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(@334 .beats)

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21.12.21 18:43 Is Red Zone switching between the two games tonight, nah I'm kidding I need to see that Chevy ad another dozen times
21.12.21 18:42 How big a lead does the Football Team have to build before FOX can switch me to the Rams game
21.12.21 18:39 "We haven't really experienced any buffering"
21.12.21 18:39 @tapemachines Ahahahaha you just got Crooooooooz'd
21.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.59 ▼0.19 (Range: 25.41 - 25.94)
21.12.21 12:38 They've posted this twice and made the same mistake twice. Panda Garden Buffet is FAR superior to Panda Express! @MayorDanRoe, back me up on this one RT @RamseyCounty: I got my COVID-19 vaccine because "I want to go to Panda Express."

Schedule your appointment today at
21.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 11.7º - 28.2º
20.12.21 21:26 
Don't you wish it were THIS?
20.12.21 21:25 
OK, seriously, listen to this...
20.12.21 21:09 Every time that North Memorial Health ad starts up I look up hoping Taco John's "Nachos Navidad" ad has returned and every time I am disappointed #MNF #localads
20.12.21 21:06 Tested negative again - spit in the tube at MSP at 10am and they emailed me my result at 7:55pm. They get faster every time! Tomorrow I'm fully boosted and also may not leave the house for anywhere but the radio station until 2022. WE SHALL SEE
20.12.21 20:07 @PerkatPlay Wait until you see it another hundred times!
20.12.21 16:15 Oh right there's weird time football on right now
20.12.21 16:02 
RT @FirstAvenue: ‼️ RT TO WIN ‼️

If you don't have NYE plans yet - here's your sign! RT for your chance to win tickets for you +3 friends for the NYE party at
20.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.78 ▲0.06 (Range: 25.26 - 25.89)
20.12.21 12:20 
Listened to Django Django - Glowing in the Dark
20.12.21 12:13 
Listened to John Grant - Faint Positive Lateral Flow
20.12.21 10:38 
Jamaica Blend
20.12.21 09:59 
Better safe than sorry I guess - Covid Test Site (Minneapolis, MN)
20.12.21 09:58 
 Wow back once again - Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport (MSP) (Minneapolis, MN)
20.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 8.1º - 30.0º
19.12.21 22:45 @jakevass Still, a definite upgrade over Paul Allen
19.12.21 18:55 Damn, that dude's dead wife's car has been restored like a dozen times today
19.12.21 18:52 
@LegsWet History says Bucs, but you know me...I'm an optimist. Or maybe the wrong guy gets the rona at the wrong time
19.12.21 18:27 
19.12.21 11:01 @EBnet @withFND @TRASHYMUSE Nah.
19.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 10.4º - 22.6º
18.12.21 21:15 Putting the POP in pop-up!
18.12.21 21:14 
 Putting the POP in pop-up! - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN)
18.12.21 20:28 Cheddar Jack
18.12.21 16:25 
 Coming up: CHRISTMAS ON DEMAND! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
18.12.21 15:48 
On air and streaming live video at 5! MERRY WEEKEND

(Shared from KFAI Weekend on Demand)
Coming atcha with the CHRISTMAS ON DEMAND tonight! And here's a link to last year's if you can't wait
18.12.21 15:36 I was old THEN.
18.12.21 15:30 
On air in 90 with too damn many Christmas requests! @KFAIweekend @kfaiFMradio 90.3 / dot org
18.12.21 14:44 
Highlander Grog
18.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 11.7º - 19.2º
17.12.21 23:08 2 liter bottle of Dr Pepper Zero Sugar
17.12.21 20:40 
  One last Christmas treats mission!! - Zipps Liquors (Minneapolis, MN)
17.12.21 20:10 
   Took a detour for a fancier selection - Target (Saint Paul, MN)
17.12.21 19:43 
 Since I'm here, let's see if they have anything the other ones are out of - Cub Foods (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 19:28 
 So without a Hickory Farms kiosk this year, the pickings are slim at Plan B (Target) - Target (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 19:13 
 I meant THIS check in - Walmart Supercenter (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 19:13 
 Next time I let Mom go to voicemail Walmart Grocery Pickup and Delivery (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 18:16 
 Let's see what's 80% off today - JCPenney (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 17:56 
 Wow, a lot's changed - Rosedale Center (Roseville, MN)
17.12.21 17:29 
US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
17.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.72 ▲0.20 (Range: 25.00 - 25.94)
17.12.21 14:58 
Listened to L'éclair - Confusions on Spotify
17.12.21 00:21 Flavor Blasted Xtra Cheddar
17.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 15.3º - 45.5º - 0.11" rain
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