16.11.18 04:04 | | | Every Friday afternoon, Ray Seville, who on social media identifies himself as the Underwriting Manager of KMOJ, sneaks out a post containing a flyer for the Friday night he and his Ray Seville Productions present at "The Clubhouse Bar," which not coincidentally shares an address with Clubhouse Jäger - because it is Clubhouse Jäger, a bar which (as far as I still know) remains owned by that guy who once donated to the David Duke campaign.
Now, you know me, just another middle-aged white guy, so....is this really *my* business to express any outrage at all about the obvious incongruity of what appears to be continued support of a racist property owner by the patrons of a weekly night catering to a demographic of folks I'm pretty sure said owner wouldn't really like having around when they're not lining his pockets (and, who knows, maybe not even then)?
....yeah? Yeah. I'm thinking it should be all of our business.
But this status is probably all you'll get out of me and really, I guess I'm "just asking questions" at this point. It does make me think I still need more racial diversity in my friend group, too, so I could just talk to them about this instead of posting it out here.
Still, at the very least and from my high horse... this feels like a bad look for "the People's Station." |