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6.1.23 03:18 
Back when they still existed, KTEH would syndicate Canadian TV like "The Newsroom" (not the HBO one) and throw it on Sunday nights before the SciFi block, so somehow I got roped into it. When they dutifully paid rights to rebroadcast "More Tears" once they were out of Newsroom episodes, I watched that too. It's not really a proper sequel but ... well, I guess it DID stick with me. Dunno what compelled me to seek this one out for a binge 24 years later, but it was worth it and it largely holds up. Thanks to that one guy who kept it alive on the 'Tube, no thanks to Kenny F for never giving it a proper DVD/streaming release.

(Shared from More Tears - Ken Finkleman, 1998 TV VHS rip, complete series)
Here is a poor quality TV-to-VHS-to-VHS rip of Ken Finkleman's More Tears as aired on CBC in 1998. All four episodes are in one video. If you just want a t...