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7.2.21 19:18 BRB, gotta grab and scan my Pepsi #SBLV
7.2.21 19:04 
Dr. Squatch: Isn't this one of those annoying YouTube ads but I can't skip it on TV
Vroom: Okay
Jimmy John's: Aren't they still problematic?
T-Mobile: Celebrities!
7.2.21 18:58 Intuit: Better than average
DraftKings: Is Jessie famous for anything beyond this ad I've already seen?
Mercari: I hate Mercari
Tide: What a baffling music choice
Clarice: nope
7.2.21 18:52 I thought the NFL prohibited stuff like all the Bud Light product placement in the crowd we've been getting #SBLV
7.2.21 18:51 Toyota: Inspired to adopt a Paralympic athlete - actually no, not at all
eTrade: Fine, next
Hellmann's: You think she fucked that mayonnaise jar? Prob'ly
Paramount+: seriously, you couldn't bring some new ads? Romo keeps telling me THIS IS THE SUPER BOWL
Halftime show: in 6:05
7.2.21 18:46 I bought some Chobani oat milk the one time it was a Cub "EXTREME deal!!" and cheaper than the cow stuff - it was fine in my cereal and I went right back to buying whatever was cheaper, know...your move, oat milk price control lobby
7.2.21 18:40 Rocket Mortgage: Golly, Tracy Morgan is a DICK! So's Batista
Oatly!: Now THAT'S how you spend millions of dollars on a Super Bowl ad
Huggies: I remain childless
The Masters: Did they need this spot? I guess it beats another "Clarice" ad from CBS
7.2.21 18:31 Bud Light Seltzer: Asking us to relive 2020 is a bold choice
Scotts: Celebrities!
Skechers: Seen it
WeatherTech: Seen it, still sucks
The Equalizer: Okay
Ooh, my popcorn chicken is ready!
7.2.21 18:27 @TheKFV What can I tell ya? I LOVE Major Melon! But I'm kind of a sucker for all goofy ass Dew varietals
7.2.21 18:19 Mtn Dew Major Melon: It's too tasy to even need a Super Bowl ad - wait, a million John Cena bucks?
Dexcom G6: (Diabeetus intensifies)
Indeed: They never helped ME father a child
State Farm: Funny, but honestly if I never saw another State Farm ad again I'd be so happy
7.2.21 18:14 @Dave_Schwartz @budweiserusa But it was a Bud LIGHT commercial!
7.2.21 18:14 Pringles: Good version of their stupid ad
Bud Light: Will probably win the night
Chipotle: Kinda inoffensive, I'm surprised
Clarice: Won't watch it
7.2.21 18:05 I love how that General Motors ad reinforces the stereotype that Americans are really, really stupid #SBLV
7.2.21 18:04 Doritos 3D: Why wasn't MM driving a Lincoln?
GM EVs: Celebrities
Paramount+: Seen it
(all Super Bowl ads should be completely new to me, sorry, that's the rule, I didn't make it)
Halftime show: Coming after the second quarter
7.2.21 17:59 @ImDonBecker I knew this but I'm still sad. It's, like, anti-synergy
7.2.21 17:57 True football aficionados like myself can tell the difference between the Lombardi trophy and the letter I RT @eastcoast_joe: @CRZ You being a guy that pays attention to detail, I have to ask what do you think of the Super Bowl 55 logo that looks like 54 logo?
7.2.21 17:55 Marvel on Disney+: As usual, I'm skipping it
Inspirati4n: whaaa this has gotta be fake
Doordash: When did Sesame Workshop become whores?
Equalizer: I'll watch it, why not - Queen!
7.2.21 17:48 Old: no
M&M: Ehh
Logitech: DIVERSITY!
Paramount+: Seen it
7.2.21 17:44 My square is 8-8. Of course it is. #SBLV
7.2.21 17:43 @tapemachines You know what we want - the Gronk dance entrance GIF
7.2.21 17:22 Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope definitely not worth all that ad time
7.2.21 17:11 After all these teases, if I don't get a Vincent Lombardi hologram before kickoff, I'm gonna be really disappointed #SBLV
7.2.21 16:47 I've now seen Craig Robinson play Pac-Man a THOUSAND times
7.2.21 06:22 Just want to talk to (almost) anybody right now
7.2.21 05:13 
This was a good show. I bet I say that every week but how else will I convince you to check me out?

(Shared from Player | KFAI - Minneapolis + St. Paul)
7.2.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: -11.0º - 4.1º
6.2.21 23:11 
Yep, missed last week's - here you go (sadly, bad timing on the Cicely Tyson placement)
6.2.21 21:47 
Eight below - this is not a drill
6.2.21 20:30 
Hey remember television
6.2.21 20:30 Hey remember television @ Cub
6.2.21 20:29 
Are you happy now
6.2.21 20:16   Eh, what the hell, I'm already outside - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN)
6.2.21 19:52 
 Of course I do still my Amazon returns when it's 8 below! - Kohl's (Roseville, MN)
6.2.21 16:54 
LIVE IN FIVE! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
6.2.21 03:02 
What I can tell you at 3am is two things:
• Pepsi Zero Sugar Wild Cherry is not the stellar mixer for Kirkland "Canadian Whiskey" you'd think it might be
• I have somehow once again fallen ass backwards into an amazing sequence of another dynamite two hours of new new music and your requests for broadcast at 5PM and
• If you don't have better plans, it might be fun to spend them two hours between 5 and 7 on KFAI and/or optionally on Mixcloud and/or Discord sharing the experience of radio presented by ME, a man who (like it or not) (somehow) (after a lifetime of preparation (however unintentional)) has (again, somehow) become moderately successful at presenting radio (somebody alert the Star Tribune)
• But please, no more requests... unless they're for the 13th
6.2.21 02:06 
Welp, haven't had a cigar for a decade. Stupid Packers. Stupid Buccaneers.

(Shared from Christopher)
6.2.21 02:03
6.2.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 3.6º - 12.7º
5.2.21 17:07 
mpls ltd (Minneapolis, MN)
5.2.21 16:37 
    All right - my ULTRAFLEX album is finally here!! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
5.2.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 21.07 ▼0.37 (Range: 20.79 - 21.78)
5.2.21 14:17 RT @kingsthings: Chicken egg drop soup better than wonton soup? @HearMeOutapp #my2cents
5.2.21 14:17 RT @kingsthings: I like chicken egg drop soup much better than wonton.
5.2.21 13:57 
Listened to Tiga - Look To The Sky
5.2.21 11:34 Organic Rainforest
5.2.21 04:22 
Listened to The Weather Station - Subdivisions
5.2.21 04:18 
Listened to The Weather Station - Heart
5.2.21 04:13 
Listened to The Weather Station - Trust
5.2.21 04:10 
Listened to The Weather Station - Wear
5.2.21 04:06 
Listened to The Weather Station - Separated
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