this page generated 13.2.25 22:07 CST
(@213 .beats)

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26.10.23 23:16 
Listened to Nero - Truth
26.10.23 15:00 GEN closing quote: 16.66 ▲0.16 (Range: 16.48 - 16.77)
26.10.23 11:47 
Can of Diet Dr Pepper
26.10.23 08:54 
Donut Shop
26.10.23 06:29 
Donut Shop
26.10.23 06:18 
 Member Drive: Rainy Day 9! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
26.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 50.4º - 54.5º
25.10.23 15:40 
Listened to Floating Points - Birth4000
25.10.23 15:35 
Listened to Glüme - Goddess
25.10.23 15:31 
Listened to Glüme - Rosilyn
25.10.23 15:27 
Listened to Eaves Wilder - I Stole Your Jumper
25.10.23 15:00 GEN closing quote: 16.50 ▼0.57 (Range: 16.41 - 17.00)
25.10.23 13:08 
Listened to Incognito - Into You on Spotify
25.10.23 13:02 
Listened to Justice - Phantom Part 1.5 - Live Version
25.10.23 11:12 Can of Diet Dr Pepper
25.10.23 10:00 
Donut Shop
25.10.23 08:07 
25.10.23 07:56 
   Member Drive: Day 8! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
25.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 50.4º - 55.2º - 0.65" rain
24.10.23 16:59 
Listened to Nero - Between II Worlds
24.10.23 16:16 
Listened to Wu-Tang Clan - Claudine
24.10.23 15:00 GEN closing quote: 17.07 ▲0.19 (Range: 16.85 - 17.23)
24.10.23 14:59 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
24.10.23 09:15 
Donut Shop
24.10.23 08:31 
Listened to Wu-Tang Clan - Claudine
24.10.23 08:27 
Listened to Wu-Tang Clan - Claudine
24.10.23 06:43 
24.10.23 06:37 
   Member drive, day 7! Catch Dollar Bin at noon on ! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
24.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 48.2º - 62.6º - 0.05" rain
23.10.23 17:50 
Listened to KNOWER - Do Hot Girls Like Chords?
23.10.23 15:00 GEN closing quote: 16.88 ▼0.28 (Range: 16.72 - 17.15)
23.10.23 12:35 
Listened to Night Audit - High Score on Spotify
23.10.23 12:11 
    It's... a record I pre-ordered long enough ago to not remember what it is! (Probably something a friend did!) - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
23.10.23 10:05 
Donut Shop
23.10.23 07:17 
French Roast
23.10.23 06:58 
 Member drive, day 6! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
23.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 40.6º - 60.3º
22.10.23 16:18 Half liter bottle of Dr Pepper Zero Sugar
22.10.23 14:24 
Toasted Southern Pecan (no half and half!)
22.10.23 03:36 
Definitely not "The Venture Bros."

So much cussin'!

22.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 47.1º - 59.7º
21.10.23 21:23 From KFAI! 49°
Walk: Distance: 1.99 miles, Elevation Gain: 23m, Moving Time: 00:33:31, Average Speed: 3.54 mph
21.10.23 16:16 
 Member drive edition of WEEKEND ON DEMAND! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
21.10.23 15:43 To KFAI! 58° but cloudy, breezy and cool - member drive day 4 of 14
Walk: Distance: 2.05 miles, Elevation Gain: 12m, Moving Time: 00:30:20, Average Speed: 4.1 mph
21.10.23 03:12 
Listened to Caroline Rose - Money
21.10.23 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 42.8º - 68.2º
20.10.23 23:49 
Can of Diet Dr Pepper
20.10.23 23:49 
 On time to host True Brit! at midnight! - KFAI Fresh Air Radio (Minneapolis, MN)
20.10.23 21:21 
From Detroit, it is ADULT. (@adultperiod /
20.10.23 20:34 
From Los Angeles, it is KANGA (@KANGAkult /
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