this page generated 21.12.24 14:00 CST
(@875 .beats)

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18.11.22 20:30 
Well, another Friday night, another DEW! Live from my refrigerator, it's MTN DEW FRUIT QUAKE, inspired by the much maligned combination dessert/regift prevalent during the holiday season. This is definitely a fruitier flavour with prominent cinnamon - not in a "cola" way, thankfully, but not really giving me those Dew vibes either. It's about a zillion times better than last year's "gingerbread" inspired varietal but with all that high fructose corn syrup, it's not really good enough to inspire me to buy a 12 pack of cans while Voo Doo IV Zero and Spark Zero are still available. If they made a Zero Sugar version I'd think harder but they don't so I don't have to.
18.11.22 19:59 
"Hi, I'm Bray Wyatt - and THIS is the Olde Brooklyn Lantern." #SmackDown #GreatestHits
18.11.22 19:47 
So, see, her name's SCARLET but the picture is black and white until we see Kross and THEN it goes #Smackdown #GetIt
18.11.22 19:16 
OK, gonna livetoot #SmackDown over on HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right I wasn't even livetweeting it HERE
18.11.22 18:37 
Before I continue to forget, special bonus radio from ME tonight at midnight as I step in as guest presenter on True Brit! Tune in a little before midnight - heck, tune in at 8 and you can ALSO listen to The Ultrasonic Gin & Tonic followed by Crap From the Past and then have no desire to stick around and listen for ANOTHER two hours but I will try to make it worth your while right from the start when I monkey around with Simon's intro, THEN try to stump Ron! 90.3/kfai•org/we'll see if I get live video streaming on time!
18.11.22 18:19 RT @CraigWeekend: maybe the real weekend was the ladies and gentlemen we met along the way
18.11.22 17:42 RT @cbouzy: New: We have created a pre-beta registration form to gauge the demand for a Bot Sentinel-powered Twitter-like platform. If more than 100k people show interest in the project, we will consider moving forward with the next steps.

You can register here:
18.11.22 17:01 
Listened to Teleman - Easy Now I've Got You
18.11.22 15:00 GEN closing quote: 22.62 ▲0.30 (Range: 22.22 - 22.72) (0.125 dividend)
18.11.22 01:00 
RT @crz_ebooks: I hope he didn't pay full price for it #RAW
18.11.22 00:54 @jeansdegrees RT @The_W: Oh shit, are we still up
18.11.22 00:20 
Listened to Slam - Lie To Me (Radio Edit)
18.11.22 00:17 
Listened to Sheila E. - Too Sexy
18.11.22 00:12 
Listened to VTSS - Essential Mix 2021-08-21
18.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 21.4º - 28.4º
17.11.22 23:25 
Now this has gotta be a rerun, right?
17.11.22 23:00   DESPERATELY need grocerie run!! - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN)
17.11.22 21:10 
From Nijmegen, it is Legendary Pink Dots (@thelegendarypinkdots /
17.11.22 21:01 />
(They're all the same site)
17.11.22 20:06 
From Denver, it is Orbit Service (@orbitservice /
17.11.22 19:29 All right! Let's get Legendary! (First Avenue & 7th St Entry)
17.11.22 19:09 
 Shoow! - The Legendary Pink Dots - 7th Street Entry (Minneapolis, MN)
17.11.22 18:27 
I had to sneak in two more lucky McRibs!
17.11.22 18:26 
    Probably my last McRibs if the season - ooh it's my lucky day! - McDonald's (Minneapolis, MN)
17.11.22 15:00 GEN closing quote: 22.45 ▼0.16 (Range: 22.10 - 22.66)
17.11.22 12:56 
Listened to Patrick Cowley - Malebox on Spotify
17.11.22 11:42 
Well, they're not mailed JUST yet...but they ARE addressed! @kfaiweekend @kfaifmradio #thankyou #memberdrive #membership
17.11.22 10:02 Breakfast Blend
17.11.22 08:43 
Listened to Röyksopp - Stay Awhile
17.11.22 08:35 
Pumpkin Spice
17.11.22 08:07 
RT @GovTimWalz: Here in Minnesota, we stand with and value our trans neighbors.
17.11.22 07:10 Oh shit Legendary Pink Dots at the Entry tonight is a member+1 show
17.11.22 07:03 It's probably not treading new ground when I observe that when you usually just stay up until 5am....actually waking up at 5am is a real trip
17.11.22 05:07 
@SeanOrleans @tapemachines DAMNN
17.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 21.4º - 33.3º
16.11.22 20:24 Can of Dr Pepper Cherry Zero Sugar
16.11.22 18:18 
What's happening at the Little Free Library?!
(Prospect Park)
16.11.22 17:20 
   Oh no! My dollar frozen Coke is now $1.49! Stupid inflation! Fortunately my Impossible Wednesday Whopper is still $3...for now... - Burger King (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.22 17:01 
Not the best look
(Post Office)
16.11.22 16:52 
    It's COLD yo but I gotta get this renewal to DVS - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
16.11.22 16:44 
Well at least I'm not the only one dumb enough to walk around in this
16.11.22 15:00 GEN closing quote: 22.61 ▲0.37 (Range: 22.19 - 22.71)
16.11.22 13:37 
Listened to Bob Moses - Need You Tonight (Spotify Singles)
16.11.22 11:31 
Listened to Spotify playlist "Discover Weekly"
16.11.22 10:26 Breakfast Blend
16.11.22 09:13 RT @whataweekhuh:
16.11.22 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 30.4º - 33.3º
15.11.22 20:16 Half liter bottle of Dr Pepper Zero Sugar
15.11.22 19:44 @tapemachines Looking back (it's not like it's a lot of tweets to search) I think it was solely based on your love of rivals Houston Roughnecks
15.11.22 16:56 @ChrisLivesMas I don't cotton to your "smart" quotes, either!
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