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16.10.12 23:33 
I'm watching The Late Show with David Letterman
16.10.12 22:15 Can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
16.10.12 22:07 
Listened to The Alan Parsons Project - Breakdown
16.10.12 22:03 
Listened to Dusky - Essential Mix 2012-10-13
16.10.12 21:49 
Taco Bell (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
16.10.12 21:22 
IT IS A FINAL #twolves 114, Maccabi Bazan Haifi 81 #GOHaifa @ Target Center
16.10.12 21:04 
Think the #twolves have taken over...Jermaine Taylor has just checked in (102 - #GOHaifa 71 5:49 4th)
16.10.12 20:06 
Halftime: #twolves 45 - #GOHaifa 42 @ Target Center
16.10.12 19:54 
LOVE IS ON FIRE (#twolves 41 #GOHaifa 31, 4:20 2nd)
16.10.12 19:36 
Wow, these #twolves love to pass in amazing ways (27 - #GOHaifa 16 Start 2nd)
16.10.12 19:29 
We high-fived @WolvesCrunch! LOVE preseason! (#twolves 17, #GOHaifa 14 - 2:31 1st)
16.10.12 19:18 
Security have convinced our friends: perhaps their discussion of "Israeli Apartheid" should take place outside the Target Center #twolves
16.10.12 19:11 
Palestinian protestors have set up shop on both sides of Center Court...tacky #twolves #GOHaifa
16.10.12 19:05 
Current time in Haifa, I believe, is just after 02:00 #twolves #MaccabiBazanHaifaBC
16.10.12 19:01 
Lotta yarmulkes in the house tonight (by which I mean "more than zero") #twolves #haifa
16.10.12 18:34 
LET'S GO #TWOLVES - beat the...uh...Maccabi! (@ Target Center for Maccabi Haifa vs Timberwolves w/ 13 others)
16.10.12 17:50 "You don't understand! These chiles...have been FIRE"
16.10.12 17:45 
Baja Sol Tortilla Grill - City Center (Minneapolis, MN)
16.10.12 16:57 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
16.10.12 16:30 
Investigating tonight's opposition - it's CRZ 182: Expires: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:36:03 GMT #twolves #herecomethehammer
16.10.12 16:01 
Listened to Nero - Electron
16.10.12 15:55 
Listened to Nero - Innocence
16.10.12 15:31 You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all sense at all sense at all sense at all sense at all sense at all sense at all sense at all
16.10.12 15:24 
Listened to Nero - Guilt EP
16.10.12 15:16 
24 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
16.10.12 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 18.32 ▲0.36 (Range: 17.90 - 18.36)
16.10.12 14:17 
Listened to Nero - Workout
16.10.12 14:10 
Listened to Nero - Energy
16.10.12 13:57 
Listened to Nero - The Forecast
16.10.12 13:50 
Listened to Nero - Dick Tracy V.I.P
16.10.12 13:05 
Listened to Nero - Requiem VIP
16.10.12 12:37 
Listened to Nero - Requiem EP
16.10.12 12:30 
Listened to Nero - Torture
16.10.12 12:24 
Listened to Nero - Ragga Puffin
16.10.12 12:04 
Listened to Nero - Promises EP
16.10.12 08:55 
16.10.12 07:27 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
16.10.12 01:09 
I'm watching The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
16.10.12 00:20 413 new DVDs coming out Tuesday (10/16)
15.10.12 23:26 
I'm watching The Late Show with David Letterman
15.10.12 22:36 And then Rivers' mouth guard was intercepted
15.10.12 22:12 
I'm watching Monday Night Football
15.10.12 22:08 
Why does Vince keep calling it "Hell in THE Cell?" Doesn't he know his own intellectual property™? #RAW
15.10.12 21:47 
It's "Cubito Aequet?" THAT translates to "EQUAL elbow." Still nowhere near disdain - I suppose what's TRULY disdainful is their Latin #RAW
15.10.12 21:45 
Google Translate says "cubito aequaet" REALLY translates to "Elbow Contemporary..." but I suppose I COULD be spelling it wrong #RAW
15.10.12 21:36 
Drew McIntyre makes a HORRIBLE X-Pac #RAW
15.10.12 21:33 
By the way, ya think Vince said "Let's call it THE DECISION - that hasn't been used before, right?" + writers silently cringed & nodded #RAW
15.10.12 21:29 
Almost looks like Vince forced them to shoot his badly-made-up shiner from that angle as he hasn't shot from his other side all night #RAW
15.10.12 21:13 
Technically, this is ALSO a match with an ad break while one competitor is outside, but I'm more "spirit" than "letter" tonight #RAW
15.10.12 21:07 
Damn, even *I* wasn't cynical enough to think they'd double down and give us a SECOND DQ finish in 2 weeks...but anything can happen on #RAW
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