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Sun 15:11 
 Who schedules a Pokémon GO Community Day on Super Bowl Sunday? Well, maybe it'll be less crowded... - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
25.1 12:59 
 Pokémon GO break! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
5.1 17:14 
Dang, gotta go update my LinkedIn bio AGAIN #levelup
6.12 19:22 
 Sneaking in a few Pokémon GO raids, hopefully - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
22.9 15:03 
 Catching some pokémon - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
14.9 14:13 
 On the hunt for SHINY PONYTA - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
10.7 18:00 
 Back for more Pokémon GO raids! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
9.7 18:46 
 Gonna find a Shellder before 8 if it kills me - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
9.6 14:23 
 Let's catch GOOMY! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
25.2 15:34 
 An abbreviated Pokémon GO Fest: Day 2! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
24.2 10:56 
 Happy Pokémon GO Fest Day 1!! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
14.1.24 14:21 
 Decided to go raiding - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
9.12.23 14:12 
 Back to life...back to Pokémon GO - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
27.8.23 10:49 
POKÉFEST: DAY TWOOOOO - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
26.8.23 11:47 
 POKÉFEST - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
21.8.23 17:08 
 On a Pokémon GO mission! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
13.8.23 13:59 
 Froakie on the menu! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
9.7.23 14:04 
 Shiny Squirtle Squad Assemble! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
7.7.23 16:55 
 HAPPY 7TH POKÉMON GO ANNIVERSARY - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
2.7.23 14:22 
 My second job is playing Pokémon GO - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
22.5.23 13:10 
RT @PokemonGoApp: To help you take on Shadow Mewtwo, we’re giving away codes for Purified Gems if we reach 150k RT! To participate:

Follow us on Twitter
RT this post with
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If we reach our target, we’ll send participants a code for Shadow Raid–themed items!
21.5.23 14:15 
 Let's catch some Fennekin! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
16.5.23 18:31 
18.3.23 14:23 
 SLOWBRO Day!! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
27.2.23 09:21 
RT @PokemonSleep: sorry for the wait I was just really tired
25.2.23 10:19 
 Big big big Pokémon GO weekend event! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
14.2.23 17:55 
 Looking for rare Flabébé until the event ends at 8! (I ALSO can't believe I'm single) - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
7.1.23 15:24 
  Already caught one shiny Chespin! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
27.11.22 11:01 
 Ready to catch some ULTRA BEASTS!! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
2.11.22 12:22 
Boy this game used to look different. Also wow I've been playing this dumb thing for six years
18.9.22 14:14 
 Pokémon GO Community Day! - Mall of America (Bloomington, MN)
2.8.22 23:43 
It wasn't worth it
21.6.22 17:05 
 Nominating as a Pokéstop whole I'm here - Prince mural (Minneapolis, MN)
18.4.22 12:00 
RT @PokemonGoApp: Trainers, we’re celebrating the Season of Alola and Stufful Community Day by awarding one lucky winner with a trip for two to Hawaii!

To enter, retweet this tweet and follow our Twitter account!
12.2.22 23:16 
@trailerdiva69 Are you able to do a screen recording of you attempting to collect the reward? I know you've already tried all the other stuff because we suggested exactly the same things, heh RT @NianticHelp: @CRZ Hello Christopher! Please ask your friend to claim the previous unclaimed rewards if there are any. Also, reinstall the app and try claiming the rewards again. If your friend experience any issues, let us know with a screen-recording. We'll look into it. ^ST
12.2.22 15:04 
Hey @NianticHelp you seen this one? Help out my friend Trailerdiva ! RT @trailerdiva69: Anyone else encountering this issue on Pokemon go today? I've uninstalled/reinstalled, shutdown/restarted. Nothing seems to help. #PokemonGOCommunityDay
25.8.21 16:47 
They (eventually) did the right thing!! RT @PokemonGoApp: Trainers - we’re looking forward to sharing our plans as a result of the task force on September 1, but one thing does not have to wait! From now on, 80 meters will be the base interaction radius for PokéStops and Gyms globally. (1/2)
19.7.21 15:09 
RT @Pokemon: “In every loading screen I’ve done, I want the image to get the player excited to enter this amazing world.”

Celebrate five years of
#PokemonGO with four of the artists behind your favorite loading screens!

Read the interviews here:
28.6.21 12:30 
Bidoof RT @PokemonGoApp: Even MORE Bidoof-related updates are coming your way, Trainers! Get ready for an event that celebrates the lovable Bidoof!
24.6.21 12:58 
Bidoof RT @PokemonGoApp: Bidoof
23.6.21 12:45 
Bidoof RT @PokemonGoApp: Bidoof
21.6.21 16:35 
Bidoof RT @PokemonGoApp: Bidoof
30.4.21 01:05 
Triangle incense
Walk: Distance: 4.58 miles, Elevation Gain: 155ft, Moving Time: 01:17:56, Average Pace: 17:01/mi
29.4.21 00:17 
Triangle Pokéwalk
Walk: Distance: 4.34 miles, Elevation Gain: 156ft, Moving Time: 01:14:53, Average Pace: 17:15/mi
23.4.21 00:44 
Pokémon GO triangle and I only got lost once
Walk: Distance: 4.58 miles, Elevation Gain: 163ft, Moving Time: 01:21:36, Average Pace: 17:49/mi
22.4.21 18:49 
30.7.20 21:44 
@grumpymartian TWO IN ONE DAY WHAT
30.7.20 20:06 
@grumpymartian I guess I have a "Summer of Galaxy" hat too? Heh
30.7.20 19:49 
@grumpymartian Can't remember if it was a T-Mobile or Samsung freebie
30.7.20 17:38 
@grumpymartian I haven't gotten a shiny shadow or Ekans yet! But guess what first I caught on the way to the post office today?
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