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18.10.13 18:00 
Listened to Magnetic Man - Crossover (feat. Katy B)
18.10.13 16:52 
PEOPLE OF MINNEAPOLIS: If you dislike sleazy insider politics, perhaps stop electing sleazy insiders to political offices #MPLSmayor #MPLS13
18.10.13 16:42 
I have been added to the Southwest Journal's "Voter's Guide for 'Minor' Candidates!" I totally missed the deadline, but their editor Sarah McKenzie very kindly allowed me to submit my sound bites (no more than 300 words each!) in response to their questionnaire way late. Be sure to read ALL eleven candidates' responses - especially "The Rock's" (by the way, this page contains the THIRD spelling of his name I've seen so far - he really should pick one and stick with it - or just stick with "The Rock.") (link to Southwest Journal: Voter's Guide: Q&A with the 'minor' candidates for mayor)
18.10.13 16:03 
Listened to Justice - †
18.10.13 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.39 ▲0.30 (Range: 25.04 - 25.41)
18.10.13 14:58 I know I'm late on this, but wanted you to know I see what you did there RT @thecubsfan: PHP 5.3 deprecating split is causing me to explode.
18.10.13 14:50 
Listened to gusgus - 24/7
18.10.13 14:50 
18.10.13 13:47 
Listened to gusgus - Arabian Horse
18.10.13 11:25 
18.10.13 10:04 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
18.10.13 09:59 
Listened to The Clash - Walk Evil Talk
17.10.13 21:41 I know you want me to defeat you in SongPop, and I WANT to defeat you in SongPop...but the thing just never breaks out of the "Loading..." loop for me lately. I'll keep trying...
17.10.13 21:40 @wildcatrusty I think if you watched enough AWF episodes, you wouldn't ask it that way.
17.10.13 21:36 I religiously watch AWF but always conveniently forget when Impact is on, because I'm complicated.
17.10.13 19:00 
Listened to Information Society - The Ridge 1.1
17.10.13 18:52 
Listened to Nine Inch Nails - Down in It (Shred)
17.10.13 18:25 
Why wasn't this story written in Minneapolis - or even Minnesota? (via @MinnPost: #MPLS13
17.10.13 17:33 
24 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
17.10.13 17:08 
@smckenzie21 Thank you! I'll try to get this done tonight. (I'm sure you did email me and my spam filter helpfully misfiled it)
17.10.13 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.09 ▼0.04 (Range: 24.93 - 25.25)
17.10.13 13:46 
17.10.13 12:22 
17.10.13 12:07 
Listened to The Orb - u.f. orb (Deluxe Edition)
17.10.13 11:37 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
17.10.13 11:31 
Listened to Ace of Base - Always Have, Always Will
17.10.13 11:27 
Listened to Giorgio Moroder - Let's Take The Night
17.10.13 11:26 
Listened to Slik - Don't Take Your Love Away
17.10.13 04:14 
@dbrauer Finally finished 34 #MPLSmayor opponent profiles: - love to hear any reaction or if it's even worth sharing!
17.10.13 04:07 

Ms.(?) Gorman listed an address in Harrison on her filing, and her signature looks a lot like her printed name. And we're done. No, really...she has a mostly private and/or dormant Facebook page, an empty Twitter account (no tweets, no followers, only following Barack Obama and Sandra Bullock), a blank LinkedIn entry, an empty Google Plus page, no Star Tribune questionnaire, and a website which doesn't look have been updated in over a year (and only once since 2009).

Her Twitter bio seems to have the most current information (or information at all) about her: "Live in Minneapolis MN. Wanted to write books and screen plays most of my life but had to raise family first. Looking forward to my next chapter in life."

There ARE some books listed on her personal website, and Amazon lists two with her name on the cover as well. No reviews for either.

It appears that there were plans for a local journal called "Cyd's Weekly Report" but they never really materialized.

There were ALSO plans for a separate nonprofit (and another website with Gorman's telephone number) but that also appears to have gone by the wayside.

Given that she was the final candidate to file, it looks like she wanted to pay her twenty bucks and make her "party or principle" serve as her complete statement - with nobody else mentioning it, perhaps it was up to her to make sure people saw "Police Reform" on the ballot and that's all she wanted, so that's all she's done. If so...good for her. She'll be another scapegoat for raising the filing fee, but she got to make her statement this time around.

One thing I can tell you for sure is her name is right underneath mine on the ballot (except on any ballots where she's listed first, in which case I'd be last). Did you know I'm the only cadidate of the 35 whose name is sandwiched between two women's names? No, you didn't - and you didn't care. But I thought that was pretty neat.

Sorry to end with so much filler - I might have tried harder with CM Hodges if I had known she was the last of the "big" candidates.

I honestly can't tell you if I'd be a better mayor than this lady or not, but I feel like I might be! Am I right or wrong? It's YOUR vote!

And THAT'S ALL of the candidates! NOW whatever will we talk about? I hope you've learned some stuff you didn't know about at least one of these folks, and maybe I've helped you decide on your Top 3. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or feel I've left any gaps in my research - and one more time, if you could Like and Share /CRZforMayor for me, I'd love for everybody in Minneapolis (and Earth) to know at least as much about all 35 candidates as I feel I now do before they vote, ranking their top three. Thanks again for visiting my page!
17.10.13 03:00 

"Wake the f*ck up!"

These four words permeate throughout Wagner's campaign - it would be great if that were what people heard and took to heart, but...we all know better. With his initial viral video (which I haven't linked, but I'm sure you've seen), former and current local rock tycoon Wagner stole the mantle from Mr. Sparrow as the candidate the rest of the nation (or maybe just its media) were happy to point to as a complete distraction and declare just how weird our happy little crowded mayor's race had become. But it's the Internet, so of course there's a whole lot more to the story - but most of the blog commenters who immediately declared "I'll vote for him!" didn't need (or WANT) to hear it. (Nor did they want to see any follow-up least two have been released, and as is usually the case with this viral stuff, it's been hard to recapture the lightning in more than one bottle.)

Although he declared DFL, he has some very un-DFL beliefs - normally, this isn't a bad thing, but...

At the Star Tribune, he declined to state his age on his questionnaire, but did offer his occupation as a baggage handler at MSP. ("Baggage handler" is not a double entendre, though I understand if you thought about going there.) Some of his tweets have given the impression that he works at the Taco Bell in the airport, but I'm pretty sure he's joshin' there. (IS there a Taco Bell in the airport?) Most of his tweets/Facebook status updates prior to filing do appear to revolve around the baggage handling arena (no pun intended...also, most of the photos have disappeared...or maybe the links broke because he had chaged the name of his Facebook wall page to "JeffreyWagner4Mayor" - ah, it's late, I have to stop trying to figure this out.)

ANYWAY. When not running for office or working at the airport, Wagner produces MRTC TV (Modern Rock Twin Cities Television) for Blip and YouTube...ah, now we have the background behind the ability to produce viral advertisements, yeah? Anyway, somewhere along the line he decided to separate the campaign from his business (well, sorta) so he another Twitter account was created. That one's got 5 tweets and 15 followers. (The MRTC Twitter has just under 300 followers.)

He has said that he's 46 on that Twitter account - this gibes with the ages on's six arrest records between 2000 and 2009. I didn't pay to find out what they were, but elsewhere on the Internet it is reported that it's mostly DWI and/or driving while on suspension from the DWI. I'm not sure this was ever reported in the Star Tribune, by the way. Roll your eyes with me here.

Another thing you haven't read in the papers is that he lives in Columbia Heights, which is juuuuuuuust outside the city limits and not a part of Minneapolis. As covered earlier with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gould, there aren't a whole lot of requirements when you pay your $20 to file, but you DO have to swear or affirm that you'll have lived in the city for 30 days by the day of the election. I haven't seen any indication of any recent moves and we're passed that 30 day mark...

If you'd like to see what a younger to MUCH younger Wagner looked like, he's put up on YouTube his appearance before Judge Wapner on "The People's Court" - no year attached, but with Wapner would have to be between 1981 and 1993 - he's definitely been a rakishly handsome lad all his life.

I should also mention that he ran for City Council in 2009, amassing 321 votes and finishing third of the three declared candidates. (He may not have lived in Minneapolis THEN, either - but a Southwest Journal profile says he did indeed live in the Ward in which he was running, in Loring Park. This profile also contains this quote, intimating that the Wagner style of politics didn't originate in 2013: "I’m a fool, dude...Not a good idea to drink heavy and then decide to try to change the world.")

So there you have it. A great message, but a checkered past, checkered present, possibly not meeting the simple qualifications of city residency. Oh, AND he's one of the "Likes" for this page, and hopefully I didn't lose him if he reads this far. By the way, he and I have 15 mutual friends on Facebook...and, because he's big into the rock scene, it should come as no surprise that almost all of our mutual friends are also in at least one band. Sometimes I think I'm the only guy in Minneapolis not in a band. Maybe I should join a band after the election.

I honestly can't tell you if I'd be a better mayor than this man or not, but unless he moves to Minneapolis yesterday, it might be a moot point! Am I right or wrong? It's YOUR vote!

NEXT: Have we finally reached the end of this list? Praise the Lord!
17.10.13 00:43 

Kahn, 56, lives in my 'hood of Prospect Park. He's unemployed which appears to give him a lot of free time - in fact, he may actually spend more time on the Internet than I do, which is no mean feat.

Kahn didn't really want to run but couldn't find anyone else to take up his particular banner, so on the final day of the filing period, he threw in his hat and/or hilarious head shot (he has a series of them, each more entertaining that the last, which he uses to accompany his many message board and blog comments) under his "party or principle" of "Last Minneapolis Mayor" - in essence, Kahn would like to get elected so that he could work to get the position of Mayor of Minneapolis abolished. His opinion is that Minneapolis doesn't really NEED a intriguing position I MAY not entirely disagree with; after all, I believed "No Mayor Would Be Better Than CRZ" enough to get it printed on my "free" business cards. Running the city would be left to the City Council and a non-elected city manager.

He'd also like to change the makeup of the City Council from representatives of the 13 kinda/sorta districted up "wards" that divide our city into a combination of 5 reps for geographic pieces of the city (northeast, north, south, southwest, southeast) and 6 (or 8, depending on which page you're on) "at large" reps who would be elected by the whole city. Again, this is a pretty intriguing solution if you believe the current setup to be a problem.

When he's not putting his pet principle next to his name, Kahn identifies with the dreaded DFL, which means no matter how libertarian I think he may sound, there's probably no chance I can get him to come around for me. (In a comment on Naomi Kritzer's blog, he said his current #2 was Dr. Bruyere and his current #3 - with the caveat of a held nose - was Mrs. Hodges.)

He signed up for Twitter on Sunday - in his second (and so far last) tweet, he said he'd appreciate your #3 vote. Again, since I'd appreciate your #1 Ranking, it is possible you could make both of us happy, albeit at the expense of Mr. Benjegerdes who would ALSO like your #3 vote. (By the way, at the time I type this, you can still be his very first and only follower!)

I honestly can't tell you if I'd be a better mayor than this man or not - well, actually, perhaps I CAN, since I can definitely promise I would stick around if I were elected! Am I right or wrong? It's YOUR vote!

NEXT: The man you've been waiting for (to put on a shirt)
17.10.13 00:02 
Just noticed - in @StarTribune's "meet 30 mayoral candidates" online thing, they misspelled "principle" ALL THIRTY TIMES. #MPLSmayor #MPLS13
16.10.13 22:38 
@DavidRagan @FrontRowNASCAR Congrats! I've bought @FarmRichSnacks mozzarella sticks + mushrooms in your honor (well, and they were on sale)
16.10.13 20:54 
Listened to Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Ballad of 32
16.10.13 20:50 
Listened to Zoot Woman - Taken It All (Todd Edwards Soul Line Radio Vocal Edit)
16.10.13 20:47 
Listened to Company B - Incredible Boy
16.10.13 19:37 
Rainbow Foods (Minneapolis, MN)
16.10.13 19:34 
Listened to Santana - Black Magic Woman
16.10.13 19:30 
Listened to The Future Sound of London - Herd Killing
16.10.13 19:29 
Listened to Young Leek - Jiggle It
16.10.13 19:21 Aw, thanks! But it's spelled "you're" RT @StephenLeicht: Even when your grumpy and stressed I still love you im so happy your in my life <3
16.10.13 19:20 
@SheilaEdrummer "Sheilaedrumm" didn't work - are you also "Sheilaedrummer" on Instagram?
16.10.13 17:51 
Listened to Giorgio Moroder - Giorgio Moroder feat. Alejandro - My Name Is ... (2013)
16.10.13 17:41 
Listened to Magnetic Man - Crossover (feat. Katy B)
16.10.13 16:48 
@lls404 @smckenzie21 27 candidates appear to be missing - may I offer a plug for my work at #MPLSmayor
16.10.13 16:30 
Listened to Chemical Brothers - Sunday Times Compilation
16.10.13 15:38 
Listened to The Chemical Brothers - Further
16.10.13 15:32 
24 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
16.10.13 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.13 ▲0.17 (Range: 25.01 - 25.30)
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