harder for me to admit than anything else. :)

Finally, I know I have promised repeatedly to cut out this kind of online behaviour, but because I am a living dichotomy, I do still want to share more of myself here - just, you know, the more ... I don't know, "spiritual" side - as opposed to the part represented by statuses of a couple thousand words about salad dressing choices...which really ends up a strained metaphor for something else entirely, but that's another unwritten status for another time... but more importantly to not act like I have been acting, which means letting everything build up inside until I'm at the point where it becomes overwhelming - both for me, and for you, the subscriber to my Facebook life story - when that dam finally breaks. I have several dozen friends here who set great examples and who I really want to try to be more like - we'll see if any of that sticks this time.

I may have lost my zen here and there, but I'm not in a COMPLETE hurry to totally regain it - continuing to challenge myself to get outside my comfort zone has paid off way more times than those times which I have regretted, so I'm going to keep trying. You will probably help, again. Thanks in advance. :)

Oh, and I will unpack those code dam records in 2016 if it kills me and destroys the house in the process. I WILL DJ IN 2016. (Maybe.)

I'll autopost a wishing of wellness around midnight, but other than that, I'm out. Suck it, 2015. Here's to the next one.

Oh, and I am NOT going to Grumpy's for karaoke. Sorry, Joel, but let's pretend I've at least learned ONE lesson. ;-)