this page generated 12.1.25 22:17 CST
(@220 .beats)

12.5.17 13:14 Hey! It's that special time of year where I observe the anniversary of my Facebook relationship status change. I can't seem to share my LAST year's share of this "memory" (who knew Facebook would disallow metasharing?) but that means I can repeat a lot of what I said then. Thanks to everybody who helped me/continue to help me verrrrrrrrry slowly transform into.....well, this. It hasn't been perfect, but some of you HAVE been. I still love you all. (I may not LIKE some of you as much.)

Also, if you haven't read this yet because you're a new friend since LAST May 12...I hope this answers any questions you were too polite to ask, and if it DOESN'T, just go ahead and bug me because I LIVE to TALK ABOUT MYSELF ENDLESSLY - also thanks for being my Friend kthxbye
