this page generated 6.1.25 16:52 CST
(@994 .beats)
#tbt Never ashamed of my past "fame" as a Guy Who Wrote About Wrestling on The Internet, here's more evidence: a $10 Polaroid of myself, Tinieblas Jr. (I still have his mask I bought at this show!) and El Hijo del Santo (!!) from the very first "San Francisco Lucha Libre" card on March 11, 2001 at Roccapulco on Mission Street. My recap of that show had been lost to the world for about as long as my ezboard went offline but I found a text copy and reposted it at
if you are dying to see what my writing style was like fifteen years ago or just for some old CRZ recap action that isn't about anything you'd possibly remember unless you were there. Shoot man, *I* was there, and I barely remember it.