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20.10.13 16:06 
Ragan and Gilly are right where they want to be - together - P7 & 8 - 8 laps to go @ESPNNASCAR
20.10.13 15:58 
@guruzim Keep an eye out - they're right where they wanna be (together)
20.10.13 14:37 RT @Lileks: @CRZ I think the legal term is "parallel development." ;) I never steal. I hate recycling my OWN lines. Will note in Mon work blog, tho.
20.10.13 14:37 @Lileks You have RUINED the hit piece I was holding. :)
20.10.13 14:18 
@davegatchell No but that's one of my slogans ("because I'm already mayor of this post office") I'm tweeting sooner or later (SPOILER ALERT)
20.10.13 14:14 
My wife made coffee!
20.10.13 03:54 @albertxii I suspect he stopped years ago but they keep playing old ones and nobody's noticed
20.10.13 00:14 
Truth is stranger than fiction - the entire last part of James Lileks' column today was almost word for word one of the concepts I described in my KFAI interview. (Note: I was mostly joking - as, I hope, was Lileks) (Link to Star Tribune: Lileks: What if everybody ran for mayor of Minneapolis?)
20.10.13 00:11 
Damn, @Lileks TOTALLY stole my idea! Compare vs.
#MPLSmayor #MPLS13
19.10.13 23:24 I'm complex: I love that @MiikeSnow song but I hate that @Budweiser commercial that's played 237 times tonight
19.10.13 23:21 Why DID Mrs. Autry hand them the 2003 trophy?
19.10.13 22:59 
@mplsmayor If I say "Richfield," will you acknowledge my existence?* #MPLSmayor

*unless I'm wrong, of course
19.10.13 21:54 RT @OthyusTheGreat: How are you going to G check a G, when the G check is Me???
19.10.13 18:32 FORTUNE OF THE DAY @ Peking Garden
19.10.13 16:50 Peking Garden (Saint Paul, MN)
19.10.13 15:31 
Spire Credit Union (Minneapolis, MN)
19.10.13 15:27 
Aww, thanks @foursquare! It's been a fun four years on @android. (Cc: @CurtisJtaylor @davegatchell)
19.10.13 15:16 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
19.10.13 15:02 
I'll use it in a sentence - "I'm so tired of this graupel." #mspwx @jerridsebesta
19.10.13 14:04 
My wife made coffee!
18.10.13 20:35 Michael Cole's snicker sounds like Fire Marshall Bill
18.10.13 20:28 Oh, my spelling. Please forgive me!
18.10.13 20:27 I wasn't sure if it was funny or not but I heard Cole guffaw like and idiot and then I knew
18.10.13 20:08 Eight hours of matches on that Goldberg collection and they couldn't squeeze in ONE "Lightningfoot" Jerry Flynn match?
18.10.13 19:43 
The music guy has had ENOUGH! He was going to play @WWETheBigShow's theme, The Authority be damned! Vickie...failed to tell him to stop
18.10.13 19:28 The Stone Temple Pilots teamed up with Chester Cheesington?!
18.10.13 18:37 
Listened to Commodores - Sail On
18.10.13 18:33 
Listened to Propaganda - Dr. Mabuse
18.10.13 18:25 Holiday Station Store (St. Paul, MN)
18.10.13 18:20 
Listened to Giorgio - Crippled Words
18.10.13 18:16 
Listened to Donna Summer - Domino
18.10.13 18:13 
Listened to Way Out West - Drive By
18.10.13 18:00 
Listened to Magnetic Man - Crossover (feat. Katy B)
18.10.13 16:52 
PEOPLE OF MINNEAPOLIS: If you dislike sleazy insider politics, perhaps stop electing sleazy insiders to political offices #MPLSmayor #MPLS13
18.10.13 16:42 
I have been added to the Southwest Journal's "Voter's Guide for 'Minor' Candidates!" I totally missed the deadline, but their editor Sarah McKenzie very kindly allowed me to submit my sound bites (no more than 300 words each!) in response to their questionnaire way late. Be sure to read ALL eleven candidates' responses - especially "The Rock's" (by the way, this page contains the THIRD spelling of his name I've seen so far - he really should pick one and stick with it - or just stick with "The Rock.") (link to Southwest Journal: Voter's Guide: Q&A with the 'minor' candidates for mayor)
18.10.13 16:03 
Listened to Justice - †
18.10.13 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.39 ▲0.30 (Range: 25.04 - 25.41)
18.10.13 14:58 I know I'm late on this, but wanted you to know I see what you did there RT @thecubsfan: PHP 5.3 deprecating split is causing me to explode.
18.10.13 14:50 
Listened to gusgus - 24/7
18.10.13 14:50 
18.10.13 13:47 
Listened to gusgus - Arabian Horse
18.10.13 11:25 
18.10.13 10:04 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
18.10.13 09:59 
Listened to The Clash - Walk Evil Talk
17.10.13 21:41 I know you want me to defeat you in SongPop, and I WANT to defeat you in SongPop...but the thing just never breaks out of the "Loading..." loop for me lately. I'll keep trying...
17.10.13 21:40 @wildcatrusty I think if you watched enough AWF episodes, you wouldn't ask it that way.
17.10.13 21:36 I religiously watch AWF but always conveniently forget when Impact is on, because I'm complicated.
17.10.13 19:00 
Listened to Information Society - The Ridge 1.1
17.10.13 18:52 
Listened to Nine Inch Nails - Down in It (Shred)
17.10.13 18:25 
Why wasn't this story written in Minneapolis - or even Minnesota? (via @MinnPost: #MPLS13
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