this page generated 11.3.25 06:20 CDT
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25.4.21 20:36 Apparently Fox aired an episode of "Let's Be Real" back in October to a 0.5 rating, so now we gotta collectively not watch four more episodes starting Thursday
25.4.21 16:11 Can of Dr Pepper Cherry Zero Sugar
25.4.21 04:58 @tapemachines I'm afraid I have some bad news:
25.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 35.6º - 50.4º
24.4.21 19:20 From KFAI! (Walk: Distance: 2.11 miles, Elevation Gain: 23m, Moving Time: 00:34:47, Average Speed: 3.6 mph)
24.4.21 17:47 RT @ItsTheBrandi: We do NOT talk enough about how our local Nazi bar became a Black bar and yet didn't change ownership.
24.4.21 16:54 
Hey! Me and my beard are on the air for two hours with new music, your requests, and people who died this week :( hit me up at or 90.3!

(Shared from KFAI - Fresh Air Radio on Mixcloud Live)
Broadcast live to your community of fans and tune in direct to creators from every genre
24.4.21 16:48 
Live at five with new music and your requests! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
24.4.21 16:14 To KFAI! (Walk: Distance: 1.99 miles, Elevation Gain: 12m, Moving Time: 00:32:33, Average Speed: 3.73 mph)
24.4.21 16:09 Afternoon Walk (Walk: Distance: 0.12 miles, Elevation Gain: 0m, Moving Time: 00:02:43, Average Speed: 2.86 mph)
24.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 43.7º - 50.7º - 0.1" rain
23.4.21 21:20 
Just enjoy these final Fridays alone with my beard before I go completely insane
23.4.21 20:22 
Oh, okay, it's a "royal lance" - that's MUCH better #SmackDown
23.4.21 20:04 
Apollo was like "think I'm gonna start bringing a spear to the ring" and WWE was like "OMG YES YES YES" #SmackDown
23.4.21 18:35 Last can of Diet Dr Pepper Cherry
23.4.21 16:53 
Decaf Hazelnut
23.4.21 16:16 
Sea Salt Caramel
23.4.21 15:16 Just got my first Signal spam!!!!
23.4.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 22.25 ▲0.25 (Range: 21.94 - 22.30)
23.4.21 00:44 
Pokémon GO triangle and I only got lost once
Walk: Distance: 4.58 miles, Elevation Gain: 163ft, Moving Time: 01:21:36, Average Pace: 17:49/mi
23.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 34.3º - 64.9º
22.4.21 18:49 
22.4.21 16:53 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
22.4.21 16:11 @pyry Right before you summon the Iron Chefs
22.4.21 16:08 
The night of the verdict, the Midway Target closed early so I went to Roseville's Super Target, which closed at usual time (10) and was bustling right up until closing. The Roseville Walmart - the ROSEVILLE Walmart - usually open until 11, had closed early and was boarded up. RT @MarissaLingen: Now that we've gotten the verdict on the Chauvin trial, I wanted to make a side note:

WalMart boarded up all its Twin Cities metro stores this week. ALL. I live in Eagan, my mother lives in Apple Valley. Those stores were boarded up. >
22.4.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 22.00 ▼0.01 (Range: 21.90 - 22.23)
22.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 30.6º - 44.1º
21.4.21 16:36 
    A record of MYSTERY!! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
21.4.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 22.01 ▲0.19 (Range: 21.65 - 22.04)
21.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 31.6º - 42.4º
20.4.21 21:49 
 On the other hand, Walmart DID close early - seems a little far out to be boarded up but what do I know - Walmart Grocery Pickup and Delivery (Roseville, MN)
20.4.21 21:14 
 The burbs don't close early! - Target (Roseville, MN)
20.4.21 21:00 
Geez I forgot all about this haha RT @kfaiFA2: At 4:20pm today, @kfaiFA2 will hit play on all 1 hr and 3 min of Sleep's Dopesmoker. Tell a friend.
20.4.21 17:11 
@MinneapolisPD @MinnesotaOSN Trial's over. When will they be disbanded?
20.4.21 16:14 OK. Let's go ahead and disband "Operation Safety Net" immediately
20.4.21 15:35 Half liter bottle of Dr Pepper Zero Sugar
20.4.21 15:32 @JayJayDean Nah, I'm well buffered up in my ivory tower
20.4.21 15:16 No matter what happens, let's all agree to be back tomorrow
20.4.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 21.82 ▲0.02 (Range: 21.58 - 22.04)
20.4.21 14:16 
Listened to Jim Steinman - Bad for Good on Spotify
20.4.21 12:49 
I don't usually do these kinda things but I saw Britta's and it was fun so I figured eh what the heck, I'll do one for me. I may have overloaded on 80s movies and turned this into an age test but how quickly can YOU score a bingo against my board?
20.4.21 11:03 RT @KRSMradio: @KRSMradio will be interrupting our programming throughout the day to carry messages from community leaders in anticipation of the Derek Chauvin verdict. Tune in at 98.9 FM
20.4.21 10:47 
Breakfast Blend
20.4.21 10:16 
RT @kfaiFA2: At 4:20pm today, @kfaiFA2 will hit play on all 1 hr and 3 min of Sleep's Dopesmoker. Tell a friend.
20.4.21 09:34 
Temporary profile photo
20.4.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 31.3º - 39.6º
19.4.21 21:18 
19.4.21 21:08 
When they inevitably holla holla this, WHY didn't Braun just agree to be Drew's tag partner from the jump? #WWERaw
19.4.21 20:19 
It took WWE over a week to translate this interview #WWERaw
19.4.21 20:16 
Hashtag where's Rona Reginald #WWERAW
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