23.12.18 16:48 | | | I think they finally admin'd me in a way that I can't even angry react to publicly posted photos like this any more. Yet I can still share them so.... Bravo, "People's Station!"
If you're new to me bitching about this, the venue listed in this flyer is better known as Clubhouse Jäger. Club owner Julius De Roma made contributions to the 2016 David Duke and 2018 Patrick Little campaigns along with several donations to different 2016 Trump organizations. You can find records of all of those contributions as a part of the public record (FEC website). Patronizing Club Jäger supports Julius De Roma. How comfortable are people advancing the cause of white supremacy? KMOJ is still outright endorsing a weekly dance night held at Club Jäger by allowing these notices on their Facebook page.
https://www.facebook.com/KMOJRadio/photos/a.10151442933521357/10156552175086357/?type=3&theater |