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6.8.10 15:16 
Wanna see captions even less funny than any "Captionomics" contest @The_W? See @MillCreekEnt's Facebook contest at
6.8.10 12:28 Oh man, I got followed by a CELEBRITY today! Hello @widro!
6.8.10 11:49 (Sorry for obvious insensitivity to dudes having a soy allergy...and regularly eat soba ramen - now that's a demographic you don't wanna PO)
6.8.10 11:46 Instead of pulling that undeclared-soy-protein-included soba off the shelves, just give it to me. Last I checked, soy protein was DELICIOUS
6.8.10 11:44 OH NO! NOT SOY PRO-- wait, really? RT @sewardcoop: RECALL: KOYO Soba Ramen -- contains undeclared soy protein. More at
6.8.10 11:00 
5.8.10 21:41 Ah - THERE'S the TNA I remember never watching!
5.8.10 21:29 Ric Flair may still be the best promo ever, but I still think JBL has better delivery on "A WRESTLING GOD"
5.8.10 21:25 While watching Orlando Jordan on iMPACT!, I really wish I was thinking anything but "THIS is why Chris Kanyon killed himself?"
5.8.10 21:03 If the @TacoBell cantina taco doesn't come in de lengua, I ain't interested
5.8.10 20:56 This may be the 1st TNA iMPACT! I've watched start to finish, years. Why haven't they halted this match to close up bleeding guy?
5.8.10 20:54 Latest follower @uglil registered for Twitter JUST to follow me - I'm his sole follow. Alas, he's Chilean and thinks I'm "Coraz?n Rebelde"
5.8.10 13:10 (My unfollowers were a Chilean who mistakenly thought I was CRZ La Banda and a multi-level marketer punishing me for not following him back)
5.8.10 13:08 I hereby promise in the future to tweet less about Warren G. Harding and tweet more about Warren G #regulate #gfunkera
5.8.10 13:00 I lost two followers after my observation about Warren G. Harding. (Or maybe they were spammers...who can say for sure)
5.8.10 10:57 Guys, it's only been 31,780 days since Warren G. Harding left office. (Well, technically he died...but I'm not a MONSTER)
5.8.10 09:23 
5.8.10 01:42 Who to unfollow: @Grubes69 @mikebliss36 @discreet_chaos @Lionel_richie @TW1TTERTRACKER @allencostantini @NYRFanatMSG @MinneapolisSnow
4.8.10 23:32 Actually, I thought I followed @guruzim already, but I don't. (I also thought he followed me, but he doesn't! We're so passive aggressive!)
4.8.10 23:31 Twitter says I should follow Aaron Zimmerman. Does Twitter know how often @guruzim actually TWEETS?!
4.8.10 23:10 Don't I follow enough people already? (Don't most people follow enough people already?)
4.8.10 23:08 I bet I'M never "Who to follow" (but would love to be wrong!)
4.8.10 23:08 Oh no, Twitter's changing again. Boo!
4.8.10 16:46 RT @kwatt: What's more impactful: Discontinuing Gluek beer or ending Google Wave? I think the answer is obvious.
4.8.10 15:49 Call me "biased," but @mediaite requesting columns from their readers feels a bit like Roadkill Cafe asking folks to bring in their own meat
4.8.10 12:29 Since they'll give any idiot a TV show, where do I need to get in line to pick up mine?
4.8.10 10:55 @bobpockrass Didn't we get a "reality show" glimpse with ABC show last year? As I recall, didn't do so well (but DID make me a Sauter fan)
4.8.10 10:47 
4.8.10 10:46 @albertxii Wow...worried you were talking about "Bonkers!" (which you are too young to remember) IT only ran 1 season
3.8.10 23:35 @AndyAkeko Well you know...having sat through ten episodes of Wrestlicious - not so much now.
3.8.10 18:58 Carefully planning my drive home to avoid my block's "National Night Out" - and any other ones along the way
3.8.10 13:35 Dear "Brett Farve" Twitter Trenders: Stop me if you've heard this before.... F-A-V-R-E
3.8.10 11:56 
2.8.10 20:55 @AndyAkeko Thanks for the follow - and the long memory!
2.8.10 20:54 
Sheamus' trunks say LAOCH - an ancient Gaelic word meaning "squash" #RAW
2.8.10 14:48 And yes, Kevin Conway's number for Watkins Glen now confirmed at (spoiler alert: it's 34)
2.8.10 14:48 Travis Kvapil's number for Watkins Glen now confirmed at (spoiler alert: it's 37)
2.8.10 14:47 
David Gilliland's number for Watkins Glen now confirmed at (spoiler alert: it's 38)
2.8.10 12:41 @swampynomo Where's MY book deal? (What do you MEAN, I actually have to WRITE the book?)
2.8.10 11:52 
I've added 2009 rankings as well! Please pass it on... RT @The_W: 2010 PWI 500
2.8.10 10:57 O, the anticipation! Waiting for release of the @NASCAR_NNS entry list for the next race is the highlight of my Monday #notreally
2.8.10 02:14 Always unnerving to be awakened by the longest, loudest thunder clap you've heard in a good long while
1.8.10 22:57 Oh man, that was bone suckin' good #boondocks
1.8.10 22:32 Let all your Mad Men tweets be erased by my Boondocks tweets
31.7.10 21:25 Another Dash 4 Cash rollover? Maybe @Nationwide could loan me some of that $50K they've still got lying around @NASCAR_NNS
31.7.10 20:57 I think the rule tonight is: soon as Jeremy Clements gets lapped, it's time to look for tire trouble #NASCAR #BoudreauxsButtPaste
30.7.10 22:49 @grumpymartian I guess you weren't as tickled by the presence of Austin Aries as I was ;-)
30.7.10 22:37 I just came to the realisation that I enjoy "Jersey Shore" more than I enjoy "Treme" - so....there?
30.7.10 20:57 Look, I'll sit through this episode of Wrestlicious if YOU will:
30.7.10 18:51 
RT @geekosystem: The Best Video of Nineteen Animal Species Auto-Tuned to Play a Song You?ll See Today
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