11.6.20 16:27 | 
 | US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
11.6.20 15:00 |  | NLOK closing quote: 19.98 ▼1.43 (Range: 19.97 - 21.18) |
10.6.20 19:22 | 
 | NASCAR's on |
10.6.20 17:49 |  | Whole Grain |
10.6.20 17:11 | 
 | Bandcamp Tiga 12" and Zwaremachine cassette! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
10.6.20 16:01 | 
 | RT : $26,003,751,512,344.91 (+) |
10.6.20 15:00 |  | NLOK closing quote: 21.41 ▲0.27 (Range: 20.63 - 21.48) |
10.6.20 09:17 | 
 | [+] [–] Listened to Spotify playlist "Discover Weekly" |
10.6.20 09:11 | 
 | Listened to The Soft Moon - Black Sabbath |
10.6.20 08:57 |  | Ian doesn't even USE Facebook! |
10.6.20 08:26 | 
 | [+] [–] Listened to Blancmange - Mindset on Spotify |
9.6.20 17:51 |  | Thanks! I'm always overshadowed by Prince. I don't mind (much). ♊ |
9.6.20 17:34 |  | I guess I'm not surprised but how weird that Twitter didn't slap a disclaimer on that Trump conspiracy theory tweet about the 75 year old Buffalo man |
9.6.20 17:04 | 
 | Thanks to everybody who dropped me a Facebook status, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, LINE, text OR actually tried calling me (but had to leave voicemail, unless you were my parents) to congratulate me on staying alive another year! I spent the entire 24 hours of the 7th in complete isolation... which totally sucked! But it did give me plenty of time to get back to all of you online. I have some photos of some presents but they're on the phone and I'm on the laptop. Normally I'd ask you to make a donation to the Michael J. Fox foundation and help get Parkinson's disease cured but so many better places to share your money have made themselves known over the past two weeks; I hope you've already been generously throwing what you can their way and will continue to do so. OH that reminds me - I think during my recent rash of ... let's call it "enhanced advocacy," I've only seen a grand total of ONE unFriending. I can't even say for sure that it coincides with me saying anything! I'd like to think this speaks as much to the fact that you aren't really surprised about what I've been saying, I'm somehow staying reasonably consistent as an entity over the course of the past ... let's say five years, and you still don't mind being my Friend as a result, even if we disagree. Either that, or Facebook has successfully algorithm'd me out of your life and you're not gonna read THIS either. Either way, quality friending and I'm very thankful to all of you.
I *will* make one tiny birthday request if you're still looking for one to fulfill - every week I play records for an hour for a KFAI web-exclusive show called Dollar Bin. I think you might find it interesting and would love if you'd give it a listen and tell me what you think!
Thank you once again, one and all - I can't wait to flirt all over you in person whenever it turns out we can be together again.
Please keep in mind that NEXT year I'm 50... so please reserve the date now. There'll be SOMETHING. There's GOTTA be.
I love you!
Black lives matter! |
9.6.20 15:49 | 
 | RT : Tomorrow night at , will run a special paint scheme promoting racial equality.
Learn more: https://twitter.com/RPMotorsports/status/1270456886228180992/video/1 |
9.6.20 15:41 |  | I was amused by your unintentionally Midwestern typo |
9.6.20 15:01 |  | Ope |
9.6.20 15:00 |  | NLOK closing quote: 21.14 ▼0.71 (Range: 20.61 - 21.32) |
9.6.20 14:43 | 
 | RT : Hey hey is a year older and so are all these songs
http://mixcloud.com/kfaiFMradio/the-dollar-bin-074 |
9.6.20 13:29 | 
 | Sea Salt Caramel |
9.6.20 11:00 |  |  | Life event: Ordained by the Universal Life Church - Rev. CRZ at your service (or, okay, "Reverend Zim") |
8.6.20 17:10 |  | One hundred fifty-two million wasted clicks |
8.6.20 15:00 |  | NLOK closing quote: 21.97 ▲0.92 (Range: 21.18 - 21.99) |
8.6.20 01:15 |  |  | Watched Casino |
8.6.20 01:13 |  | Hell, no - I'M living FOREVER |
8.6.20 00:11 |  | For my birthday, I spent 24 hours alone in my house. Any other year, I wouldn't recommend it. |
8.6.20 00:09 |  | Yep. My cold, unfeeling press release from April: RT : So...yeah. After seeing FLEA's note, I found and read Chris Gaudreau's update. In general, I prefer people alive, but if you get the chance to play "My Way" ...I just hope it's Sinatra or Sid and not Limp Bizkit. (unless you really wanted Limp Bizkit. You do you) |
7.6.20 23:34 |  | Thank you!! |
7.6.20 20:57 |  | RT : Lots of people who don't live here are in my DMs and mentions telling me my city is going to burn if the police are dismantled. We already did that, but thanks. |
7.6.20 19:43 |  | Thank you, The! |
7.6.20 19:42 |  | I believe it's been like that for days? |
7.6.20 19:09 | 
 | What's with the double ring bell every time they start or end a match? |
7.6.20 17:48 | 
 | Whoa, happy birthday to me! FOX 9 is reporting that nine council members support defunding and replacing the MPD. That's a veto-proof majority. (The mayor has gone back into hiding.)
https://www.fox9.com/news/majority-of-minneapolis-councilmembers-announce-support-for-ending-citys-relationship-with-mpd |
7.6.20 15:33 |  | Half liter bottle of Diet Dr Pepper |
7.6.20 13:59 |  | Thank you!!! |
7.6.20 13:43 |  | Ooh, it also hides my age one day a year :) Thanks, KrisMacca! RT : Happy Birthday, Benevolent One!!
Balloons appear when you click on a person's Twitter profile on their bday...so that's Twitter's gift to you? |
7.6.20 05:17 | 
 | RT : Zoobombs is ready.
Are you ready to get Mo’ Funky? https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=M4pjZYR6Jh4
https://pic.twitter.com/qQuuWmYTcc |
7.6.20 05:04 | 
 | If I read my timezones right, there's a ZOOBOMBS concert starting RIGHT NOW...if only I stay awake
EDIT: Moostop is playing with them for the first time in seven years!!
https://youtu.be/M4pjZYR6Jh4 |
7.6.20 00:30 |  | Exactly which decision maker thought ads would only be effective if they aired four times in a row? |
6.6.20 21:52 | 
 | VERY brief special delivery - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN) |
6.6.20 19:35 |  |  | Allison and I usually grab Uptown birthday freebies but this year there's no chance for Up/Down, moto-i and so forth. I still didn't want to break my string of being with friends during my official yearly rollover so we got together with Danielle and a bit of thunder for a socially distant exchange of gifts and catch-em-up from the past three months (not to mention the past two weeks!) Official scoring now says I have 49 laps complete at 03:35 CEST! #lap50 #hownifty #geminis |
6.6.20 18:21 |  | RT : Literally any still you grab from these videos are amazing. RT : Literally any still you grab from these videos are amazing. RT : Crowd chanting for to leave at Hennepin and University. https://t.co/W2OF1GxFyp https://pic.twitter.com/EPYIiQ27DL |
6.6.20 18:08 |  | http://twitter.com/CRZ/status/1269405879566307329 |
6.6.20 18:01 |  | http://twitter.com/CRZ/status/1269404034466799616 |
6.6.20 17:07 | 
 | Colombian Supremo |
6.6.20 15:22 | 
 | Gotta love Blancmange - they just keep crankin' 'em out
https://open.spotify.com/album/7fHvPD89KIxAGsn5yLyuwZ?si=i8cHNmO0STeaWp8mJA6P0A |
6.6.20 15:07 | 
 | [+] [–] Listened to Blancmange - Mindset on Spotify |
5.6.20 19:19 | 
 | So is this a rerun? |
5.6.20 17:10 |  | Chicken hunting - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN) |
5.6.20 17:00 | 
 | US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |