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4.8.14 20:11 
Merciful heavens! An unheard of twelve minute (and counting) match thus far means we're guaranteed at least 11 minutes of RVD later! #RAW
4.8.14 20:07 @tapemachines Honey, I put meat on bread
4.8.14 20:05 
Hmm, no notification of Leo Kruger trending - in other news, everybody on Twitter appears to have made the same joke #RAW
4.8.14 20:00 
9.99 is ALSO Lawler's over/under point regarding how many years of puberty his prospective girlfriends would have had #RAW
4.8.14 19:59 
Maybe Paul Orn-doff will be the Special Surprise Guest? #RAW
4.8.14 19:58 
"Special Surprise Guest" next week: Brutus Beefcake - no, wait, that wouldn't be a surprise...hmm... #RAW
4.8.14 19:56 
Coming up in the second hour: Goldust and Stardust re-enact a scene from "Road to Paloma" #RAW
4.8.14 19:55 
It's sad knowing JR had the opportunity to tweet ANYTHING right now and get an instant ten thousand retweets...but he didn't #RAW
4.8.14 19:45 
@tapemachines Popeyes > WWE Network
4.8.14 19:45 
The Legends House #RAW
4.8.14 19:44 
Whoa, that's Cena speaking *passionately?* #RAW
4.8.14 19:42 Without a doubt, JBL has never looked better at the announce table @JCLayfield
4.8.14 19:35 Can of Diet Dr Pepper
4.8.14 19:17 
This segment has gone, what, two minutes? LET'S GET SOME 9 COUNTS GOING #RAW
4.8.14 19:12 
These Universityof fans sure are well-conditioned! (That's the city they're in, right? Universityof, Texas?) #RAW
4.8.14 19:06 
Doesn't Randy Orton look uncomfortable in pants? #RAW
4.8.14 18:12 New video games coming out the week of 8/5/14
4.8.14 17:36 
You know who @WWE DIDN'T lay off? The guy sending the SMS blasts
4.8.14 17:35 Tweet rerun:
4.8.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.56 ▲0.39 (Range: 23.01 - 23.65)
4.8.14 14:33 
Ah, NOW we have a cuppa
4.8.14 14:14 
There was like a half cup in both pots, so I guess I'll make a new pot
4.8.14 11:45 
4.8.14 11:35 
NetBackup Appliances is now available! /> (Did you miss #NetBackup @NetBackup
4.8.14 09:55 
Symantec (Roseville, MN)
4.8.14 09:42 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
3.8.14 19:17 GUYS GUYS ANOTHER YEAR OF COACH T!!!!!!!!
3.8.14 19:03 
Oh, wait, one more thing to note - NFL and WWE are using the same dumb "Hall of Fame" song
3.8.14 19:02 And now! #FOOTBALL. Good night!
3.8.14 19:01 
They did what they could. At the end of the day...this show probably got like 5 viewers anyway #WrestleMania
3.8.14 19:01 Guess there must have been some strict rules placed on what they could/couldn't say, so this wasn't ever an opportunity they COULD squander
3.8.14 18:59 
Oh, wait, are they doing that now? I take back everything I just tweeted. Well done, WWE! A triumph on NBC! #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:59 
I get it - spotlight the two dudes in the SummersSlam ME - but, um, MENTION THAT THESE TWO DUDES ARE MAIN EVENTING SUMMERSLAM #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:55 
Daniel Who? WWE World Heavyweight What? Sorry, doesn't ring a bell... #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:53 @ajB_real It was pretty early on, just after they went out and back in the ring and Lesnar did a takedown (if I remember right?)
3.8.14 18:46 
Too bad they can't edit out Take's concussion! #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:45 @benmiller Ask me in three weeks when we know what it is
3.8.14 18:41 @benmiller YOU'RE looking like Wiggins
3.8.14 18:36 
These NBC hours may be the only time all year that the WWE Network doesn't exist #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:26 
Lordy, this "heat machine" #WrestleMania
3.8.14 18:05 
As you might expect, Hogan doesn't say "Silverdome" in the NBC Director's Cut #WrestleMania
3.8.14 17:28 
Lest you forget - Lord knows I had - the NBC #WrestleMania special airs in 30 minutes (except on the west coast, I'm guessing)
3.8.14 16:14 @BackoftheHead Uh oh!
3.8.14 15:58 Can of Diet Dr Pepper
3.8.14 14:10 My desire to mow the lawn is thus far not overwhelming my desire to avoid heatstroke
3.8.14 13:42 I dunno...sounds like he's pro-gun to me! MT @SD49MNGOP: How Ron Erhardt deals with a political volunteer #mnleg
3.8.14 13:07 RT @TheDivaReview: An actual movie review! It's been ages since I've done one of these. So happy that it's for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.
2.8.14 20:56 
Listened to Jan Hammer - Tubbs And Valerie
2.8.14 20:52 
Listened to Prefuse 73 - Girlfriend Boyfriend
2.8.14 20:49 
Listened to The KLF & Extreme Noise Terror - 38
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