this page generated 21.12.24 14:00 CST
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22.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 19.91 ▲0.53 (Range: 19.41 - 20.02)
22.4.20 04:19 
Listened to Bad Stream - s/t on Spotify
22.4.20 03:27 
Listened to Gusgus - Remixes Are More Flexible, Part 2 on Spotify
21.4.20 17:24 
 Kale - Fresh Thyme Farmers Market (Minneapolis, MN)
21.4.20 17:21 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
21.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 19.38 ▼0.63 (Range: 19.06 - 19.97)
21.4.20 14:09 
Velvet Moon
21.4.20 14:09 
21.4.20 13:04 
I feel like I might not last very long on Twitch, but we'll see. I'll work on finding a camera to look at the turntables RT @DollarBinShow: It's Dollar Bin Tuesday and this week's largely 1986-1988 focused episode is available THREE ways:
@kfaiFMradio: /> @mixcloud: /> @Twitch (HUH?): /> Dunno about the Twitch - I still need a camera, I think
21.4.20 01:52 One hundred fifty-one million wasted clicks
20.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.01 ▼0.11 (Range: 19.79 - 20.30)
20.4.20 13:42 Fun day to be watching @CNBC
20.4.20 13:26 
Not exactly the text I was hoping for
20.4.20 11:42 Woo hoo they FINALLY found somebody for the Southeast assaults
20.4.20 08:12 A million years ago
20.4.20 00:05 Can of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper
19.4.20 21:26 I never watched THAT, either! RT @benjamiller: @CRZ Very reminiscent of Sharknado.
19.4.20 21:01 How do I follow so many people who care about the Michael Jordan thing
19.4.20 20:09 Can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
19.4.20 03:09 @aadesigncreate It would be like trying to explain DM's obsession with remixes, wouldn't it?
18.4.20 22:13 
"So, doctor...what d'you suppose Facebook is trying to tell me?"
18.4.20 17:29 
Dark Energy's Depeche Mode night is tonight at 9 and it's gonna rule!! Because too much is never enough, I'm gonna play some of my own DM on Twitch (@seeourzed) starting around 19.40 and finishing up right at 9 - mostly downtempo and/or deep Mode, hopefully nothing they're gonna repeat later (but it wouldn't be the end of the world if our great minds thought alike). If you'd like to listen along (because there won't be much of any video - I'm not there yet) while you dress up, I'd love it if you might wanna check in!
18.4.20 04:22 
I always enjoy Facebook suggesting my friend's moms at 4 in the morning after a couple Sugar Free Rockstar and vodkas (I would NEVER, by the way - ask Andy, I've never once tried to Friend his mom and I've had countless opportunities ;-) )
17.4.20 22:59 
I'm so tired of this
(Prospect Park, Minneapolis)
17.4.20 20:40 @SonorantPlosive Hell Comes to Frogtown for sure
17.4.20 16:25 That'll be the extent of my public comments - anything more is unnecessary, and let's be honest, even this is unnecessary. I pursued irrelevance, attained it, no regrets. Ultimately, we're just two dudes on the Internet until we're just one dude on the Internet...and then none.
17.4.20 16:25 So...yeah. After seeing FLEA's note, I found and read Chris Gaudreau's update. In general, I prefer people alive, but if you get the chance to play "My Way" ...I just hope it's Sinatra or Sid and not Limp Bizkit. (unless you really wanted Limp Bizkit. You do you)
17.4.20 15:28 
Listened to Stoneface and Life Everlasting - Agawalam Mba
17.4.20 15:26 
Listened to Stoneface and Life Everlasting - Love Is Free
17.4.20 15:18 
Listened to Blancmange - I Smashed Your Phone - Kincaid Remix
17.4.20 15:14 
Listened to Blancmange - I Smashed Your Phone
17.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.12 ▼0.30 (Range: 19.91 - 20.74)
17.4.20 13:48 RT @webster: Isolation log, day 40: What are seasons anyway? Losing interest in most things, except this “giant box of Oreos I'll never finish,” which is now finished. Hair threatening rebellion. Expiration dates are lies. Normal never was. All that is transitory is but a metaphor.
17.4.20 12:46 
Listened to DJ Shadow - Our Pathetic Age on Spotify
17.4.20 12:44 Video
17.4.20 11:52 
Listened to Atlas - s/t on Spotify
17.4.20 10:27 
Oh, it's the dudes picketing the governor's mansion. Meh. Freedom still includes the freedom to do really stupid shit, I suppose
17.4.20 10:24 
??? RT @realDonaldTrump: LIBERATE MINNESOTA!
17.4.20 10:07 
17.4.20 09:56 
Italian Roast
17.4.20 08:21 
Found a WWE piece on Mike Chioda from 2019 - still can't believe he was let go; I hope Mike just knew it was time to retire and had some input in the decision but that doesn't SOUND like WWE...anyway give this 9 minutes when you have time
16.4.20 17:32 
 Kale and chicken! - Fresh Thyme Farmers Market (Minneapolis, MN)
16.4.20 17:24 
  Two! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
16.4.20 15:16 
The funny thing is when I search "Howard Finkel Wedding Reception," there's more than one wedding reception. I think this was the one we all saw back then: #RIPFink
16.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.42 ▲0.72 (Range: 19.90 - 20.61)
16.4.20 09:49 @tapemachines Oh God he wrote a book
16.4.20 09:45 @tapemachines Was that "Nikita" still glomming onto Nikolai back then? He had some dealings with my sister-in-law regarding a potential comic book, which was all as batshit crazy as it sounded - he was a fan turned uber-annoyingly-kayfaber - I'm sure none of this sounds surprising
16.4.20 09:21 
RT @WWE: WWE is saddened to learn that WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel has passed away at age 69.
16.4.20 01:22 RT @Steamraise: Changing from my daytime pajamas to my nighttime pajamas.
15.4.20 17:18 
Finally trying this one. Freshness date on the bottom of the can is 2017. Do they still even make this? It's tasty! but nothing special.
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