6.6.18 10:41 | 
 |  | It's the question on EVERYONE'S mind: WHAT am I doing for my birthday?
Well, I've been doing it for a while: ANYTHING I WANT.
But there will be some structured plans. This year the 7th falls on a Thursday, so there is a built-in tandem of Triviasco (Gasthof, 8) and Infernal Singalong Machine (Grumpy's DT, some time after 10) - last year, the karaoke crew got very embarrassing around throwing me a party and I don't know if that's happening again or not but some people just need an excuse and those people are named Hare. I THINK (and so does Kimber) I'm going to assemble a posse prior to trivia to hit Uptown and check out the Kyoto Sushi "all you can eat" dinner - a little spendy but not as spendy as NON-buffet sushi for sure! Also, Up/Down will give me 40 tokens so I will need to pop in there. Actually, I think moto-i has some kinda birthday thing, too - Allison and I hit there last year and we might just do that again.
TONIGHT, I am gonna go try to win a jackpot at DRAGO (Hammer & Sickle, 8.30ish) - with apologies to the RINGO crew - and then walk over for a "birthday" Transmission (Uptown VFW, some time after 10) where I will accept free XOXOs and MAYBE Hamm's. I am going to TRY not to overdo it tonight with the intent that I will definitely want to overdo it tomorrow.
Friday, I will die.....I mean, maybe go to the Prince thing. Ha!
If you want to invite yourself along to any of this OR if you want to go off the board with me, I am up for almost anything! You have my number, and if you don't, I'm on Messenger. Also, it doesn't have to be my birthday for me to want to see your face, so stop being a stranger. Note that this sentence only applies to some of you - some of you, please be a stranger because I'm so TIRED of your face. You know who you are. |