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(@853 .beats)

13.10.13 21:09 
23 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY: I've been procrastinating on finishing up my (surely highly-anticipated) Cam Winton writeup when a discussion over on e-democracy about Facebook Likes turned to a discussion of Twitter. I ended up compiling this list of Twitter follower counts for the 18 candidates for which I could find accounts - surprisingly, I'm in the Top 3!

2003 Betsy Hodges (@betsyhodges)
1173 Mark Andrews (@MarkForMpls)
 821 Me (@CRZ)
 602 Cam Winton (@cam_winton)
 593 Don Samuels (@don__samuels)
 516 Merrill Anderson (@reach_mia)
 356 Jackie Cherryhomes (@CherryhomesMpls)
 240 Kurt Hanna (@CaptainKurtis)
 138 Stephanie Woodruff (@swoodruffmpls)
  47 Bob Fine (@FineforMayor)
  13 Jeffrey Alan Wagner (@PissedOffMPLS)
  12 Dan Cohen (@DanCohenMayor)
   6 Alicia K. Bennett (@akbformpls)
   3 Edmund Bernard Bruyere (@BruyereforMayor)
   0 Bob "Again" Carney (@Transitrev)
   0 Bill Kahn (@LastMayorBill)
   0 Cyd Gorman (@CydGorman)
   0 James L. "Jimmy" Stroud Jr. (@JIMMY4MAYORMPLS)

A little more detail in my post over on e-dem linked (Link to Minneapolis Mayoral campaign moves from lawn signs to Facebook ...)