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20.8.10 15:04 RT @freemusicarchiv: Is @shamantis' slowed-down, Major-approved @justinbieber remix a hushed victory for #fairuse / sampling? http://bit ...
19.8.10 16:25 ...thinking of opening a funnel cake stand outside the Weight Watchers meeting. Offensive, sure, but I have THE RIGHT to do it!
19.8.10 15:46 
Scrub off the 37s RT @FrontRowNASCAR: The @TacoBell hauler gets a good scrubbin' for tonight's parade in Bristol.
17.8.10 17:32 RT @VShiancoe: Helicopters acting like they are following O.J.. Where is the bronco
16.8.10 13:27 
RT @geekosystem: Penguins Chasing a Butterfly [Video]
16.8.10 11:00 Have I ever told you how great the slap bass is on our conference call line's on hold music?
15.8.10 23:41 Time spent today talking to mother-in-law: 36 minutes - time spent talking to mother: 48 minutes - today, I'm an OK son
15.8.10 20:15 @TravisKvapil currently says 34 :)
15.8.10 19:25 @DanniiMinogue So many names! Can't I just remain a #FanniiofDannii?
15.8.10 18:15 I am more outraged that "60 Minutes" is getting pushed back even further than that this golf dude is getting screwed
15.8.10 17:41 Intriguing RT @hansonscott: we actually use preseason games for our rehearsals. But I know it would be good (at least for the 1st quarter.)
15.8.10 17:38 @dvdaf Any chance I could change the username of my account from 2003 to the account I just registered because it was available?
15.8.10 00:22 
@BackoftheHead - Can't believe you didn't opt for "(and Melina too)" for the capiton
14.8.10 21:49 OMG @KARE11 HD IS BACK FINALLY (6:50 remaining...but we DID get that touchdown in HD, so sweet)
14.8.10 21:22 Still watching #Vikings preseason game - @KARE11 now broadcasting SD in proper aspect ratio - better, but still no HD in second half
14.8.10 20:54 @PerkatPlay Any technical issues forcing the Vikings game into "fake HD?" (Are you still watching? I know it's only preseason)
14.8.10 20:51 Hey @KARE11 What the heck happened to the HD? #Vikings
14.8.10 20:30 Seems like every time they mention that Sam Bradford is the #1 pick in the draft, he gets sacked
14.8.10 19:38 I'm not sure how following someone who hasn't tweeted for 18 months is good for me OR @Twitter - so... maybe stop recommending them
14.8.10 19:19 Looks like @KARE11 - sorry, the "Vikings Entertainment Network" - didn't QUITE scrub all the mentions off the gfx package
14.8.10 18:40 What we need is NFL Red Zone: Preseason - @hansonscott, get on that #NFL @nflredzone
13.8.10 15:08 Of course, those @foursquare mayorships I lost were of a credit union and a convenience store - because obv I have a very active social life
13.8.10 15:06 Tarnation! I've lost two @foursquare mayorships today - hi @cbaumgar & @Katehatespeas - now I DO believe Friday the 13th is unlucky
13.8.10 12:37 Not sure it's mathematically possible for Terry Cook to steal Raybestos Rookie of the Year from Kevin Conway if he got a ride #nascar
13.8.10 12:25 And where IS @Stiffiemobile on this breaking news? #nascarnewsnobodyactuallycaresabouthappyfriday
13.8.10 12:24 @JayJayDean What's funnier, the slide whistle sound effect or the Debbie Downer-style trombone "wah wah" sound effect? #stiffiemobile
13.8.10 12:12 (considers purchasing domain name for Tony Raines...declines to spend any more money on this project)
13.8.10 11:32 
Left the yogurt of the day in the refrigerator at home :(
13.8.10 11:32 Provisional follower #178 @CapaC1 may be the funniest follower I have and I have NO IDEA where he got the idea to follow me
12.8.10 12:46 O apple fritter / highlight of ev'ry Thursday / when I can score you #haiku
12.8.10 11:56 @KevinMarshall Are you publicly tweeting your direct messages again?
12.8.10 09:24 
12.8.10 00:23 Don't make me go viral
11.8.10 17:05 @DrColtCabana And how can we be so sure you are who you say YOU are, hmmm? I don't see no "Verified" badge next to YOUR account!
11.8.10 14:35 Watching <redacted> tweet is like an avoidable car crash, but their bizarre, unearned self-confidence keeps them behind that tweet wheel
11.8.10 14:34 Twitter highlight: Watching someone unfunny tweet an unfunny "riff," then pound home their unfunniness with add'l, equally unfunny followups
11.8.10 11:34 The RAIN gauge, yes.
11.8.10 11:31 I emptied 5" (!) out of the gauge this morning. I have to think I missed a day and that can't ALL be from yesterday...can it? 55414
11.8.10 11:07 
10.8.10 18:04 @Mike_Zeidler My "experience" is hard to quantify - or put on a resume - or earn a decent wage from ;-)
10.8.10 17:43 @KevinMarshall "HPOA" is less pronouncable
10.8.10 17:08 .@BringMN You say you want candidates to have 5 years of news experience - I have 0 but I HAVE been on the Internet for 15 - should I apply?
10.8.10 16:37 @JayJayDean I can take the heat, but idiots...that's another story
10.8.10 16:21 Current temp: 87 Current heat index: 99 Current location: absolutely indoors
10.8.10 13:30 I wonder if this conference call on hold music is available on a CD - I'd hate to think a day may come when it's out of my life
10.8.10 13:13 Two wrongs... RT @hansen9j: If you're already ironically watching "Twilight", aren't you obligated to ironically watch "Vampires Suck"?
10.8.10 12:32 Anyone who uses "Vampires Suck" and "funny" in the same tweet probably deserves to be unfollowed by me....but I won't
10.8.10 11:08 
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