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17.3.20 18:39 
 Success! (Please don't tell my family in California I left the house... for Guinness) - Zipps Liquors (Minneapolis, MN)
17.3.20 17:29 
 Out of Guinness! I risked my life for NOTHING! - Fresh Thyme Farmers Market (Minneapolis, MN)
17.3.20 17:20 
  (no human contact, picking up records) - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
17.3.20 15:43 
@SeriousSanchez Ha! 'sall good. Honestly I didn't know they were gone and came back. Their feed now looks very light and sad.

I was alive in the 1980s and that also may have been the last time I bought a BD T-shirt.

Shit, now my brand interaction from 2011 is broken! RT
@CRZ: @BigDogClub I BELIEVE! In Big Dogs...and the USA!
17.3.20 15:30 @SeriousSanchez @BIGDOGSWOOF This actually reminds me of those heady days when it was just a dog on the T-shirts. Call me old school but I was never into that ... y'know, smirking biceps thing
17.3.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 16.64 ▼0.20 (Range: 15.74 - 17.27)
17.3.20 14:13 Decaf
17.3.20 11:18 
Here's some Undertaker #content
17.3.20 08:14 Well, not my best prediction, yet still a prescient screen capture for one election cycle later
17.3.20 08:07 Hmm maybe I should grow out some quarantine sideburns
17.3.20 08:01 
Highlander Grog
16.3.20 22:00 GOOD NIGHT, TWITTER
16.3.20 22:00 
OK, bump Saxton up to a 9 for his SECOND stunner sell #RAW
16.3.20 21:58 
Well, I'll generously give Saxton an 8 on the stunner sell #RAW
16.3.20 21:58 
16.3.20 21:57 
Saxton closer to Austin then three (3:16) feet #RAW
16.3.20 21:56 
16.3.20 21:56 
We knew Steve Austin was no Johnny Carson, but to be fair whoever's writing his jokes wasn't exactly Freddie DeBartolo #RAW
16.3.20 21:53 
Wow, Byron's suit was pinned up to hell and back - STOP SHOWING HIM FROM THE BACK #RAW
16.3.20 21:51 Hey look @BurgerKing's new ad touting 8 nuggets for a buck reuses last year's footage (when it was 10 for a buck)
16.3.20 21:33 
Is Mike Rome doing all his ring announcing from his home? #RAW #telework
16.3.20 21:31 @tapemachines I gotta sweat with Corey Everson, tape
16.3.20 21:30 Hey has ESPN brought back aerobics shows yet
16.3.20 21:25 
Well I certainly hope Asuka passes that stone #RAW
16.3.20 21:06 This is @CRZ, now into HIS second decade of bitching about how to correctly pronounce "20xx"
16.3.20 21:05 
We're two decades into the century and WWE still scripts superstars to pronounce the year starting with "two thousand" instead of "twenty" #RAW
16.3.20 20:29 
Geez, Romain Reigns got the Diesel push SIX years ago #RAW
16.3.20 20:26 
That couple shouldn't be eating in a restaurant, Luis Guzman! #RAW #COVIDー19
16.3.20 20:13 
THEY STILL LISTEN TO ME RT @CRZ: Man @WWE I'm BEGGING you give me ONE "COMING UP:" ticker that ends with an exclamation point! instead of a period. #RAW
16.3.20 20:09 
Man @WWE I'm BEGGING you give me ONE "COMING UP:" ticker that ends with an exclamation point! instead of a period. #RAW
16.3.20 20:08 
It'll be nice to have one more #WrestleMania without some weird shoehorned-in "augmented reality" crap
16.3.20 20:03 
Give WWE credit, they figured out how to put the Lesnar elimination right at the top of the hour #RAW #yaregresamos
16.3.20 19:17 
Wow, are they really gonna show the Royal Rumble? BEST PRIME TIME WRESTLING EVER #RAW
16.3.20 19:16 
To be fair, we've managed to go over ONE quarter hour without that "smiles on faces" crap #RAW
16.3.20 19:13 
MAYBE cheaper than a tour bus....oh yeah, obligatory WALKING! in here too #RAW
16.3.20 19:12 
16.3.20 19:04 
This show is PERFECT for someone like me who's episode this year #RAW #LetUsTakeYouBack
16.3.20 19:01 
Phillips, Saxton and Lawler definitely closer together than three feet #RAW
16.3.20 19:00 
Well, well, well....if it isn't my old nemesis Monday Night #RAW
16.3.20 18:29 
Sure is weird seeing Perkins ads when all the Perkins are pretty much gonna be shuttered by the end of the week
16.3.20 18:28 Sure is weird seeing ads depicting large crowds at sporting events - also, who the heck is gonna buy a car THIS month?
16.3.20 18:21 Video
16.3.20 18:12 Can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
16.3.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 16.84 ▼0.61 (Range: 15.77 - 17.57)
16.3.20 11:04 
Listened to Debbie Deb - Everybody's Jammin' - Instrumental
16.3.20 10:59 
Listened to Debbie Deb - Everybody's Jammin'
16.3.20 10:46 
RT @Mixmag: If you're looking for something to do while self-isolating, @moogmusicinc and @KorgUSA have released their synthesiser apps for free ️
16.3.20 10:30 City Pages wants you (and possibly Keri Noble) to catch that virus RT @CityPagesStreet: Musician, Keri Noble, we will be performing in the Twin Cities and we want to send you for free! Sign up to win a pair of tickets today:
15.3.20 22:41 
Listened to Omar-S - Set It Out
15.3.20 22:34   Topping off the tires before I park for a week or two - Holiday Station Store (Saint Paul, MN)
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