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22.4.18 19:03 
WHAT'S COOKING: Amongst the many ridiculous deals offered by the new Fresh Thyme Farmers Markets grocerie just over the hill from my house was something like a 75%!d(MISSING)iscount on Brussels spouts (49¢ a pound) with the catch that they only sold them in these GIANT bags - there's easily over four pounds in here. I still couldn't pass up the bargain, though, so here's some super easy Brussels sprouts, stems cut off, halved, tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper and thrown in a 400° oven for around 45 minutes, occasionally shaken around to try to get everything evenly browned. This is MAYBE half of the bag so I'll have to do this again later this week. Today I'm also planning on walking four miles, so spring is here and I'm healthy again. Sorta. Still having several beers tonight.