this page generated 13.2.25 22:49 CST
(@242 .beats)

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9.11.22 13:43 Boy that "batman" guy has been pretty quiet, huh? #hyperlocaltweets
9.11.22 13:42 
Hmm, I wonder how they'll weasel out of legalising marijuana THIS time RT @FlipMNSenate: The Senate DFL Caucus is thrilled to announce that we have FLIPPED THE MN SENATE! Minnesota's voters made it abundantly clear that they want to end the gridlock and move Minnesota forward. We celebrate this victory and are ready to get to work! #flipMNsenate
9.11.22 13:29 FIFTY CLAMS?

You WISH I loved you that much! RT
@NeroUK: Last ever print of tees from Red Rocks are available NOW! Order here:
9.11.22 13:23 RT @whataweekhuh:
9.11.22 13:21 Ope @GovTimWalz
9.11.22 09:23 So happy that we're done with political ads for a while...only downside is today heralds the beginning of SHEN YUN SEASON
9.11.22 01:17 NARRATOR: In fact, Ilhan beat Cicely by FIFTY points.
9.11.22 00:02 
Okay yes I am a sucker for a sale price... how bad could it be?
9.11.22 00:00 
9.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 35.2º - 49.1º - 0.29" rain
8.11.22 23:16   A BADLY need restock trip - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN)
8.11.22 22:52 
Well I feel a li'l bit better after catching up on the local vote
(Prince's Star at First Ave)
8.11.22 21:50 
From Philadelphia, it is Palm (@palmmlap /
8.11.22 20:49 
From Brooklyn, it is Water From Your Eyes (@waterfromyoureyes /
8.11.22 20:06 
It is Products ( /
8.11.22 19:41 @d_feldman County attorney
8.11.22 19:11 
 Rainy shooow! (Palm, Water From Your Eyes, Products) - First Avenue & 7th St Entry (Minneapolis, MN)
8.11.22 16:30 @hack0tv Yikes! Do you ever worry that something might happen between the time you early voted and Election Day which would make you wish you'd voted differently?
8.11.22 15:47 Hey so didja vote yet
8.11.22 15:00 GEN closing quote: 21.62 ▼0.04 (Range: 20.56 - 22.03)
8.11.22 14:47 
US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
8.11.22 14:41 
Voter #749 at my precinct at 2:30!
(Pratt Elementary)
8.11.22 14:39 
  Voter #749 at my precinct! - Pratt Community Education Center (Minneapolis, MN)
8.11.22 02:32 
Well....I'm glad I stole it (★★)
8.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 26.8º - 36.5º
7.11.22 23:00 None of these people just bought $7,366 in Powerball tickets but keep up that engagement, ya greedy bastids
7.11.22 22:58 @unknownrelic Never change
7.11.22 21:12 
I think if Kevin Patrick thinks hard about it, he'll regret saying Miz called Gargano a "weasel blower" later #RAW
7.11.22 21:05 
@tapemachines Ya know, tho, as WWE "stories" go this one about Miz paying Dex, then stopping paying him and so on, has been given a good slow(er than most) build and ended up making more logical sense than most of these attempts usually make
7.11.22 21:00 @tapemachines Miz' dad, apparently
7.11.22 20:54 You know what? Here, see it yourself. Try not to bust a gut laughing! @Ilhan easily re-elected by 30 or 40 points tomorrow (re-uploaded the entire clip, thanks Twitter for truncating it on my first try)
7.11.22 20:45 You know what? Here, see it for yourself. Try not to bust a gut laughing! @Ilhan easily re-elected by 30 or 40 points tomorrow
7.11.22 20:43 Finally saw a Cicely Davis TV ad! It did NOT disappoint in its awfulness. "If you send me to Congress, I won't tell anybody you voted Republican!" Wow, you mean my BALLOT will be kept SECRET? Also, Ilhan Omar "singlehandedly" founded the "Defund the Police" movement - I WISH!
7.11.22 19:25 Can of Dr Pepper Zero Sugar
7.11.22 17:58 Here now: TONIGHT'S winning Powerball numbers!
7.11.22 17:55 
   If at first... - Go Get It Tobacco (Saint Paul, MN)
7.11.22 17:39 
  Geeeez, I'm just trying to buy the winning Powerball ticket here - SuperAmerica (Minneapolis, MN)
7.11.22 17:34 
 Dirrty cash I wantcha - Spire Credit Union (Minneapolis, MN)
7.11.22 17:23 
       Oooh! It's the new ULTRAFLEX album! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
7.11.22 16:55 
Him, too

(Shared from Aaron)
Song download available for patrons!
7.11.22 15:47 @d_feldman If it means they lost those elections? MAYBE.
7.11.22 15:46 It did.
7.11.22 15:30 So did that Twitter Blue deadline slip or what
7.11.22 15:20 
Intense French
7.11.22 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 21.66 ▼0.50 (Range: 20.56 - 22.19)
7.11.22 13:43 
Listened to Orbital - Dirty Rat
7.11.22 12:51 
Listened to Rozi Plain - Prove Your Good
7.11.22 11:47 
changed my cover photo
7.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 36.7º - 50.7º - 0.09" rain
6.11.22 18:09 PSA: Stop typing "CDT" as we are now travelling through time using CST and you know I have a sick compulsion to correct you.

(With any luck our government will get their shit together before spring so I can stop being that guy....but I doubt it'll happen that quickly)
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