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(@333 .beats)

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27.4.20 09:20 
Listened to Banco de Gaia - 91 on Spotify
27.4.20 09:11 
Listened to Banco De Gaia - Ages of Gaia
25.4.20 22:55 Oh damn! RIP Bohannon :(
25.4.20 21:28 
Owwwwwwwww. Ow ow ow ow
25.4.20 19:58 
 No Jolt (or it was hidden well) - Dollar General (Minneapolis, MN)
25.4.20 17:59 
 Two hours ago...mostly social distanced - Loring Park (Minneapolis, MN)
24.4.20 22:21 
DEEP IN THE PANTRY, A CONTINUING SERIES: For many an Easter, my parents would send me Peeps and I would never get around to eating them. I hear they're better stale anyway. Here's a batch with a freshness date of September 2015. They're not soft....but they're not crunchy either. Still very pliable. Pretty good! Sugar is still sugar. (I just found ANOTHER box with a freshness date of 3/2014. THEY *do* feel like rocks. Maybe tomorrow.) (And eight MORE boxes, including three different "mystery" flavours.)
24.4.20 22:09 Half liter bottle of Diet Dr Pepper
24.4.20 20:54 
24.4.20 19:32 @grumpymartian Curious about the wine (I'm assuming the folks still have a bottle of theirs in the garage slightly older than Aaron)
24.4.20 16:13 
Listened to Blancmange - I Smashed Your Phone
24.4.20 16:08 
Listened to Blancmange - I Smashed Your Phone - Kincaid Remix
24.4.20 16:01 
Listened to Blancmange - Living On The Ceiling - Roman Flügel Remix
24.4.20 15:55 
Listened to Blancmange - Blind Vision - Honey Dijon Remix
24.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.96 ▲0.75 (Range: 19.89 - 21.22) New 52 week high!
24.4.20 11:56 
Listened to Light Asylum - Dark Allies
24.4.20 11:29 
"Pierre" with the only take that matters
24.4.20 00:13 @benjamiller I only hate being so old and sleepy!
23.4.20 23:42 P. much slept through the NFL Draft (Round 1).... sooo I guess that's my slice of "normal" for the week
23.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.21 ▲0.30 (Range: 19.65 - 20.29)
23.4.20 10:46 
Italian Roast
23.4.20 01:49 
LaLa and I each took a shot at me and we got closer than I thought - I won't tell you whose is whose but you can probably figure it out (OR CAN YOU?) - the real me is probably riiiiiiight in the middle, jk I have no idea any more
22.4.20 19:35 
Nice to meet you, Alex/Marcus. I'm CRZ. Yes, I got jokes. See, Jake Atlas and Tony Atlas are really BROTHERS RT @marcus_faze: @CRZ Is this a joke?
22.4.20 19:25 
Whoa, that's Tony Atlas' son? He looks nothing like his dad! #NXT
22.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 19.91 ▲0.53 (Range: 19.41 - 20.02)
22.4.20 04:19 
Listened to Bad Stream - s/t on Spotify
22.4.20 03:27 
Listened to Gusgus - Remixes Are More Flexible, Part 2 on Spotify
21.4.20 17:24 
 Kale - Fresh Thyme Farmers Market (Minneapolis, MN)
21.4.20 17:21 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
21.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 19.38 ▼0.63 (Range: 19.06 - 19.97)
21.4.20 14:09 
Velvet Moon
21.4.20 14:09 
21.4.20 13:04 
I feel like I might not last very long on Twitch, but we'll see. I'll work on finding a camera to look at the turntables RT @DollarBinShow: It's Dollar Bin Tuesday and this week's largely 1986-1988 focused episode is available THREE ways:
@kfaiFMradio: /> @mixcloud: /> @Twitch (HUH?): /> Dunno about the Twitch - I still need a camera, I think
21.4.20 01:52 One hundred fifty-one million wasted clicks
20.4.20 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 20.01 ▼0.11 (Range: 19.79 - 20.30)
20.4.20 13:42 Fun day to be watching @CNBC
20.4.20 13:26 
Not exactly the text I was hoping for
20.4.20 11:42 Woo hoo they FINALLY found somebody for the Southeast assaults
20.4.20 08:12 A million years ago
20.4.20 00:05 Can of Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper
19.4.20 21:26 I never watched THAT, either! RT @benjamiller: @CRZ Very reminiscent of Sharknado.
19.4.20 21:01 How do I follow so many people who care about the Michael Jordan thing
19.4.20 20:09 Can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
19.4.20 03:09 @aadesigncreate It would be like trying to explain DM's obsession with remixes, wouldn't it?
18.4.20 22:13 
"So, doctor...what d'you suppose Facebook is trying to tell me?"
18.4.20 17:29 
Dark Energy's Depeche Mode night is tonight at 9 and it's gonna rule!! Because too much is never enough, I'm gonna play some of my own DM on Twitch (@seeourzed) starting around 19.40 and finishing up right at 9 - mostly downtempo and/or deep Mode, hopefully nothing they're gonna repeat later (but it wouldn't be the end of the world if our great minds thought alike). If you'd like to listen along (because there won't be much of any video - I'm not there yet) while you dress up, I'd love it if you might wanna check in!
18.4.20 04:22 
I always enjoy Facebook suggesting my friend's moms at 4 in the morning after a couple Sugar Free Rockstar and vodkas (I would NEVER, by the way - ask Andy, I've never once tried to Friend his mom and I've had countless opportunities ;-) )
17.4.20 22:59 
I'm so tired of this
(Prospect Park, Minneapolis)
17.4.20 20:40 @SonorantPlosive Hell Comes to Frogtown for sure
17.4.20 16:25 That'll be the extent of my public comments - anything more is unnecessary, and let's be honest, even this is unnecessary. I pursued irrelevance, attained it, no regrets. Ultimately, we're just two dudes on the Internet until we're just one dude on the Internet...and then none.
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