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28.2.10 14:52 Doc Emrick is really doing a fantastic job letting everyone know all these players can be seen in the NHL
28.2.10 14:40 OH NO THIS GAME IS OVER #hockeyoverreaction
27.2.10 21:22 
Oleksiy for 3 and now all 12 #twolves have scored in this game - of course, they're down by 26, but...
27.2.10 21:00 
@rkbrew Awesome (because it's true)
27.2.10 20:53 
@rkbrew Doubtful - the #twolves game is so exciting he's... tweeting about global warming?! That doesn't seem like part of the job
27.2.10 17:49 Have you noticed? That dude picks Vicente Padilla EVERY TIME!! #espnadrotationistoosmall
27.2.10 17:46 
Congratulations to Team D'Houdt Humphrey carrying on the fine tradition started by MSRP Motorsports as Danny O'Quinn parks the #90 for 38th!
27.2.10 17:22 Oh hey this is my 1000th tweet! Don't you hate it when people mark milestones like that? I sure do!
27.2.10 17:16 
Mark Green, that is - let's see when he parks
27.2.10 17:16 
27.2.10 17:01 
Hmmm, Nationwide race or gold medal curling.... hey, wait, I have no life
27.2.10 16:49 
I wonder which channel I'll need to DVR if the Nationwide race runs tonight - surely they wouldn't pre-empt college hoops
26.2.10 14:11 I must admit I don't have an answer. I don't mind where I'm at right now. Said "I'd rather be a game show host...or a weather man"
26.2.10 14:10 Coworker: "Assuming some semblance of realism, what would your idealistic job be for a technology company?"
26.2.10 14:01 
I'm having a second cup of coffee - so if I drop dead later, you'll know why
26.2.10 13:51 
I'm starting to suspect tonight's show won't be live!
26.2.10 11:45 
25.2.10 14:00 @SteveKrak I prefer to think of it as "tape delaying my laundry."
25.2.10 11:34 
Aha! YOU'RE the guy watching these! RT @swampynomo: @CRZ doesn't look like a lot of folks in that office today - your lonely yogurt is safe
25.2.10 11:29 RT @SusieStalker: oh my.
25.2.10 11:20 
25.2.10 01:14 Slovensko!
24.2.10 23:39 
I await clearance sales! RT @marklawler80 @CRZ Those filet-o-fish fish are EVERYWHERE. I saw them in FYE and yesterday in Wal-Mart as well.
24.2.10 18:35 
It's come to this (Walgreens):
24.2.10 17:38 
Call me contrarian, but I was more excited about @CraigyFerg joining Twitter than @ConanOBrien joining Twitter.
24.2.10 13:39 I can close my office door, but it doesn't stop my laptop from spontaneously applying XP Security Updates and demanding I reboot
24.2.10 13:37 Hmmm.......soup. *I* have soup! I should eat soup! RT @swampynomo Closed door to office - ate Black Bean Soup - had to re-open office door
24.2.10 12:21 
RT @WFMU: youtube yanks the original rickroll video. why cant the rec biz figure out how to monetize it? #copyrightfail
24.2.10 10:58 
24.2.10 00:00 
I'm as shocked as you are that I correctly called the @CraigyFerg as Tom Snyder parallel:
23.2.10 23:49 
Also, this @ROHonHDNet description doesn't seem quite right: "Tyler Black & Austin Aries meet Austin Aries and Kenny King in tag."
23.2.10 23:49 
Amusingly, Bryan Danielson is still prominently featured in graphic on @ROHonHDNet home page:
23.2.10 22:59 OMG YES YES YES RT @SoulTrain The Best of #SoulTrain is NOW available on DVD! Pre-Order Today & Save 10% + FREE Shipping!
23.2.10 22:28 
Team #Darko all the way RT @canishoopus: Jonny and Darko
23.2.10 22:13 
I dunno what message it sends to play your former editor-in-chief as if he'd never heard of the Internet
23.2.10 18:00 No, I'm NOT particularly interested in your scam-- wait...discovered by a MOM, you say? WELL then! Scam away!
23.2.10 15:24 Men, at the urinal, do you pee really loudly or quietly? I ask because I just had a very loud pee and it was very satisfying. TWITTER
23.2.10 13:57 The highs and lows of Twitter: I was excited to learn I had a hundredth follower, but then I found out it was @Llakor
23.2.10 12:28 
Maybe WWE can't announce Cyndi Lauper until she's off "The Celebrity Apprentice?" Surely she'll be with Wendi Richter at the HOF!
23.2.10 12:03 Welcome to 2008 RT @MikeRylander: Whose idea was this?! #KathieLeeAndHoda
23.2.10 11:53 
22.2.10 22:23 
We went back and checked just for @hansen9j - the official time on Jeff Hardy's reign at Extreme Rules is 3'10"
22.2.10 22:19 
Our official time on John Cena's most recent championship reign: 3'35". The champ was here.
22.2.10 22:07 Grammys won by: Cheech & Chong, 1; Jewel, 0
22.2.10 21:53 
According to an old r.s.p-w FAQ, Andre's reign was 1'45"; Yokozuna's was 2'08". You can probably get the newer ones, @hansen9j
22.2.10 14:54 Also, because it was on ABC @Dave_Schwartz But back then local Nbc's not flooded with emails! RT @wingoz: 30yrsagomiracleonicenotliveeither.
22.2.10 13:09 Dear @marcuslorenz: I love you, spammer. Thanks for being my 97th follower. I knew all this talking about nothing would pay off!
22.2.10 13:08 "Uh-oh. Sounds like SOMEBODY'S got a case of the MONDAYS!" - thankfully followed by quick reminder that curling is on break room TV
22.2.10 13:02 I now suspect unfollower was a spammer I failed to block who was subsequently suspended by twitter this morning. So: much ado over nothin'
22.2.10 13:01 Sounds like message board admin'ing! RT @thecubsfan @CRZ You would get more followers, but perhaps not always the followers you'd want.
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