this page generated 5.1.25 00:56 CST
(@331 .beats)

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17.11.18 15:20 
Listened to The Masters - I Need Your Love
17.11.18 01:36 
 Why are they playing "Strokin'" - Ballentine VFW Post 246 (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 23:32 
It is You Oughta Know (@yououghtaknow90sband /
(Varsity Theater)
16.11.18 23:08 
Varsity Theater & Cafe des Artistes (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 22:09 
 Picking up - maashaa allah (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 20:54 
What's more valuable, a gatefold or an additional three minutes of "Get It Up?" Discuss amongst yourselves RT @cruisectrlkfai: I've just got the LP - @crz has the 12". Bet it doesn't have this sweet gatefold tho.
16.11.18 20:02 
 Bonus! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 20:02 ON THE AIR NOW RIGHT NOW
(this status applicable for two hours)
16.11.18 19:29 
Listened to The Orb - passing of time (bbc 1 maida vale 10-12-98)
16.11.18 18:16 
 Commercial, maybe? - Hi-Lo Diner (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 18:08 
Listened to The KLF - Wichita Lineman Was a Song I Once Heard
16.11.18 18:03 
Listened to James Brown - Devil's Den (Live At The Latin Casino)
16.11.18 17:59 
Listened to Unique 3 - Take This Love (Monstr Mix) [feat. Adele Collins]
16.11.18 17:53 
Listened to The Pogues - Honky Tonk Women
16.11.18 17:50 
Listened to Alyson Williams - Sleep Talk (12")
16.11.18 17:44 
Listened to Underworld - The Misterons Mix
16.11.18 16:46 
Oops, forgot - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.18 16:37 Intense French
16.11.18 16:26 
Listened to Belinda Carlisle - Vision Of You
16.11.18 16:18 
Guys, just never mail anything internationally ever. Still, I know you like leaving "nice" comments so have at it
(Post Office-University)
16.11.18 15:54 
Listened to Art of Noise - Peter Gunn (featuring Duane Eddy) (Extended Version) (2017 Remastered Version)
16.11.18 15:25 DEAD MOUSE UPDATE: After three nights of no activity, disposed of mouse #4 this morning. I've refreshed the peanut butter just to be safe.
16.11.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.09 ▼0.23 (Range: 22.61 - 23.30)
16.11.18 13:32 
Hey hey who wants to stream a Friday night dance party? Mason and I haven't done live radio for..........a while! RT @cruisectrlkfai: Almost forgot to mention we'll be on @kfaiFMradio tonight from 8-10 now that Jet Set Planet has ended. Tonight for sure and maybe more in the future - a Friday Night Cruise Control? You bet!

@CRZ , will you be there?
16.11.18 04:04 
Every Friday afternoon, Ray Seville, who on social media identifies himself as the Underwriting Manager of KMOJ, sneaks out a post containing a flyer for the Friday night he and his Ray Seville Productions present at "The Clubhouse Bar," which not coincidentally shares an address with Clubhouse Jäger - because it is Clubhouse Jäger, a bar which (as far as I still know) remains owned by that guy who once donated to the David Duke campaign.

Now, you know me, just another middle-aged white guy, this really *my* business to express any outrage at all about the obvious incongruity of what appears to be continued support of a racist property owner by the patrons of a weekly night catering to a demographic of folks I'm pretty sure said owner wouldn't really like having around when they're not lining his pockets (and, who knows, maybe not even then)?

....yeah? Yeah. I'm thinking it should be all of our business.

But this status is probably all you'll get out of me and really, I guess I'm "just asking questions" at this point. It does make me think I still need more racial diversity in my friend group, too, so I could just talk to them about this instead of posting it out here.

Still, at the very least and from my high horse... this feels like a bad look for "the People's Station."
15.11.18 23:27 
Listened to Wolfgang Flür - On the Beam (German Version)
15.11.18 23:23 
Listened to Friction - Essential Mix 2018-11-10
15.11.18 18:49 
 Yay - The Trylon (Minneapolis, MN)
15.11.18 16:55  It's been over three years so it's not EXACTLY "crawling back" - Xfinity Store - Highland Park (Saint Paul, MN)
15.11.18 16:33 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
15.11.18 16:02 
RT @kfaiFMradio: What is KFAI looking to do with #GTMD18 funds? Some modest, but necessary upgrades. Let's take a quick studio tour 1/11
15.11.18 15:51 It only took me 20 minutes to cancel my CenturyLink PrismTV! Maybe I should have done that several bills ago.
15.11.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.32 ▲0.96 (Range: 22.13 - 23.65)
15.11.18 03:46 
Listened to Slam - Essential Mix at 25 2018-10-27 Part 12
14.11.18 22:25 
 Sorry I'm late - Ballentine VFW Post 246 (Minneapolis, MN)
14.11.18 20:58 @aadesigncreate coooooooooooooooooool
14.11.18 19:00 2 litre bottle of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
14.11.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 22.36 ▲0.51 (Range: 21.90 - 22.36)
14.11.18 03:44 
Good times! If you can read my handwriting.... we should probably hang out more.
14.11.18 03:35 
 Ummmm two hours ago - CC Club (Minneapolis, MN)
14.11.18 02:23 
Listened to Erol Alkan - Essential Mix at 25 2018-10-27 Part 11
13.11.18 22:41 
I bought this Sneaker Pimps collection in Austin, probably the last time I went there (1998? '99?) and had never opened it until tonight! #KZiM
(Bryant Lake Bowl & Theater)
13.11.18 21:29 
DJ'd at Bryant-Lake Bowl with DJ Christian Fritz
13.11.18 21:10 
 Hey DJ (it's me!) - Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater (Minneapolis, MN)
13.11.18 18:01 HEY DJ: Short notice but I'm spinning with Christian Fritz TONIGHT at Bryant-Lake Bowl from 9 to 1! See what kind of crate I can pack in a panic in two hours and enjoy sweet, sweet happy hour deals from 10PM!
13.11.18 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 21.85 ▲0.02 (Range: 21.70 - 22.12)
13.11.18 00:10 Can of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper
12.11.18 23:25 Did Stan Lee die after he saw the Detective Pikachu trailer?
12.11.18 20:45 
Coming up at midnight CST! After this show was over, I had taken notes to travel down eight rabbit holes later. How many will YOU want to venture into? RT @cruisectrlkfai: Tonight: Rick Astley slums it with Michael McDonald and we follow some deep yacht threads to spiritual enlightenment... Or something.

Tune in @ midnight to for more smooth than you can use.
12.11.18 19:05 
Geez, maybe I'll watch the Timberwolves game after all #RAW
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