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25.1.18 16:57 @dhm It's nigh on impossible to misquote me when I'm leaving Facebook comments in soundbite form
25.1.18 15:44 
Listened to The Kings - This Beat Goes On - Original Radio Seque
25.1.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 27.15 ▲0.35 (Range: 26.87 - 27.16)
25.1.18 14:56 
1oz bag of Goldfish
25.1.18 13:51 
RT @citypages: Finally good, #Twolves cash in with steep ticket price hikes
25.1.18 13:22 I'm [City Pages] famous!
25.1.18 12:03 
French Roast
25.1.18 11:34 It occurs to me that there are no photos of the XFL blimp NOT crashing
25.1.18 09:08 
25.1.18 08:58 
 Veritas (Roseville, MN)
25.1.18 08:51 
Listened to Quantic - Apricot Morning
25.1.18 08:45 
Listened to Charlie Rich - The Most Beautiful Girl
24.1.18 23:21 @BloodStrib nice
24.1.18 17:36 
Listened to Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
24.1.18 17:33 
  U.S. Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
24.1.18 17:21 
Listened to Depeche Mode - Dream On (single version)
24.1.18 17:17 
Listened to AUX 88 - Break It Down
24.1.18 17:13 
Listened to Banco De Gaia - Obsidian
24.1.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 26.80 ▲0.19 (Range: 26.66 - 27.34)
24.1.18 13:03 
My car didn't completely escape the Snow Emergency after all; I woke up to a flat tire. It DID hold air, so it was more of a (not very) slow leak, or so I thought. My dealer found a nail and, miraculously, I got out with a plug for only $16.77 total. See, they don't ALWAYS charge me several hundreds of dollars...but those times make for far less interesting Facebook statuses. Besides, I got free coffee, a jelly donut AND a rare car wash, so it's almost like I MADE money... except for the two hours of my precious time spent in their waiting area because I didn't make an appointment. I can definitely live with that.
24.1.18 12:44 
Listened to Yazoo - Nobody's Diary (GRN's 12" Remix)
24.1.18 12:38 
Listened to James Brown - Sumpin' Else
24.1.18 12:04  ...while I'm in town - Costco Wholesale (Maplewood, MN)
24.1.18 12:01 
Listened to Nine Inch Nails - Terrible Lie (Sympathetic Mix)
24.1.18 10:30 
Maybe just a nail in the tire - here's hoping! - Schmelz Countryside Volkswagen Saab (Maplewood, MN)
24.1.18 10:25 
Listened to System 7 - Sinbad
24.1.18 10:17 
Listened to Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
24.1.18 08:59 
24.1.18 08:43 
 Veritas (Roseville, MN)
24.1.18 08:42 
Listened to Axelrod, David - Song Of Innocence
24.1.18 08:38 
Listened to Art of Noise - Motive
24.1.18 08:33 
Listened to Erasure - The Hardest Part
24.1.18 08:32  This can't go on - Holiday Station Store (Saint Paul, MN)
24.1.18 08:25 
Listened to Beats International - Invasion of the Estate Agents
23.1.18 20:25 
Listened to B.Traits - Essential Mix 2018-01-20
23.1.18 20:18  OK, let's fill 'em all - Holiday Station Store (Saint Paul, MN)
23.1.18 19:57  Time for a new air pressure gauge for sure - Menards (Saint Paul, MN)
23.1.18 19:40 
 Wow my tire had NO AIR in it... Should I be worried? - Holiday Station Store (Minneapolis, MN)
23.1.18 18:54 
 Cub Foods (Minneapolis, MN)
23.1.18 18:01 
Listened to Kraftwerk - Tour De France [Francois Kevorkian Mix]
23.1.18 17:55 
Listened to Kraftwerk - Tour De France [Kling Klang Analog Mix]
23.1.18 17:51 
Listened to Kraftwerk - Tour de France [Radio Version]
23.1.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 26.61 ▲0.07 (Range: 26.36 - 26.71)
23.1.18 14:13 
Listened to Barb Abney & Miss Brit with DJ SLT - Wake Up Call 2018-01-12
23.1.18 14:07 
House Blend
23.1.18 14:04 @grumpymartian Uh oh - you are older
23.1.18 13:06 
Anybody reached Colin Cassady for comment yet?
23.1.18 11:59 
Listened to Mason - Cruise Control 2018-01-23
23.1.18 10:36 
FURTHER ADVENTURES IN COMMUTING: Last night, the alley was NOT plowed. One of my neighbours told me she wasn't even gonna try to go out and she seemed way wiser than me, but I have this devotion to my job that I can't quite explain, so I did some more digging and miraculously made it over the bump in the alley, then did a lot of driving while praying that I wouldn't strand myself on any of the three unplowed streets between me and Franklin Ave SE, because dummy forgot to put a shovel in the passenger seat. I did have to do some back-and-forth on one of the turns but previous vehicles' tracks were generally enough to get me there after I disabled the ASR (which I'd sure wished I'd remembered to do when I was in the alley LAST night). Really happy to make it to the plowed streets AND the freeway, except when I'd hit 40 mph, when my snow-filled tires would start doing the scary chattering thing and I'd have to slow it back down. This wasn't a problem when I hit the 35W, where traffic had been cut to one lane due to - get this - a Metro bus facing the wrong way being pulled out of the median ditch. Somehow I was only 20 minutes late for this conference call which turns out to be just exciting enough for me to also type this while it's going on - ooh, maybe shouldn't admit that. Very hopeful our missing Mr. Plow shows his blade before I have to try to get back into the garage later. (Also that Minneapolis comes through my hood, because it's "even side of the street" plow day)
23.1.18 10:21 
@BoltDesigns Thanks!
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