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27.1.22 00:13 
Wordle 222 4/6*

(Streak: 28)
27.1.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: -14.3º - 27.7º
26.1.22 20:05 
RT @Toast_Jr: @CRZ I heard the klangy poles got released that afternoon
26.1.22 19:35 
@HackmanRSPW Shouldn't you be watching the live show now?
26.1.22 19:34 
Oh YES not the klangy poles RT @HackmanRSPW: Nice street fight on #NXT

...but how did they pass up the chance to use that nice stack of
#ClangyPoles? ™️@CRZ
26.1.22 18:12   Might as well check here, too - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN)
26.1.22 17:53  Finally "warm" enough for a Target run - Target (Saint Paul, MN)
26.1.22 17:30 
  Nigerian funk from Germany and T-shirt from local low power radio station! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
26.1.22 15:25 
Listened to Run–D.M.C. - Penthouse Ad
26.1.22 15:25 @masonbutler
26.1.22 15:17 
100% Colombian
26.1.22 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.34 ▼0.16 (Range: 25.19 - 25.91)
26.1.22 08:11 Lewdle 08 5/6

26.1.22 05:39 RT @whataweekhuh:
26.1.22 05:25 One hundred sixty-three million wasted clicks
26.1.22 03:37 
Wordle 221 4/6*

(Streak: 27)
26.1.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: -9.6º - 4.3º
25.1.22 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.50 ▼0.63 (Range: 25.20 - 25.97)
25.1.22 10:50 
Jamaica Blend
25.1.22 09:01 
Listened to The Weather Station - Endless Time
25.1.22 06:47 Lewdle 07 3/6

25.1.22 03:47 
Wordle 220 4/6*

(Streak: 26)
25.1.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: -2.9º - 13.3º
24.1.22 19:18 
@tapemachines C'mon tape you've told us how much you love a CELEBRATION
24.1.22 17:30 
IT'S HERE - five pounds of Chewy Lemonhead Fruit Mix with empty five ounce box and my hand for scale. "Best by" date is Christmas 2022; I'm up to the challenge
24.1.22 17:14 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
24.1.22 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 26.13 ▲0.07 (Range: 25.34 - 26.19)
24.1.22 12:31 
Listened to The Lazy Eyes - Hippo
24.1.22 11:05 
Wordle 219 4/6*

(Streak: 25)

(Shared from
24.1.22 10:10 Kirkland cold brew can
24.1.22 08:53 @DublDownDrew I would hate to find out....either way!
24.1.22 08:49 Lewdle 06 3/6

(I will probably not play this one again but heh)
24.1.22 05:40 
Listened to Biting Tongues - Surrender
24.1.22 05:14 
Glad I didn't see the "Wordle 219 X" trend until now; interesting demographics down that rabbit hole
24.1.22 04:50 
Wordle 219 4/6*

(Streak: 25)
24.1.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: -5.6º - 7.7º
23.1.22 21:17 @Omaholic I'm glad Boomer agreed with us!
23.1.22 21:16 @masonbutler Nah, it didn't get much funkier. I liked the "yeah" guy at the end tho
23.1.22 21:10 @masonbutler Hang on I just got to the part where the guy asked them to make it funky
23.1.22 21:06 @masonbutler For this to have been spontaneous combustion....there would have had to have been some fire. There is no fire in this.
23.1.22 20:47 I'm just saying if they'd squibbed that kickoff to burn a few seconds
23.1.22 19:32 
All right, here's something salty. These absolutely do not need to exist, but whichever multinational conglomerate what currently owns The Frito-Lay Company is bound and determined to "innovate" in the chip arena. All these are - ALL these are - are "Doritos 3D" except with potato starch instead of corn. Instead of poofing up a potato chip, they roll em out really thin and then assemble them into these square-y things with an extra layer in the middle. I could BARELY taste the sour cream & onion (maybe the cheese ones will be better...they usually are). But buddy if you want Pringles, the cans of Pringles are RIGHT OVER THERE. If you want something in a potato poof, perfection was achieved with MUNCHOS. The only good thing about this product is it's so light that you can eat an entire bag and only consume half the calories of a "real" bag of chips, but that also means these are tremendously expensive by volume. They're no Cheez-It Crisps. Bottom line is I kn!
ew what I was getting into but I also knew that I'd probably be generating "content" out of it although I get paid exactly zero either way HEY PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEE
23.1.22 19:14 Can of Dr Pepper Cherry Zero Sugar
23.1.22 03:28 
LATE NIGHT CONFESSIONS: I may have just bought a bulk bag containing five pounds of Chewy Lemonheads because I was tired of not finding 5oz cinema boxes around town thanks to the supply chain or something. Now I gotta find 16 empty boxes to refill I guess
23.1.22 02:23 
Meanwhile this person's kink is seeing me eat Oreos on camera and is really bummed I haven't been on YouTube since 2020 and they just don't give a f that I know all this - I guess you have to admire it in a way
23.1.22 01:45 
 Live (nine hours ago)! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
23.1.22 00:28 
Wordle 218 3/6*

(Streak: 24)
23.1.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 6.6º - 24.4º
22.1.22 23:34 @AngelClaw316 Now we're BOTH better off!
22.1.22 22:09 Welp
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