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13.1.15 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 25.34 ▲0.05 (Range: 25.12 - 26.05)
13.1.15 14:27 
Listened to Opik - Travelling Without Moving
13.1.15 12:39 Another day, another trip to the flags menu to make Chrome act the way it acted before the latest "update"
13.1.15 11:36 
 Symantec (Roseville, MN)
13.1.15 11:26 
U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
12.1.15 22:13 
12.1.15 22:11 
Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk #RAW
12.1.15 22:00 
RT @What30dayrule: It has now been 113 days since @BrockLesnar last defended the @WWE World Heavyweight Championship. #RAW
12.1.15 21:59 
12.1.15 21:59 
Do you suppose they've already fired the writer who came up with the hashtag that would never trend? #RAW
12.1.15 21:52 
I think it must kill WWE that they didn't know a hashtag with "sucks" in it wouldn't trend #RAW
12.1.15 21:44 
Ah, Lana - not a hair out of place.
(Several hairs out of place.)
12.1.15 21:38 
12.1.15 21:38 
Also, how great was seeing Rhett Titus on Smackdown a couple weeks ago?
12.1.15 21:36 
JBL is right - we need MORE squash matches in 2015! #RAW
12.1.15 21:35 
Man I LOVE how the commentary team is shitting all over The Ascension because they stole the words "The Wasteland" from Bad News Barrett
12.1.15 21:34 
Well, I guess the swerve was there was no swerve. Come to think of it, though, they should've inducted Elizabeth while they were at it #RAW
12.1.15 21:31 
Oh, so they'll induct 'em both? #RAW
12.1.15 21:24 @richneumeister I was a double threat in college: math degree AND Model UN - two things I seldom use in 2015 :)
12.1.15 21:15 
Kissss.......kisssss........ #RAW
12.1.15 21:13 
Hmmm, not sure a tope on your "first night back" is the best idea, but what the heck, it's just a neck #RAW
12.1.15 21:12 
I think the REAL question I want answered is will we finally see Bryan's arms once again on Smackdown?
12.1.15 21:10 
Wow, Stephanie just booked a match for Bryan despite the fact that one was advertised last Friday on Syfy! #RAW
12.1.15 21:08 @richneumeister Yah, you got it - .0068 = .68%
12.1.15 21:06 @richneumeister You have to move decimal 2 places over to use a percent sign - wouldn't you agree that 370,000 is 10% and 37,000 is 1%?
12.1.15 21:01 @richneumeister It's miniscule either way, but why not be correct?
12.1.15 20:57 @richneumeister .68% :)
12.1.15 20:54 @richneumeister Specifically, 12216/2275357 ≅ 0.54%
12.1.15 20:51 @richneumeister That math looks wrong.
12.1.15 20:47 
That's true - I suppose WrestleMania will be the second anniversary of "21-1" RT @HackmanRSPW: "WWE Math" is always off by one.
12.1.15 20:45 
Paul keeps saying 282 days, but it was really 281 days.
(This is why you're paying me)
12.1.15 20:42 
Somehow I doubt Paul will mention the almost 113 days it's been since the "reigning, defending" actually did any defending #RAW
12.1.15 20:41 Although when I saw "Bob Newhart" was trending, I was worried that he'd passed away
12.1.15 20:39 
I now suspect that Twitter has algorithms to keep anything with "sucks" out, given that we haven't seen Cena's hashtag OR #RAWsucks tonight
12.1.15 20:36 
@asianorange Ha! No.
12.1.15 20:31 
12.1.15 20:29 
12.1.15 20:26 
I bet, instead of announcing Savage's induction, they announce Benoit's!
Taped statement from Vince: "It's time to welcome Chris home"
12.1.15 20:16 
(a PhotoShop of Bob Ross with Roman Reigns' head) #RAW
12.1.15 20:15 RT @tapemachines: Damn, I need to check out Dueños del paraíso
12.1.15 20:10 
And then there's the one about the man who killed the golden goose...
12.1.15 20:07 
Oh God, this is too awful to be intentional or ironic #RAW
12.1.15 20:06 
12.1.15 20:03 
Kinda wish Show would start talking about "The Secret" #RAW
12.1.15 20:02 
Hey no Kevin Nash at the big reunion huhaaahahahahaha #RAW
12.1.15 20:02 
Brave choice using Show at top of an hour (one down, two to go!) #RAW
12.1.15 20:00 
Are all these constant TMZ mentions making WWE suddenly more culturally relevant or something? Or is money exchanging hands? #RAW
12.1.15 19:57 
Clearly they wouldn't say "expected to be inducted" if there wasn't a RUSSO-STYLE SWERVE coming - caaaaaaan't wait for that #RAW
12.1.15 19:54 
Is Book OK? He's gone almost an entire segment without exclaiming that we've gotta be kidding him #RAW
12.1.15 19:50 
I guess Cena's hashtag didn't trend. Sad face emoji #RAW
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