Analyzer - Excite Audio Vision 4x

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Au5 was just talking shit but Ive been using it lately. :hihi:

The manual is not great..

The spectrum on it has a customizable heatmap. I get its showing the power in the spectrum, but Im confused what it means when a band shows red without being over.

One of the tutorials on youtube says that its seeing 'resonance' when it goes red...
Its seeing more red on smaller time windows, but the red freqs it sees are not clipping in the audio, or over the guide limits showing in 4x.
Im not sure if its saying 'this bit is too powerful', or 'this bit is the most powerful'.
Maybe its just the red I dont like.

Well, I played around all day with Soothe2, Gullfoss, smartcomp2... Couldnt really find any 'fix' that wasnt just ie removing the freqs...
Then I realized Vision 4x setting for Spectrum Highlight>Gate will completely control the heatmap feedback. So, Im lost. I guess it does just show whats hottest, not whats too hot. Thats cool. The gate setting changes with some presets, so Im sure theres just a lot here I dont get yet.

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