this page generated 11.3.25 02:01 CDT
(@334 .beats)

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15.2.19 16:49 
Listened to Belinda Carlisle - Love Never Dies
15.2.19 16:44 
Listened to fDeluxe - Over the Canyon
15.2.19 16:37 
  :( - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
15.2.19 16:32 
Listened to Prince - Pink Cashmere (Reggae Mix)
15.2.19 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.15 ▲0.09 (Range: 23.03 - 23.31)
15.2.19 03:51 
My closet door just spontaneously opened on its own...clearly my house is falling apart around me, the foundation shifting imperceptibly in subzero temperatures
15.2.19 03:07 Came home to a mouse trap full of not-quite-yet-dead mouse - the first time death wasn't instantaneous with this trap. Turns out those are WAY harder to dispose of than the fully dead kind, but I was very brave and managed to complete the task, earning one more drink. I really thought we were done with mice for the winter, especially with snow everywhere around the house...but that's why I keep the peanut butter fresh in that trap. Anyway, that was how MY St. Valentine's Day ended; I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere but that's for future generations to study
15.2.19 02:43 
Listened to Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - The Intro And The Outro
15.2.19 02:40 
Listened to UNKLE - Keys to the Kingdom (instrumental)
15.2.19 02:35 
Listened to Fishbone - Those Days Are Gone
15.2.19 02:30 
Listened to Jas - Hitchhiking (Streetlife Originals 'Message To The People' Dub)
15.2.19 02:26 
Listened to Bill Watrous - Quiet Lady
15.2.19 02:20 
Listened to 808 State - Crossword
15.2.19 02:17 
Listened to Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygène Part IV
15.2.19 02:13 
Listened to Giorgio - Heaven Helps The Man (Who Helps Himself)
14.2.19 22:57 
 Well golly, I've lived here nearly 15 years and never set foot in this building - The Gay 90's (Minneapolis, MN)
14.2.19 22:41 
Listened to Josey Rebelle - Essential Mix 2019-02-09
14.2.19 18:49 Can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
14.2.19 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.06 ▲0.04 (Range: 22.81 - 23.24)
14.2.19 11:58 
Is now tradition - HSVD
14.2.19 04:51 Wow why am I even reading Twitter on V Day
13.2.19 22:19 
 Close enough - Ballentine VFW Post 246 (Minneapolis, MN)
13.2.19 21:18 
 Sorry I'm late for DRAGO! - Hammer & Sickle (Minneapolis, MN)
13.2.19 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.02 ▼0.39 (Range: 23.00 - 23.52)
13.2.19 07:24 I'm good; I probably got some previous years' ones around here somewhere
13.2.19 03:53 Can of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper
13.2.19 02:19 
@jxvaleska @tapemachines Then
13.2.19 00:28 
Half liter bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
13.2.19 00:07 I'm on the air! No, REALLY! 90.3 FM locally, kfai dot org globally - if you're listening and would like a shout out, let me know! (If you're listening and DON'T want a shout out, let me know!)
13.2.19 00:00 
Hosted "Modern Kicks"
12.2.19 23:43 
 WOW! Parking sucks! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
12.2.19 17:33 
RT @DollarBinShow: Episode 7 of the web exclusive "Dollar Bin" show is now available for your streaming pleasure from the @kfaiFMradio web site!
12.2.19 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 23.41 ▲0.99 (Range: 22.57 - 23.45)
12.2.19 12:44 Breakfast Blend
12.2.19 11:27 
RADIO ALERT: I am filling in for Sean Hansen guest hosting Modern Kicks on KFAI TONIGHT from midnight to 2! There's a good chance I totally diverge from his format, but there's ALSO a good chance you'll hear me take you in some directions you haven't heard me take you on any other show! Depends what I have for lunch, probably...
12.2.19 10:18 
Always love hearing from my maestro Giorgio Moroder and this is a great interview!
12.2.19 05:11 One hundred forty-one million wasted clicks
12.2.19 02:01 
I don't wanna say the weather's been sucking, but since Sunday I've done all my laundry and watched 30 episodes of "Yu-Gi-Oh!"
11.2.19 23:22 
@tapemachines Then
11.2.19 21:01 Soy Sauce udon
11.2.19 19:30 Half liter bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
11.2.19 15:00 
SYMC closing quote: 22.42 ▼0.24 (Range: 22.40 - 22.83)
11.2.19 14:14 
Listened to Brent Penny - Airplane
10.2.19 20:36 
 Yay, snow wasn't TOO bad - Papa John's Pizza (Minneapolis, MN)
10.2.19 03:11 
Well NOW it's a party
9.2.19 23:50 
From Northampton, it is Boy Harsher (@boyharsher /
(Loring Bar & Restaurant)
9.2.19 23:02 
From King Woman, it is NGHTCRWLR (@nightcrawlertv)
(Loring Bar & Restaurant)
9.2.19 22:44 
 Late again :( - Loring Bar & Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN)
9.2.19 05:36 
Listened to Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
9.2.19 05:31 
Listened to Slik - The Getaway
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