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5.9.21 13:18 
Changed my cover photo
4.9.21 16:56 
Hooray, I walked to the station! Very sweaty programming coming up on Weekend on Demand on KFAI - 90.3 and KFAI dot ORG slash LIVE
3.9.21 22:12 Just popped in (for four hours)
2.9.21 15:39 
It's been three years and three days since my first shift behind the board live at KFAI guest hosting The Pop Shop. I've helped engineer La Voz del Pueblo on tape and Disability and Progress over Zoom, but tonight will be an entirely new challenge when I sit behind the board for a new program presented by the men from KFAI's Stickz and Stonez podcast. I will meet Jason & David in person for the first time about 20 minutes before we go on the air. The program will be broadcast during a timeslot for a beloved program - Encuentro - no longer airing only due to the unfortunate passing of its host, so there may be a shock for regular listeners of the time slot. I've looked over their playlist and it's a whole lotta smooth - you could try to dismiss it as a "quiet storm" but I don't think any other station in the metro is doing it like this - and I DON'T expect our hosts to be quiet between songs! If you've heard the podcast, you know it'll be a good time. If you HAV!
E the time, please check out Stone on Bone Radio tonight on KFAI on air and online from 8 to 10, snuggling firmly into place between Fresh Fruit and Roar of the Underground - and see if I can manage to stay out of the way.
1.9.21 17:48 
Meanwhile, on the other side
1.9.21 16:48 
On the road again
28.8.21 16:52 
COMING UP ON KFAI: Hey it's ME! Back to "normal" with just one two hour show at 5PM... as far as I know....

27.8.21 18:17 
Hmmmmm local politics is stupid exciting
26.8.21 12:55 UPDATE: A week ago, two deputy/detectives from the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office visited my porch to take my statement a third time and also swab my cheeks to confirm my DNA was all over the Smith and Wesson I'd recovered back in July. They confirmed that the presence of the gun near a body that was eventually found underneath the bridge was probably not a coincidence, those weird spots on the gun WERE actually blood, but most importantly assured me that if I had actually called MPD I would have been waiting around forever while they did all the other "higher priority at 0230 in the morning" stuff, which would have been practically everything so it was perfectly fine and in fact preferable to remove the piece AND unload it. I had an inward chuckle hearing the HCSO folk low-key slamming the MPD but they may have just been trying to stay on my good side. They also told me the name of the victim and asked if I knew them - sadly and fortunately, I did not. Dunno i!
f Andy ever called them or if they called him; might depend how much DNA that isn't mine they've found to gauge their interest in pursuing his. Not even sure how much DNA of MINE they'd find, it's not like I was spitting all over it (I think).
26.8.21 12:27 
I haven't missed a year since before I ever moved here, but I'm opting out of the State Fair this year. Feels weird to be missing an opening day but would have felt more weird* to be there.

*for me, obviously - your mileage may vary and if you decide to attend I hope you have fun and also try the version of the pickle dog that includes jalapeรฑo slices
24.8.21 16:06 All my Facebook ads these days are WE ARE CLOSING (OUR COLLECTION) and I can't believe this is a wildly successful tactic to sell knockoff T-shirts yet here's my feed full of them. (I haven't bought any knockoff T-shirts yet but I HAVE taken to leaving "OH NO YOU'RE CLOSING FOREVER" comments in the hopes that trolling them might get me some different ads - although if all engagement is engagement, I'm sabotaging myself at this rate - hmm, maybe I should go for a walk or something)
22.8.21 18:12 
Well these were really more "salt & vinegar Doritos" (complete with requisite tongue burning) with the merest hint of dill. I gotta say, it never occurred to me to have salt & vinegar corn-based chip snacks, but now I'm on board. They were aight, if not very pickully.
22.8.21 04:17 
F me what a fun night. Thanks to Mason for bringing my smile AND being astute enough to notice that's exactly what happened. I wouldn't want to do this EVERY week but it was such a gas to do it THIS week.

(Shared from 08/21/2021 Weekend on Demand | KFAI - Minneapolis + St. Paul)
21.8.21 23:33 I'll miss these guys later. I don't know why they miss me now, I'm right over here!
21.8.21 10:54 
JUST IN: Somehow I will do SIX hours tonight at KFAI! Join me at 5 for Weekend on Demand as usual, THEN stick around as I abruptly switch gears to guest host Temposphere at 7 AND THEN lurch into overdrive for my first guest stint hosting Soul Tools Radio at 9! What will my two hour hip hop set sound like? We'll all find out!
16.8.21 15:15 Happy Birthday brother man. Sorry I didn't buy you anything or send any of the crap you still have here but there'll be time :)
15.8.21 04:43 
Ah, nice, this came in around 5PM Saturday - so, around a 24 hour turnaround for the airport test
15.8.21 02:52 
Today was largely spent in the orbit of Flavortown and I gotta tell ya, it is NOT easy trying to stash this much hair outta sight. Thank God I can shave again. Happy Birthday week, Kelsey - you are easily the only person I would ever do this for, probably
15.8.21 00:22 Everybody already left except Kelsey
14.8.21 19:12 
Two hours of STUFF on Temposphere RIGHT NOW! 90.3 or KFAI dot org slash live!
14.8.21 02:48 
BREAKING (several hours ago) NEWS: I am actually doing FOUR hours of radio later as they couldn't find anyone else to be the emergency host of Temposphere, so please tune in not only between 5 and 7 but also between 7 and 9 when I will subject you to two hours of BIG BIG BEATS which is kinda sorta like Temposphere but really more like whatever I felt like playing that didn't fit into Weekend on Demand

90.3 local-lee
12.8.21 17:08 There are already FOUR cat people here!!!! ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿˆ
12.8.21 11:39 Quick reminder to you but mostly to myself that there's a vinyl happy hour after work at Dark Horse in Lowertown! If somehow I haven't already spammed you with an invitation here's that event link ONE MORE TIME
11.8.21 15:36 
It's happening, people.

(Shared from KFAI Weekend on Demand)
11.8.21 11:48 Throwback entertainment - I can't speak for you, but I couldn't take my eyes off me (video)
9.8.21 17:29 I don't know who this guy is, but let's get him some new wheels. Even if you don't wanna donate, watch the documentary - it might change your mind. Or it might not. I gotta be honest; I haven't watched it yet. But I fully intend to! Aaron will yell at me next time he sees me if I don't. HE'S SO MEAN
7.8.21 21:56 (My Videodrome outfit is the same as all my other outfits)
7.8.21 16:06 
Tune into Fresh Air Radio NOW for the second hour of Caribbean Jam Caribbean Jam and a special set dedicated to the celebration of Jamaican Indepdence Day! I'll try to follow that in an hour with two hours of rock of 2021 and a smattering of your requests. 90.3 / KFAI dot org!
6.8.21 22:44 Walking here might have been a bad idea... we'll watch the radar
6.8.21 17:26 
DOIN' THE DEW: Speedway had no functioning "Speedy Freeze" dispensers but they DID have a new "vroom vroom" raspberry lemonade Mtn Dew SPARK. Yep, it's tasty and tart and hits the ol' sugar spot but that just might be the heatstroke I'm trying to ward off talking. Bury me with the unopened bottle, please
4.8.21 22:55 Okay well better late than never, probably
2.8.21 16:21 I got a gig! A week from Thursday I'll be at Dark Horse with probably lots of stuff I bought during the pandemic along with my all-time faves for their earlyish Happy Hour somewhere between just before 5 to around 8PM CDT. Thanks to Jason & Jeff for booking me. I'll personally spam you with an invite later probably but feel free to mark yourself "Interested" (and then not attend) right now for HIGH VISIBILITY. Event link is the first comment!
1.8.21 00:02 Is it hot in here or is it the pants? (Wow this is NOT walking weather)
31.7.21 16:18 
Coming up at the top of the hour, a Friendsourced Fifth Saturday with ALMOST two hours of YOUR REQUESTS! And I sneak in one or two choices of my own as well. KFAI 90.3 or kfai dot org or kfai dot org slash live!!!!!!
31.7.21 01:17 
Look, I can't talk about the beard right now... you're just gonna have to trust me
30.7.21 22:48 The only and maybe last reason to leave the house ;-)
29.7.21 09:36 Sad to report that 0930 wasn't early enough to avoid yet another green plastic bag of dog poop appearing at the bottom of my otherwise empty garbage bin. Somehow this one appears slightly bigger than last week's - now I feel like it's happening intentionally! Could there be fairies at work?
25.7.21 13:14 
Zuck finally came at me but I got away with it for almost two years
25.7.21 03:28 
So! Andy and I found a genuine Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum on the Franklin bridge. This sumbitch is heavy! We're not sure if it's still loaded or if all the bullets have been fired. How was YOUR night?
25.7.21 02:03 
Yo : You feel like they're not gonna take photos of us?
Me: I do feel kinda like they're photographing AROUND us...
Andy: I might be in the background of some of them!
Me: Welp...guess we better take photos of each other
(Part Wolf MPLS)
24.7.21 22:58 F it LET'S DANCE
24.7.21 21:08 
A day after he was erased from First Ave's wall of stars, HMS/ST curiously came to the decision that today would be the right time to come back to Instagram and Twitter. He quickly racked up a couple dozen reply tweets, a few hundred Likes on Twitter, and a quad digit number of Likes on Instagram. There was no acknowledgment of WHY he engaged in those "many months of quiet reflection," nor why his star had been painted over. No mention of his deleted "apology" or responses to his victims, or Modist, or Harold's on Main, or other entities I'm not remembering. It's really the latest effort in his team's continuingly baffling effort at a PR campaign and I'm still not buying. It appears that he's content to throw out a tweet or a gram and let the legions of folks still following him - or perhaps completely ignorant of what went down back at the beginning of the year - do the hard work of lifting him up with supportive comments and decrying "cancel culture."

Just my two cents, of course - it's still a Facebook wall after all - but I find no reason to suddenly stop believing survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuses. With every bit of the very tiny amount of social capital I can muster, I still stand with and believe the survivors and encourage you to continue to deplatform predators.

A few other folks who spoke up today found themselves quickly blocked for speaking up, and quickly spoke up to let the world know it had happened - another curious PR move. I'm sure I'm a step or two away from joining them. I only found out about today's activity when I saw a friend's feed open up with his face right at the top. Still can't hide from the "wrong" people.

To the extent that there's any hype left...don't believe the hype. I also encourage you to continue to dismiss any attempts to generate any new hype - no matter how many pictures of adorable animals might accompany it.
24.7.21 17:12 
Hey wow I'm on the radio again - 90.3 or KFAI dot org slash LIVE
24.7.21 04:27 
23.7.21 22:39 First First Avenue back - weeeeeeeird โค๏ธ
22.7.21 17:53 Hey DJs - I ALSO can't believe I'm in Lowertown
22.7.21 12:29 The early dog walkers have struck once again, leaving yet another fresh bag of poo in my garbage "can" during the brief window between it being emptied and me managing to go out and take it off the curb and move it back behind my house. There's like 7 garbage cans on this side of the street - why am I always the lucky one? I feel like if you are gonna throw a bag of your dog's crap in my garbage can, you should also leave directions to your home along with a coupon for a free 30 minute uninterrupted block of time for me to pet your dog.
20.7.21 22:42 I just heard that on 9/11 we'll be celebrating a very special 20th Anniversary!

It's everything I can do to not tack a "Never Forget" comment onto Jake's Transmission event announcement.

(DISCLAIMER: Of course I'm going! That's why this is a "Friends only" post - YOU [and Jake! Hi, Jake <3 ] ALREADY know what an asshole I am but we don't need the whole WORLD to know.....this time, anyway)
17.7.21 23:11 Fun fact: My previous in-person attendance at a show was Leap Day which the Internet tells me was 504 days ago
17.7.21 16:01 
We're an hour away from my crack at the KFAI Summer Member Drive! Pledge six bucks for a sticker, pledge $26 for an out of date bearded photo I will scribble something personal on and mail to you! KFAI DOT ORG is your hookup and even if you're totally broke, you can still listen to the show on me! Weekend on Demand, every Saturday from 5-7PM online and on some rad radios at 90.3 FM!
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