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6.11.14 13:30 
6.11.14 12:52 #tbt @warriors
6.11.14 12:02 
6.11.14 10:50 
 Symantec (Roseville, MN)
6.11.14 10:38 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
6.11.14 02:45 
Every time I walk in to a Starbucks and see the California mug, it mocks me, and my plight to live in a real city, that I could not send you a Sacramento one. This is my mission. (wall post by Andrea Ware)
5.11.14 22:18 
RT @rickyrubio9: “@cjzero: @rickyrubio9 I take it Pek's answer surprised you?” I dont want to forget this win it was awesome lol.
5.11.14 20:51 
#twolves 98 - #nets 91
Ricky 14/8/12, Pek 16 & 11, Thad 10 & 11, KMart 26, Wiggy 17
5.11.14 20:46 
THAD YOUNG: 1 (10 & 11, 0:27.2 4th)
5.11.14 20:36 
RICKY RUBIO: 1 (10 & 10A, 3:46 4th)
5.11.14 20:31 
NIKOLA PEKOVIC: 2 (11 & 11, 7:04 4th)
5.11.14 17:53 
 McRib please and HURRY - McDonald's (New Brighton, MN)
5.11.14 17:12 New video games coming out the week of 11/11/14
5.11.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.18 ▲0.19 (Range: 24.95 - 25.27)
5.11.14 12:34 
Listened to Elektric Music - Baby Come Back
5.11.14 12:29 
Listened to Elektric Music - Crosstalk-Intercomix
5.11.14 12:10 @teamziller Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
5.11.14 11:40 
It's time for coffee
5.11.14 10:43 
YOGURT OF THE DAY: PEACH #yogurtoftheday
5.11.14 10:36 
Now that the City Charter's been amended to raise filing fees, what's next? I suggest we amend the Charter again:
5.11.14 09:50 
 Symantec (Roseville, MN)
5.11.14 01:15 
When @CNNPolitics shows a race where the top two are separated by 0.3%, shouldn't they show third, fourth and fifth if they're all above 1%?
5.11.14 01:04 
You know how CNN shows a race that has a difference of about 0.5% between the top two, and you can add up their votes and see that only about 95% of the vote is on the screen? I wonder why they can't use a little more screen space to put the third place cat up there. Is it because they don't want people thinking that there were other choices and that they do matter?
4.11.14 23:33 Can't wait for @guruzim and @grumpymartian to harvest their first marijuana crop
4.11.14 23:10 @leaningcowboy Yeah, but you're CANADANANIANS.
4.11.14 23:00 Whoa! "The Newsroom" is still a thing!
4.11.14 22:56 @aklingus Wow, you almost made it five minutes
4.11.14 22:52 
What the heck is going on with that monitor in Franken's lectern?
4.11.14 22:17 
Also, I can't decide if I can't believe or am not surprised that Stanek doubled up Frizell - goodbye data privacy in Hennepin county
4.11.14 22:14 
@ProfDSchultz I'm at home doing the political junkie thing - very disappointed that Minneapolis voted to raise filing fees
4.11.14 22:12 RT @ProfDSchultz: @CRZ thanks!
4.11.14 22:12 @ProfDSchultz Hahahahaha
4.11.14 22:05 Hey @ProfDSchultz! Put your soda can away!
4.11.14 21:39 
The Minneapolis filing fee for mayor will be raised from $20 to $500. I'm disappointed; I don't think this is going to solve whatever "problems" voters thought were there.

On the other hand, maybe I can use this to start a NEW movement to amend the City Charter to repeal ALL fees
4.11.14 21:33 
126 of 127 #MPLS precincts reporting:
Question 1 (raising filing fees) passes 65-35 :(
Question 2 (repeal food/booze ratios) passes 84-16 :)
4.11.14 21:21 
With 86 of 127 #MPLS precincts reporting:
Question 1 (raising filing fees) is up 63-37 :(
Question 2 (repeal food/booze ratios) up 82-18 :)
4.11.14 21:01 Christopher Robin Zimmerman tagged himself in a photo.
4.11.14 20:59 Everyone's a sucker. (Link: "I made Alex from Target go viral")
4.11.14 20:54 
Polls closed an hour ago so this status is mostly meaningless ("I voted")
4.11.14 19:16 
@HackmanRSPW To their credit, they manage not to switch angles at the moment of impact like WWE does with ADD-like frequecy
4.11.14 18:52 
@USAgov Voter 858 in W2-P5 - 70 minutes to go in Minneapolis!
4.11.14 18:39 
Voter 858 in W2-P5 - 90 minutes to go! #MPLSvotes usagov
4.11.14 18:27 
 Made it! - Prospect Park United Methodist Church (Minneapolis, MN)
4.11.14 16:59 Jalapeno Cheddar
4.11.14 16:57 
24 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
4.11.14 16:18 
@StubbleMag I No Longer Want To Be Your Mayor (But Vote No on 1)
4.11.14 16:16 
4.11.14 15:42 
I wonder if the Mandy Benz campaign ever figured out my house wasn't in their district
4.11.14 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 24.99 ▼0.21 (Range: 24.94 - 25.21)
4.11.14 14:14 
I voted...for coffee
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