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Wed 16:53 |
| | Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Dollar Bin order from Discogs! (Don't worry I took the car today) - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
Mon 17:27 |
| | Three things!!! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
Mon 17:27 |
| Three things!!! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
Sun 21:35 |
| | DJs and goulash! - Dusty's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
Fri 22:24 |
| | House music all night long (well, until 2ish) - Jocko and Adam S. - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
Thu 20:06 |
| Pati-OH - Leaning Tower of Pizza (Minneapolis, MN) |
Thu 17:39 |
| | Finally catching the Haring exhibit in its last week! - Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, MN) |
5.9 01:35 |
| Gawrsh what a latergram! - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
4.9 22:23 |
| Sorry, I'm late! - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
3.9 17:03 |
| | Dropping off, picking up - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
31.8 22:01 |
| Kinetic! - Red Sea Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
31.8 20:38 |
| I require half off pizza!! - Papa John's Pizza (Minneapolis, MN) |
30.8 22:22 |
| Hey DJ - Dusty's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
30.8 17:09 |
| | Big heavy Dollar Bin Discogs order!! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
27.8 17:12 |
| | Target acquired (at "half price!") - SuperAmerica (Minneapolis, MN) |
27.8 16:58 |
| | Power's still out, let's pick up a record why not - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
23.8 17:32 |
| | M83 LP from Discogs! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
22.8 13:39 |
| On the BUS! - Gopher Parking Lot (Minneapolis, MN) |
22.8 13:32 |
| Dirrty cash I wan'cha - Spire Credit Union (Minneapolis, MN) |
22.8 01:41 |
| The usual - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
21.8 20:59 |
| Transmission! - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
20.8 17:22 |
| | Picking up an eBay order! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
19.8 22:38 |
| Followed the crowd, freshly caffeinated, porch sitting and looking for that big ol' moon - Grumpy's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
19.8 21:58 |
| | Need a Rockstar but wow these prices - Speedway (Minneapolis, MN) |
19.8 18:58 |
| Trivia with Trish('s substitute)! - Dusty's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
17.8 22:10 |
| | The Assortment! - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
16.8 22:43 |
| | Hey DJ (it's the regular guy and not me!) - Dusty's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
15.8 23:25 |
| | Hey DJ (am I really gonna be at Mort's for nights in a row? STAY TUNED) - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
15.8 00:45 |
| The usual - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
14.8 20:25 |
| Transmission! - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
14.8 20:12 |
| | Oh right I got a free magnet photo to pick up - CVS pharmacy (Minneapolis, MN) |
13.8 19:19 |
| | Half price pizza for election result watching! - Papa John's Pizza (Minneapolis, MN) |
13.8 16:57 |
| | Voter #477 in our precinct for the Minnesota state primary! - Pratt Community Education Center (Minneapolis, MN) |
13.8 16:45 |
| US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
12.8 17:10 |
| | Wahoo, one from eBay, one from Discogs 🇯🇵 and a swirly People Rain from Electric Fetus! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
11.8 22:10 |
| | DJs and GOULASH - Dusty's Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
10.8 23:07 |
| Pinball AND Michael Grey playing "house music!" - LITT Pinball Bar (Minneapolis, MN) |
9.8 22:48 |
| | More friends, more cocktails! - Hola Arepa (Minneapolis, MN) |
9.8 21:47 |
| | Dessert! - Sebastian Joe's Ice Cream Commissary (Minneapolis, MN) |
9.8 20:43 |
| | Here's to alive friends! - The Sidecar (Minneapolis, MN) |
9.8 18:39 |
| And now, a slightly more unofficial celebration of Alisha's life... - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
9.8 15:25 |
| | Finally got it! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
8.8 17:37 |
| | I have a package waiting but they waited until after 5.30 to tell me they're closed US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
8.8 01:07 |
| Here once again for the late show - Mortimer's Bar and Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) |
7.8 20:50 |
| Transmission! - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
7.8 18:54 |
| Luxton Park (Minneapolis, MN) |
3.8 22:21 |
| Electric Feeeeeeeeel - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
1.8 17:36 |
| | It's in the mail - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |
31.7 20:17 |
| | Happy 50th Birthday Transmission, Jake! - James Ballentine Uptown VFW Post #246 (Minneapolis, MN) |
30.7 17:44 |
| US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN) |