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1.7.14 00:03 topics of interest: June 2014
30.6.14 22:14 Is my disappearing Twitter feed Twitter's way of telling me they don't really want anyone using their website anymore?
30.6.14 21:39 
Smark site headline, 30 minutes from now: "WWE'S MOST DESPERATE #RAW EVER"
30.6.14 21:10 
30.6.14 21:09 
30.6.14 21:08 
30.6.14 20:46 
Kids, be sure to ask your parents for TWISTED iced tea! #RAW
30.6.14 20:45 
That's an ADULT beverage! #RAW
30.6.14 20:43 
Between Kofi whipping his hair back and forth and Mr. Zoominzoomout on camera, I'm getting queasy #RAW
30.6.14 20:33 
Hell, maybe he'll be back to Wade by the time he comes back #RAW
30.6.14 20:30 
RT @tapemachines: this company shouldn’t have titles
30.6.14 20:30 
Faux pas on @HeymanHustle saying "Wade" instead of "Bad News" #RAW
30.6.14 20:29 Can of Diet Dr Pepper
30.6.14 20:29 
YES TOURNAMENT oh no battle royale #RAW
30.6.14 20:28 
The Special Olympics: tonight's Diet Dew #RAW
30.6.14 20:25 
Remember, no blood on #RAW - except during "Road to Palmoa" commercials
30.6.14 20:23 
Kiiiiissssssss #RAW
30.6.14 20:16 
Trying like hell to get the "Bo-ring" chant going but this crowd only knows "This is Awesome" #RAW
30.6.14 19:35 
I'm confused! Is "Believe that" Dean's catchy phrase or Roman's? We all know they can't BOTH have it because we're easily confused! #RAW
30.6.14 19:32 
"Hate" is such a strong word, but... RT @D_V_D_V_R: Yup - I hate this crowd
30.6.14 19:15 
Really ended on a zinger there #RAW
30.6.14 19:13 
It must kill them to say "2K15" instead of "two thousand fifteen" #RAW
30.6.14 18:24 @JBoog35 I don't know if he lied or what, but somewhere along the line he lost 3 years, yup.
30.6.14 16:58 New video games coming out the week of 7/1/14
30.6.14 16:49 New DVD/Blu-ray/digital titles for the week of 7/1/2014 (198)
30.6.14 16:34 
Listned to gusgus - Mexico
30.6.14 16:09 @Messenger_74 He's still playing for the same Qatar team in 2014, believe it or not @DarrenWolfson
30.6.14 15:23 
On this day one year ago, #twolves renounced their draft rights to Tanguy Ngombo. #neverforget @Flip_Saunders #targuy
30.6.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 22.90 ▲0.13 (Range: 22.59 - 22.94)
30.6.14 14:32 
Listened to gusgus - Attention
30.6.14 14:16 
30.6.14 13:33 
Listened to Klaxons & Grace - It's Not Over (Nero Bootleg)
30.6.14 11:30 
30.6.14 10:43 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
30.6.14 10:30 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
29.6.14 22:02 
Well, thanks for sitting through those last 80 or so tweets (or muting me instead of unfollowing). #MitB
29.6.14 22:01 
What?! No Fallout?! BOOOOO #MitB
29.6.14 21:57 
@JayJayDean They don't even let the superstars use that kind of language anymore!
29.6.14 21:55 
He'll run right to the front row dude with the "CENA SUCKS" shirt I bet #MitB
29.6.14 21:55 
Well, this is a surprise! #MitB
29.6.14 21:52 
Nothing signifies failure like JBL saying "That's the move he won the championship with!" as he fails to win a championship with it #MitB
29.6.14 21:44 
Oh NOW the Roku reboots #MitB
29.6.14 21:41 
Powdered surgical gloves killed wrestling #MitB
29.6.14 21:36 
Oh, there we are. Must've had to glue something on Orton's noggin #MitB
29.6.14 21:36 
Charles Robinson's got his "Someone's bleedin'" gloves on...what'd I miss? #MitB
29.6.14 21:28 
I hope Mark Henry and Big Show are at the same barbecue #MitB
29.6.14 21:25 
I hope Cena has an even funnier face ready in case he accidentally wins again tonight #MitB
29.6.14 21:24 
Oh yeah, this guy's in the match - I think he's been mentioned even less than del Rio, which might make him a good pick #MitB
29.6.14 21:22 So when Facebook was doing their manipulation exercises, were my status updates selected to make you HAPPIER or to make you more DEPRESSED?
29.6.14 21:16 
Lawler may yet treat us to the sight of an empty bottle of Diet Dew #MitB #productplacement
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