this page generated 12.3.25 01:36 UTC
(@108 .beats)
On Sunday night, a big branch of the enormous, sprawling pine tree in my parents' backyard separated itself from the rest of the tree with a tear and a thud that none of us caught until Monday morning, when Kim said "hey, check out the diving board of the pool" as if to note there was a huge tree limb on it. By Tuesday, men for hire were carving up the rest of the tree to remove it - and all its shade - and, praise the Lord, all its pine needles which were constantly messing up the surface of the pool - from the back yard. So instead of finding Lance, I got to test the sprinkler system for several hours. MY POINT is I counted the rings on the stump and that monstrosity was only, like, 36 rings. I never expected I'd be outliving a tree this week. So...Happy National Doughnut Day! And thanks in advance for all the fish.