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Tue 20:49 
I didn't win! gg Abby #CRZ460
Tue 20:08 
refreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefreshrefresh #CRZ460
Tue 19:57 
Here's the page I'll be madly refreshing in about ten minutes: The Secretary of State says there were 46,900 registered voters as of 7AM. I figure the first GOP candidate to 100 should take the nomination. That's almost not even me exaggerating! #CRZ460
Tue 19:00 
One hour left to vote! As long as you arrive by 8PM, you will be allowed to fill in a bubble! Here's my I Voted selfie from Ward 2, Precinct 5 when it was still 9 above outside so I wore shorts. I was voter #324 (and probably voter #1 on the GOP side). #CRZ460
Tue 18:47 
Only a couple hours left for my delusions of grandeur #CRZ460
Tue 10:12 
r/Minneapolis: Did you know there's an election today? #CRZ460
Tue 07:17 
POLLS ARE OPEN IN #SD60! That means so is the VOTE CRZ HOTLINE! (803) VOTE-CRZ (803) 868-3279 #CRZ460
Tue 04:22 
Ooh, I was on MPR News yesterday! Sort of. I heard eight whole words from my audio interview in their five minute report...but that's still more exposure than some of the DFL candidates received. We all got text interview snippets, tho! Read/listen: #CRZ460
Mon 22:33 
Just working on my editorial "Minneapolitan voters in Senate District 60 have the chance to do the funniest thing ever" #CRZ460
Mon 20:03 
Dropping some scheduled tweets over on the other place; let's see if anybody's not watching Minnesota sports (NB: I am also watching Minnesota sports) #CRZ460
Mon 07:40 
I broke my silence on the hellsite if you're still over there too, or you can read my "threadreaderapp unroll" version which looks very pretty, as do I: #CRZ460
12.1 04:15 
Google me! #CRZ460
11.1 16:00 
Definitely Peter, I snuck a peek into one of their cars #CRZ460
11.1 15:59 
As I parked on my way to KFAI, just witnessed (Peter?) and a sizable entourage head towards Riverside Plaza for some Somali outreach #CRZ460
11.1 01:38 
Guys, we're totally winning #CRZ460
10.1 10:24 
I wrote 1275 words on my "campaign stop" at the HNIA social & potluck, where I met EVERY other SD60 candidate except one. I wish YOU could have been there, too! #CRZ460
9.1 21:30 
By the way, Peter's suddenly gotta lotta LAWN SIGNS! in my hood, which is only slightly annoying because it's also MY hood #CRZ460
9.1 21:28 
I think every SD60 candidate (except Peter?) appeared @ the Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association potluck & social tonight. I talked to them all! They're all delightful people, some more than others. I GOT A PHOTO WITH ABBY! but it's embargoed until Wednesday. Longer FB post later #CRZ460
9.1 11:41 
IMPORTANT: Local whackadoo running for state senate, may not be Republican enough for "Minneapolis Crime Watch & Information" #CRZ460 #SD60
8.1 20:26 
8.1 15:53 
So the Somali Caucus needs a new candidate, you say? #CRZ460
8.1 11:47 
Jama trial is scheduled for Friday from 9AM to 4:30PM — the supreme court has assigned the trial to district court judge Edward T. Wahl. In-person conference tomorrow (Thursday) at 9am to attempt to lock down Friday timeline. lmk if you're curious/bored enough to attend and want deets
8.1 11:35 
Poking the CrimeWatch bear over on Facebook, let's see how fast I'm banned #CRZ460
8.1 10:33 
Updating you in the Mohamed Jama case: response from Jama, the Hennepin County auditor and Secretary of State and optionally the other candidates are due TONIGHT by 9PM. I have nothing to add as I think Sonia Neculescu's lawyer David Zoll pretty much laid it all out in his exhibits so no... (1/2)
7.1 19:21 
Dumping all the documents I'm getting served via email in the Jama SD60 case into a directory if you'd like to keep up on the latest filings. This was a pretty quick'n'dirty setup so let me know if the link doesn't work and/or if you'd just like me to forward you the PDFs
7.1 08:53 
You'll get ONE ballot for the #SD60 primary next Tuesday. You can only fill in ONE bubble. I'd love for you to select the one next to my name! #CRZ460 *no write-ins in the primary, we can talk about write-ins in the general later **we'll see if Mr. Jama's still on the REAL ballot... soon?
6.1 22:47 
I'm even getting snail mail! ...which I guess I'll open! #CRZ460
6.1 21:09 
Visited my opponent's website tonight - she's removed "Christian" from her bio 😭 #CRZ460
6.1 20:39 
Just got served my hard copy of the Jama lawsuit despite me cheerfully telling the lawyers that email was totally fine and really, I couldn't be less involved, but sometimes you gotta bill those hours and pay those servers and sure I didn't HAVE to answer the doorbell at 8:30 at night, but #CRZ460
6.1 17:20 
An attorney emailed to me so I reckon all the other candidates got an email, too. (You definitely didn't ask for my hot take but) While I don't think he would have had any effect on the final outcome of the DFL primary, Mohamed Jama should never have run for this office or any other, really #CRZ460 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
6.1 16:56 
Trying to remember to put the #CRZ460 hashtag on all my "campaign" skeets so you can mute it if you want. I luv Blooski
6.1 16:49 
ActiVote (who really want my business) served up this demographic for Senate District 60. If true, it's "funny" that there are almost twice as many independents as Republicans yet independents were given no way to be represented in the upcoming election. #crz460 (1/2)
6.1 15:45 
Looks like four candidates earned the badge. I don't see my opponent's name amongst them. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
5.1 11:33 
ATTENTION: New official campaign headshot just dropped (which is to say I found a recent photo where I'm wearing a tie AND there's a flag nearby)
4.1 20:26 
$0 and HOLDING STEADY RT YOUR SUPPORT IS INSPIRING! Because of your grassroots support, we made our goal of raising $30,000 in the first 30 hours of our campaign to protect the gains we’ve made. We would love to count you among our supporters and get to 200!
#MN #MNleg #SD60 #Minnesota
4.1 20:03 
Hi, can I take that here?

1. As the only swing vote in the Senate apparently, I will call for loads of pork to come to SD60 to attempt to influence me

2. I abhor online gambling but hell, you can do it everywhere else, if you want to do it in Minnesota let's go nuts Pass the frickin' bill already

RT @terriblyuncool.bsky social I love everyone's stories and endorsements on their new SD60 webpages.

I would really like to know how the plan to use transactional politics to drive disproportionate resources to SD60;


Their stance on the often discussed and tabled sports mobile gambling bills
3.1 16:17 
Got my first endorsement and I'm thrilled to announce that has declared me an RCV Democracy Champion!

Ranked Choice Voting would've definitely been a useful thing to have for this senate race!

Learn more about RCV and their work to bring it to every race at!
2.1 18:04 
To her team's credit, it no longer says she's running for 60B rep. RT Your opponent has, uh… quite a website
2.1 17:52 
Now seeking crucial "all of the Jonathan Kraemer" endorsements
2.1 17:51 
Well shoot, now we'll probably NEVER know which Jonathan Kraemer it was RT Clay Morgan and Jonathan Kraemer dropped, so the final tally is ten candidates for SD60 - 8 DFL, two Republican.
2.1 02:49 
Great googly moogly, what on earth does this guy need $10,000 for? RT How to have a GREAT New Year’s Eve: 1. file for office! 2. get endorsed by progressive champion Keith Ellison! 3. raise over $10,000 before midnight! Happy New Year!!! #mnleg #dfl
2.1 01:54 
I'm running for Minnesota state senate!
2.1 01:53 
My campaign page is LIVE!
31.12 17:57 
UPDATE: I filed, fuck it. Now accepting all media inquiries at and I'll set up a Facebook page explaining myself tomorrow, right after any possible hangover ends