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29.3.11 16:21 RT @Cardinal_Brian: Thoughts.... Anyone... Anyone....
29.3.11 15:53 
Can of Diet Dr Pepper
29.3.11 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 18.21 ▲0.24 (Range: 17.80 - 18.23)
29.3.11 14:17 @KevinMarshall Two otters don't make a right
29.3.11 14:15 
Well, see....not only are YOU there, but NOW you can meet complete strangers who are ALSO there! And yes, when I put it THAT way, it sounds kinda......yes. (How Color, the Insanely Ambitious and Well-Funded Social Photo App, Could Win)
29.3.11 14:09 @KevinMarshall You otter stop propagating these lame hashtags (has flashback to Colin Quinn doing Otter Pop spots on "Remote Control")
29.3.11 14:07 
Coffee time!
29.3.11 12:35 
Did you mean "cachet?" Because I reckon Color uses the same amount of cache no matter what you think of it. (Never Alone: Trick Shows Any Photo in Color App, Anywhere)
29.3.11 11:59 
YOGURT OF THE DAY: CHERRY (fruit on the bottom)
29.3.11 10:55 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
29.3.11 10:40 
U.S. Post Office - University Station 55414 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
29.3.11 07:48 
I have been ousted as mayor of Symantec once again - maybe some day I'll actually see this guy around here
28.3.11 23:38 
I'm watching The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
28.3.11 22:44 I'm watching The Late Show with David Letterman
28.3.11 22:41 
I wish Rock had found a way to hose himself down just one more time during that final half hour.

I'll pay for this show if Natalya comes over to our house to watch it with us...and let's face it, that's probably the best WrestleMania offer she's going to get this year.

At least I'm promised FOUR HOURS OF WWE television... next Monday night.
(RAW #931 3/28/11)
28.3.11 21:54 
My apologies to Kerwin Silfies for misspelling his name - also to Kevin Dunn for not using HIM as my "look how smark I am" reference #RAW
28.3.11 21:50 
Oops, forgot to unpause the video before cutting to it - I hate when they break video kayfabe - but not as much as Kerwin Silfes does! #RAW
28.3.11 21:32 
Hey, here's Seamus - his trunks say LAOCH, which we have learned is ancient Gaelic for "King? What King? Nope, never happened." #RAW
28.3.11 21:31 
Poor Vickie - too much cleavage for the hard camera - wait, I mean poor me! Who's directing this thing? Go back to that shot! #RAW
28.3.11 21:23 
@MinnesotaMunn Yeah, I'm "only" 6'0" and nothing breaks kayfabe like me standing next to one of 'em and me being taller
28.3.11 21:21 
@stustone If Paul Ellering's hand has to be up SOMEBODY'S ass that night...we hope it's Rocco's.
28.3.11 21:17 
@MinnesotaMunn I think Take's about 6' 7" and HHH is about 6' 2" - both probably a bit taller (and each billed 4+" taller :) )
28.3.11 21:03 
I think Michaels might be wearing the watch the @WWE gave him when he retired #RAW
28.3.11 20:57 
I can't wait for the WrestleMania DVD, where they'll surely have to dub over this great Johnny Cash song for 'Take's entrance #RAW
28.3.11 20:53 
Idle question: Will Shawn Michaels enter the #WWE Hall of Fame on a zipline?
28.3.11 20:52 
FINALLY we can simulate that father/son matchup between Andre and @WWETheBigShow! Thanks, THQ's WWE All Stars!
28.3.11 20:00 
I'm watching WWE Raw
28.3.11 19:51 It's true that I probably wouldn't be drinking wine right now if I hadn't turned on "No Reservations"
28.3.11 19:51 Oh no! I missed [ President Obama's speech | @IamJericho on #dwts ] !
28.3.11 19:49 I earned the First Taste sticker! (watching "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations")
28.3.11 19:49 I'm watching Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
28.3.11 19:47 TONIGHT'S WINE: 2007 Seyval from Saint Croix Vineyards (white)
28.3.11 19:45 
RT @thecubsfan: @CRZ I hope that's how you list this on your resume. // Well...I already got the job, thankfully
28.3.11 19:16 
I just ousted AJ D. as the mayor of Symantec!
28.3.11 19:16 
Symantec (Roseville, MN) (makeup check-in from this phoneless morning)
28.3.11 18:26 
Listened to 53 tracks on 9 albums/singles
28.3.11 16:40 Can of Diet Dr Pepper
28.3.11 15:58 How fecund of you! RT @HackmanRSPW: Now to marvel at how callipygian @MickieJamesAss is and bask in Trish's pulchritude.
28.3.11 15:48 Breaking a Twitter silence of 10 months 5 days, @Grubes69 is back - or account was hacked. (He missed his DVD release AND the HBO premiere!)
28.3.11 15:05 
Doesn't keep you off of Flickr, though. (Obama’s Secret, Information-Shielding Tent)
28.3.11 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 17.97 â–¼0.14 (Range: 17.95 - 18.21)
28.3.11 14:51 RT @davehogg: @CRZ Yes, it is.
28.3.11 14:51 RT @Stareagle: @CRZ Yes, it is.
28.3.11 14:49 Retweeting yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse
28.3.11 13:31 
Coffee, please
28.3.11 13:01 
My Top 5 Artists (Week Ending 2011-3-27)
1. Gus Gus (18)
2. The Strokes (11)
3. deadmau5 (11)
4. Prins Thomas (11)
5. Boy George (10)
28.3.11 12:34 RT @lizzwinstead Abercrombie and Fitch to introduce thong diaper // SNL did it in 2003
28.3.11 12:14 
Listened to Brand New - Jesus on Grooveshark
28.3.11 12:03 
YOGURT OF THE DAY: BANANA #yogurtoftheday (left phone at home, no Qik today)
28.3.11 01:44 
RT @Peace0310: @CRZ 61 years of Chinese Brutality, 61 years of Chinese Killing & killing continue, result 1.2 milliom Tibetan being Killed in Tibet
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